Dieses Repository beinhaltet HTML- und Javascript Code zur einer NotizenWebApp auf Basis von Web Storage. Zudem sind Mocha/Chai Tests im Browser enthalten. https://meinenotizen.netlify.app/
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Contributing Guidelines

When implementing a new feature or a bugfix, consider these points:

  • Is this thing useful to other people, or is it just catering for an obscure corner case resulting from e.g. weirdness in personal dev environment?
  • Should the thing be live-server’s responsibility at all, or is it better served by other tools?
  • Am I introducing unnecessary dependencies when the same thing could easily be done using normal JavaScript / node.js features?
  • Does the naming (e.g. command line parameters) make sense and uses same style as other similar ones?
  • Does my code adhere to the project’s coding style (observable from surrounding code)?
  • Can backwards compatibility be preserved?

A few guiding principles: keep the app simple and small, focusing on what it’s meant to provide: live reloading development web server. Avoid extra dependencies and the need to do configuration when possible and it makes sense. Minimize bloat.

If you are adding a feature, think about if it could be an extenral middleware instead, possible bundled with live-server in its middleware folder.

New features should come with test cases!

Run npm test to check that you are not introducing new bugs or style issues!