Dieses Repository beinhaltet HTML- und Javascript Code zur einer NotizenWebApp auf Basis von Web Storage. Zudem sind Mocha/Chai Tests im Browser enthalten. https://meinenotizen.netlify.app/
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Christian Martin b3502d3b7d mocha getestet 4 years ago
AbstractEqualityComparison.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
AbstractRelationalComparison.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
AdvanceStringIndex.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
ArrayCreate.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
ArraySetLength.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
ArraySpeciesCreate.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
Call.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
CanonicalNumericIndexString.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
CompletePropertyDescriptor.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
CopyDataProperties.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
CreateDataProperty.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
CreateDataPropertyOrThrow.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
CreateHTML.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
CreateIterResultObject.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
CreateListFromArrayLike.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
CreateMethodProperty.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
DateFromTime.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
DateString.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
Day.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
DayFromYear.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
DayWithinYear.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
DaysInYear.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
DefinePropertyOrThrow.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
DeletePropertyOrThrow.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
EnumerableOwnPropertyNames.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
FromPropertyDescriptor.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
Get.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
GetIterator.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
GetMethod.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
GetOwnPropertyKeys.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
GetPrototypeFromConstructor.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
GetSubstitution.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
GetV.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
HasOwnProperty.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
HasProperty.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
HourFromTime.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
InLeapYear.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
InstanceofOperator.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
Invoke.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
IsAccessorDescriptor.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
IsArray.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
IsCallable.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
IsConcatSpreadable.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
IsConstructor.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
IsDataDescriptor.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
IsExtensible.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
IsGenericDescriptor.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
IsInteger.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
IsPromise.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
IsPropertyKey.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
IsRegExp.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
IsStringPrefix.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
IterableToList.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
IteratorClose.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
IteratorComplete.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
IteratorNext.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
IteratorStep.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
IteratorValue.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
MakeDate.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
MakeDay.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
MakeTime.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
MinFromTime.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
MonthFromTime.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
NumberToString.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
ObjectCreate.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
OrdinaryGetOwnProperty.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
OrdinaryGetPrototypeOf.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
OrdinaryHasInstance.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
OrdinaryHasProperty.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
OrdinarySetPrototypeOf.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
PromiseResolve.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
RegExpExec.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
RequireObjectCoercible.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
SameValue.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
SameValueNonNumber.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
SameValueZero.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
SecFromTime.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
Set.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
SetFunctionName.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
SetIntegrityLevel.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
SpeciesConstructor.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
StrictEqualityComparison.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
SymbolDescriptiveString.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
TestIntegrityLevel.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
TimeClip.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
TimeFromYear.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
TimeString.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
TimeWithinDay.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
ToBoolean.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
ToDateString.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
ToIndex.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
ToInt8.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
ToInt16.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
ToInt32.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
ToInteger.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
ToLength.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
ToNumber.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
ToObject.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
ToPrimitive.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
ToPropertyDescriptor.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
ToPropertyKey.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
ToString.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
ToUint8.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
ToUint8Clamp.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
ToUint16.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
ToUint32.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
Type.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
WeekDay.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
YearFromTime.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
modulo.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
msFromTime.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
thisBooleanValue.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
thisNumberValue.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
thisStringValue.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
thisSymbolValue.js mocha getestet 4 years ago
thisTimeValue.js mocha getestet 4 years ago