Dieses Repository beinhaltet HTML- und Javascript Code zur einer NotizenWebApp auf Basis von Web Storage. Zudem sind Mocha/Chai Tests im Browser enthalten. https://meinenotizen.netlify.app/
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Christian Martin 63ba42299d Mocha Tutorial abgeschlossen 4 years ago
index.js Mocha Tutorial abgeschlossen 4 years ago
license Mocha Tutorial abgeschlossen 4 years ago
package.json Mocha Tutorial abgeschlossen 4 years ago
readme.md Mocha Tutorial abgeschlossen 4 years ago


path-exists Build Status

Check if a path exists

Because fs.exists() is being deprecated, but there’s still a genuine use-case of being able to check if a path exists for other purposes than doing IO with it.

Never use this before handling a file though:

In particular, checking if a file exists before opening it is an anti-pattern that leaves you vulnerable to race conditions: another process may remove the file between the calls to fs.exists() and fs.open(). Just open the file and handle the error when it’s not there.


$ npm install --save path-exists


// foo.js
const pathExists = require('path-exists');

pathExists('foo.js').then(exists => {
	//=> true



Returns a promise for a boolean of whether the path exists.


Returns a boolean of whether the path exists.


MIT © Sindre Sorhus