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ET2_L_B15_A2rekap.tex 3.2KB

  1. \ifthenelse{\equal{\toPrint}{Lösung}}{%
  2. \section*{Rekapitulieren}
  3. \textbf{Zusammenfassung} An Tafel rekapitulieren\\[\baselineskip]
  4. \uline{1. Transformation:}$\quad u(t) \Rightarrow \uline{U}$\\[\baselineskip]
  5. \uline{2. Lösung komplexer algebraischer Gleichungen:} Rechnung mit komplexem Effektivwert.\\[\baselineskip]
  6. \uline{3. Rücktransformation:}$\quad\uline{I}_L\Rightarrow i_L(t)$\\[\baselineskip]
  7. %&\uline{U}\qquad \text{komplexer Effektivwert}\\
  8. %&U\qquad \text{Betrag $=$ Effektivwert $(U=\frac{\widehat{u}}{\sqrt{2}})$}
  9. \begin{align*}
  10. \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.25]
  11. \begin{scope}[>=latex, xshift=0cm, yshift=3.5cm]
  12. \draw node at (7,.5)[right]{$\uline{U}$ komplexer Effektivwert};
  13. \draw node at (7,0)[right]{$U=|\uline{U}|=\frac{\widehat{u}}{\sqrt{2}}$ Effektivwert};
  14. \end{scope}
  15. \begin{scope}[>=latex, xshift=0cm, yshift=-7cm]
  16. \draw node at (0,0)[right]{$\widehat{i}_L\qquad$ Scheitelwert $(\,\widehat{i}_L={\sqrt{2}}\cdot I_L)$};
  17. \draw node at (0,-.5)[right]{$\uline{I_L}\qquad$ komplexer Effektivwert};
  18. \end{scope}
  19. \begin{scope}[>=latex, xshift=0cm, yshift=0cm]
  20. \draw (0,0)rectangle(4,2)node at(2,2)[above] {Zeitbereich};
  21. \draw node at (2,1){$u(t)=\widehat{u}\cdot \cos(\omega t+\varphi_u)$};
  22. \end{scope}
  23. \begin{scope}[>=latex, xshift=7cm, yshift=0cm]
  24. \draw (0,0)rectangle(4,2)node at(2,2)[above] {Komplexer Bildbereich};
  25. \draw node at (2,1.25){$\uline{U}=U\cdot e^{j\varphi_u}$};
  26. \draw node at (2,.75){mit $U=\frac{\widehat{u}}{\sqrt{2}}$};
  27. \end{scope}
  28. \begin{scope}[>=latex, xshift=0, yshift=-3cm]
  29. \draw (0,0)rectangle(4,2);
  30. \draw node at (2,1.5){Lösen von};
  31. \draw node at (2,1){Differentialgleichungen};
  32. \draw node at (2,.5){ist schwierig};
  33. \end{scope}
  34. \begin{scope}[>=latex, xshift=7cm, yshift=-3cm]
  35. \draw (0,0)rectangle(4,2);
  36. \draw node at (2,1.5){Lösen von};
  37. \draw node at (2,1){komplexen algebraischen};
  38. \draw node at (2,.5){Gleichungen};
  39. \end{scope}
  40. \begin{scope}[>=latex, xshift=0, yshift=-6cm]
  41. \draw (0,0)rectangle(4,2);
  42. \draw node at (2,1.5){Beachte $\omega t$ [rad] $\varphi$ [\degree]};
  43. \draw node at (2,1){$i_L(t)=\widehat{i}_L\cdot \cos(\omega t+\varphi_{I_L})$};
  44. \draw node at (2,.5){mit $\widehat{i}_L=\sqrt{2}\cdot \uline{I}_L$};
  45. \end{scope}
  46. \begin{scope}[>=latex, xshift=7cm, yshift=-6cm]
  47. \draw (0,0)rectangle(4,2);
  48. \draw node at (2,1){$\uline{I}_L=I_L\cdot e^{j\varphi_{I_L}}$};
  49. \end{scope}
  50. \begin{scope}[>=latex,very thick, xshift=0, yshift=0cm]
  51. \draw [->,red,dashed](2,0)--(2,-1);
  52. \end{scope}
  53. \begin{scope}[>=latex,very thick, xshift=0, yshift=0cm]
  54. \draw [->](4,1)--(7,1)node at (5.5,1)[above]{Transformation};
  55. \end{scope}
  56. \begin{scope}[>=latex,very thick, xshift=0, yshift=-3cm]
  57. \draw [->,red,dashed](2,0)--(2,-1);
  58. \end{scope}
  59. \begin{scope}[>=latex,very thick, xshift=0, yshift=-6cm]
  60. \draw [<-](4,1)--(7,1)node at (5.5,1)[above]{Rücktransformation};
  61. \end{scope}
  62. \begin{scope}[>=latex,very thick, xshift=7cm, yshift=0cm]
  63. \draw [->](2,0)--(2,-1);
  64. \end{scope}
  65. \begin{scope}[>=latex,very thick, xshift=7cm, yshift=-3cm]
  66. \draw [->](2,0)--(2,-1);
  67. \end{scope}
  68. \end{tikzpicture}
  69. \end{align*}
  70. \clearpage
  71. }{}%