5 years ago
  1. Metadata-Version: 2.1
  2. Name: Django
  3. Version: 2.2.7
  4. Summary: A high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.
  5. Home-page:
  6. Author: Django Software Foundation
  7. Author-email:
  8. License: BSD
  9. Project-URL: Documentation,
  10. Project-URL: Funding,
  11. Project-URL: Source,
  12. Project-URL: Tracker,
  13. Platform: UNKNOWN
  14. Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
  15. Classifier: Environment :: Web Environment
  16. Classifier: Framework :: Django
  17. Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
  18. Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
  19. Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
  20. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
  21. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
  22. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
  23. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
  24. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
  25. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only
  26. Classifier: Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP
  27. Classifier: Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content
  28. Classifier: Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI
  29. Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks
  30. Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
  31. Requires-Python: >=3.5
  32. Requires-Dist: pytz
  33. Requires-Dist: sqlparse
  34. Provides-Extra: argon2
  35. Requires-Dist: argon2-cffi (>=16.1.0) ; extra == 'argon2'
  36. Provides-Extra: bcrypt
  37. Requires-Dist: bcrypt ; extra == 'bcrypt'
  38. Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development
  39. and clean, pragmatic design. Thanks for checking it out.
  40. All documentation is in the "``docs``" directory and online at
  41. If you're just getting started,
  42. here's how we recommend you read the docs:
  43. * First, read ``docs/intro/install.txt`` for instructions on installing Django.
  44. * Next, work through the tutorials in order (``docs/intro/tutorial01.txt``,
  45. ``docs/intro/tutorial02.txt``, etc.).
  46. * If you want to set up an actual deployment server, read
  47. ``docs/howto/deployment/index.txt`` for instructions.
  48. * You'll probably want to read through the topical guides (in ``docs/topics``)
  49. next; from there you can jump to the HOWTOs (in ``docs/howto``) for specific
  50. problems, and check out the reference (``docs/ref``) for gory details.
  51. * See ``docs/README`` for instructions on building an HTML version of the docs.
  52. Docs are updated rigorously. If you find any problems in the docs, or think
  53. they should be clarified in any way, please take 30 seconds to fill out a
  54. ticket here:
  55. To get more help:
  56. * Join the ``#django`` channel on Lots of helpful people hang
  57. out there. See if you're
  58. new to IRC.
  59. * Join the django-users mailing list, or read the archives, at
  61. To contribute to Django:
  62. * Check out for
  63. information about getting involved.
  64. To run Django's test suite:
  65. * Follow the instructions in the "Unit tests" section of
  66. ``docs/internals/contributing/writing-code/unit-tests.txt``, published online at