Software zum Installieren eines Smart-Mirror Frameworks , zum Nutzen von hochschulrelevanten Informationen, auf einem Raspberry-Pi.
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  1. # MagicMirror² Change Log
  2. All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
  3. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
  4. ❤️ **Donate:** Enjoying MagicMirror²? [Please consider a donation!]( With your help we can continue to improve the MagicMirror²
  5. ## [2.17.1] - 2021-10-01
  6. ### Fixed
  7. - Fixed error when accessing letsencrypt certificates
  8. ## [2.17.0] - 2021-10-01
  9. Special thanks to the following contributors: @apiontek, @eouia, @jupadin, @khassel and @rejas.
  10. ### Added
  11. - Added showTime parameter to clock module for enabling/disabling time display in analog clock.
  12. - Added custom electron switches from user config (`config.electronSwitches`).
  13. - Added unit tests for updatenotification module.
  14. ### Updated
  15. - Bump electron to v13 (and spectron to v15) and update other dependencies in package.json.
  16. - Refactor test configs, use default test config for all tests.
  17. - Updated github templates.
  18. - Actually test all js and css files when lint script is run.
  19. - Update jsdocs and print warnings during testing too.
  20. - Update weathergov provider to try fetching not just current, but also foreacst, when API URLs available.
  21. - Refactored clock layout.
  22. - Refactored methods from weatherproviders into weatherobject (isDaytime, updateSunTime).
  23. - Use of `logger.js` in jest tests.
  24. - Run prettier over all relevant files.
  25. - Move tests needing electron in new category `electron`, use `server only` mode in `e2e` tests.
  26. - Update dependencies in package.json.
  27. ### Fixed
  28. - Fix undefined error with ignoreToday option in weather module (#2620).
  29. - Fix time zone correction in calendar module when the date hour is equal to the time zone correction value (#2632).
  30. - Fix black cursor on startup when using electron.
  31. - Fix update notification not working for own repository (#2644).
  32. ## [2.16.0] - 2021-07-01
  33. Special thanks to the following contributors: @210954, @B1gG, @codac, @Crazylegstoo, @daniel, @earlman, @ezeholz, @FrancoisRmn, @jupadin, @khassel, @KristjanESPERANTO, @njwilliams, @oemel09, @r3wald, @rejas, @rico24, Faizan Ahmed.
  34. ### Added
  35. - Added French translations for "MODULE_CONFIG_ERROR" and "PRECIP".
  36. - Added German translation for "PRECIP".
  37. - Added Dutch translation for "WEEK", "PRECIP", "MODULE_CONFIG_CHANGED" and "MODULE_CONFIG_ERROR".
  38. - Added first test for Alert module.
  39. - Added support for `dateFormat` when not using `timeFormat: "absolute"`.
  40. - Added custom-properties for colors and fonts for improved styling experience, see `custom.css.sample` file.
  41. - Added custom-properties for gaps around body and between modules.
  42. - Added test case for recurring calendar events.
  43. - Added new Environment Canada provider for default WEATHER module (weather data for Canadian locations only).
  44. - Added list view for newsfeed module.
  45. - Added dev dependency jest, switching from mocha to jest.
  46. ### Updated
  47. - Bump node-ical to v0.13.0 (now last runtime dependency using deprecated `request` package is removed).
  48. - Use codecov in informational mode.
  49. - Refactor code into es6 where possible (e.g. var -> let/const).
  50. - Use node v16 in github workflow (replacing node v10).
  51. - Moved some files into better suited directories.
  52. - Update dependencies in package.json, require node >= v12, remove `rrule-alt` and `rrule`.
  53. - Update dependencies in package.json and migrate husky to v6, fix husky setup in prod environment.
  54. - Cleaned up error handling in newsfeed and calendar modules for real.
  55. - Updated default WEATHER module such that a provider can optionally set a custom unit-of-measure for precipitation (`weatherObject.precipitationUnits`).
  56. - Update documentation.
  57. - Update jest tests: Reset changes on js/logger.js, mock logger.js in global_vars tests.
  58. - Update dependencies in package.json.
  59. ### Removed
  60. - Switching from mocha to jest so removed following dev dependencies: chai, chai-as-promised, mocha, mocha-each, mocha-logger.
  61. ### Fixed
  62. - Fix calendar start function logging inconsistency.
  63. - Fix updatenotification start function logging inconsistency.
  64. - Checks and applies the showDescription setting for the newsfeed module again.
  65. - Fix issue with openweathermap not showing current or forecast info when using onecall API.
  66. - Fix tests in weather module and add one for decimalPoint in forecast.
  67. - Fix decimalSymbol in the forecast part of the new weather module (#2530).
  68. - Fix wrong treatment of `appendLocationNameToHeader` when using `ukmetofficedatahub`.
  69. - Fix alert not recognizing multiple alerts (#2522).
  70. - Fix fetch option httpsAgent to agent in calendar module (#466).
  71. - Fix module updatenotification which did not work for repos with many refs (#1907).
  72. - Fix config check failing when encountering let syntax ("Parsing error: Unexpected token config").
  73. - Fix calendar debug check.
  74. - Really run prettier over all files.
  75. - Fix logger.js after jest changes, use --forceExit running jest.
  76. - Workaround for dev_console test using getWindowCount.
  77. ## [2.15.0] - 2021-04-01
  78. Special thanks to the following contributors: @EdgardosReis, @MystaraTheGreat, @TheDuffman85, @ashishtank, @buxxi, @codac, @fewieden, @khassel, @klaernie, @qu1que, @rejas, @sdetweil & @thomasrockhu.
  79. ℹ️ **Note:** This update uses new dependencies. Please update using the following command: `git pull && npm install`.
  80. ### Added
  81. - Added Galician language.
  82. - Added GitHub workflows for automated testing and changelog enforcement.
  83. - Added CodeCov badge to Readme.
  84. - Added CURRENTWEATHER_TYPE notification to currentweather and weather module, use it in compliments module.
  85. - Added `start:dev` command to the npm scripts for starting electron with devTools open.
  86. - Added logging when using deprecated modules weatherforecast or currentweather.
  87. - Added Portuguese translations for "MODULE_CONFIG_CHANGED" and "PRECIP".
  88. - Respect parameter ColoredSymbolOnly also for custom events.
  89. - Added a new parameter to hide time portion on relative times.
  90. - `` has now the option for a callback on error.
  91. - Added locale to sample config file.
  92. - Added support for self-signed certificates for the default calendar module (#466).
  93. - Added hiddenOnStartup flag to module config (#2475).
  94. ### Updated
  95. - Updated markdown files for github.
  96. - Cleaned up old code on server side.
  97. - Convert `-0` to `0` when displaying temperature.
  98. - Code cleanup for FEELS like and added {DEGREE} placeholder for FEELSLIKE for each language.
  99. - Converted newsfeed module to use templates.
  100. - Updated documentation and help screen about invalid config files.
  101. - Moving weather provider specific code and configuration into each provider and making hourly part of the interface.
  102. - Bump electron to v11 and enable contextIsolation.
  103. - Don't update the DOM when a module is not displayed.
  104. - Cleaned up jsdoc and tests.
  105. - Exposed logger as node module for easier access for 3rd party modules.
  106. - Replaced deprecated `request` package with `node-fetch` and `digest-fetch`.
  107. - Refactored calendar fetcher.
  108. - Cleaned up newsfeed module.
  109. - Cleaned up translations and translator code.
  110. ### Removed
  111. - Removed danger.js library.
  112. - Removed `ical` which was substituted by `node-ical` in release `v2.13.0`. Module developers must install this dependency themselves in the module folder if needed.
  113. - Removed valid-url library.
  114. ### Fixed
  115. - Added default log levels to stop calendar log spamming.
  116. - Fix cors errors, see [breaking change since v3](
  117. - Fix Issue with weather forecast icons due to fixed day start and end time (#2221).
  118. - Fix empty directory for each module's main javascript file in the inspector.
  119. - Fix Issue with weather forecast icons unit tests with different timezones (#2221).
  120. - Fix issue with unencoded characters in translated strings when using nunjuck template (`Loading …` as an example).
  121. - Fix backward compatibility with socket v2 clients.
  122. - Fix 3rd party module language loading if language is English.
  123. - Fix e2e tests after spectron update.
  124. - Fix updatenotification creating zombie processes by setting a timeout for the git process.
  125. - Fix weather module openweathermap not loading if lat and lon set without onecall.
  126. - Fix calendar daylight savings offset calculation if recurring start date before 2007.
  127. - Fix calendar time/date adjustment when time with GMT offset is different day (#2488).
  128. - Fix calendar daylight savings offset calculation if recurring FULL DAY start date before 2007 (#2483).
  129. - Fix newsreaders template, for wrong test for nowrap in 2 places (should be if not).
  130. ## [2.14.0] - 2021-01-01
  131. Special thanks to the following contributors: @Alvinger, @AndyPoms, @ashishtank, @bluemanos, @flopp999, @jakemulley, @jakobsarwary1, @marvai-vgtu, @mirontoli, @rejas, @sdetweil, @Snille & @Sub028.
  132. ℹ️ **Note:** This update uses new dependencies. Please update using the following command: `git pull && npm install`.
  133. ### Added
  134. - Added new log level "debug" to the logger.
  135. - Added new parameter "useKmh" to weather module for displaying wind speed as kmh.
  136. - Added Chuvash translation.
  137. - Added Weatherbit as a provider to Weather module.
  138. - Added SMHI as a provider to Weather module.
  139. - Added Hindi & Gujarati translation.
  140. - Added optional support for DEGREE position in Feels like translation.
  141. - Added support for variables in nunjucks templates for translate filter.
  142. - Added Chuvash translation.
  143. - Added new option "limitDays" - limit the number of discreet days displayed.
  144. - Added new option "customEvents" - use custom symbol/color based on keyword in event title.
  145. ### Updated
  146. - Merging .gitignore in the config-folder with the .gitignore in the root-folder.
  147. - Weather module - forecast now show TODAY and TOMORROW instead of weekday, to make it easier to understand.
  148. - Update dependencies to latest versions.
  149. - Update dependencies eslint, feedme, simple-git and to latest versions.
  150. - Update lithuanian translation.
  151. - Update config sample.
  152. - Highlight required version mismatch.
  153. - No select Text for TouchScreen use.
  154. - Corrected logic for timeFormat "relative" and "absolute".
  155. - Added missing function call in
  156. - Translator variables can have falsy values (e.g. empty string)
  157. - Fix issue with weather module with DEGREE label in FEELS like
  158. ### Deleted
  159. - Removed Travis CI integration.
  160. ### Fixed
  161. - JSON Parse translation files with comments crashing UI. (#2149)
  162. - Calendar parsing where RRULE bug returns wrong date, add Windows timezone name support. (#2145, #2151)
  163. - Wrong node-ical version installed (package.json) requested version. (#2153)
  164. - Fix calendar fetcher subsequent timing. (#2160)
  165. - Rename Greek translation to correct ISO 639-1 alpha-2 code (gr > el). (#2155)
  166. - Add a space after icons of sunrise and sunset. (#2169)
  167. - Fix calendar when no DTEND record found in event, startDate overlay when endDate set. (#2177)
  168. - Fix windspeed convertion error in ukmetoffice weather provider. (#2189)
  169. - Fix console.debug not having timestamps. (#2199)
  170. - Fix calendar full day event east of UTC start time. (#2200)
  171. - Fix non-fullday recurring rule processing. (#2216)
  172. - Catch errors when parsing calendar data with ical. (#2022)
  173. - Fix Default Alert Module does not hide black overlay when alert is dismissed manually. (#2228)
  174. - Weather module - Always displays night icons when local is other than English. (#2221)
  175. - Update node-ical 0.12.4, fix invalid RRULE format in cal entries
  176. - Fix package.json for optional electron dependency (2378)
  177. - Update node-ical version again, 0.12.5, change RRULE fix (#2371, #2379)
  178. - Remove undefined objects from modules array (#2382)
  179. - Update node-ical version again, 0.12.7, change RRULE fix (#2371, #2379), node-ical now throws error (which we catch)
  180. - Update simple-git version to 2.31 unhandled promise rejection (#2383)
  181. ## [2.13.0] - 2020-10-01
  182. Special thanks to the following contributors: @bryanzzhu, @bugsounet, @chamakura, @cjbrunner, @easyas314, @larryare, @oemel09, @rejas, @sdetweil & @sthuber90.
  183. ℹ️ **Note:** This update uses new dependencies. Please update using the following command: `git pull && npm install`.
  184. ### Added
  185. - `--dry-run` Added option in fetch call within updatenotification node_helper. This is to prevent
  186. MagicMirror from consuming any fetch result. Causes conflict with MMPM when attempting to check
  187. for updates to MagicMirror and/or MagicMirror modules.
  188. - Test coverage with Istanbul, run it with `npm run test:coverage`.
  189. - Added lithuanian language.
  190. - Added support in weatherforecast for OpenWeather onecall API.
  191. - Added config option to calendar-icons for recurring- and fullday-events.
  192. - Added current, hourly (max 48), and daily (max 7) weather forecasts to weather module via OpenWeatherMap One Call API.
  193. - Added eslint-plugin for jsdoc comments.
  194. - Added new configDeepMerge option for module developers.
  195. ### Updated
  196. - Change incorrect weather.js default properties.
  197. - Cleaned up newsfeed module.
  198. - Cleaned up jsdoc comments.
  199. - Cleaned up clock tests.
  200. - Move lodash into devDependencies, update other dependencies.
  201. - Switch from ical to node-ical library.
  202. ### Fixed
  203. - Fix backward compatibility issues for Safari < 11.
  204. - Fix the use of "maxNumberOfDays" in the module "weatherforecast depending on the endpoint (forecast/daily or forecast)". [#2018](
  205. - Fix calendar display. Account for current timezone. [#2068](
  206. - Fix logLevel being set before loading config.
  207. - Fix incorrect namespace links in svg clockfaces. [#2072](
  208. - Fix weather/providers/weathergov for API guidelines. [#2045](
  209. - Fix "undefined" in weather modules header. [#1985](
  210. - Fix #2110, #2111, #2118: Recurring full day events should not use timezone adjustment. Just compare month/day.
  211. ## [2.12.0] - 2020-07-01
  212. Special thanks to the following contributors: @AndreKoepke, @andrezibaia, @bryanzzhu, @chamakura, @DarthBrento, @Ekristoffe, @khassel, @Legion2, @ndom91, @radokristof, @rejas, @XBCreepinJesus & @ZoneMR.
  213. ℹ️ **Note:** This update uses new dependencies. Please update using the following command: `git pull && npm install`.
  214. ### Added
  215. - Added option to config the level of logging.
  216. - Added prettier for an even cleaner codebase.
  217. - Hide Sunrise/Sunset in Weather module.
  218. - Hide Sunrise/Sunset in Current Weather module.
  219. - Added Met Office DataHub (UK) provider.
  220. ### Updated
  221. - Cleaned up alert module code.
  222. - Cleaned up check_config code.
  223. - Replaced grunt-based linters with their non-grunt equivalents.
  224. - Switch to most of the eslint:recommended rules and fix warnings.
  225. - Replaced insecure links with https ones.
  226. - Cleaned up all "no-undef" warnings from eslint.
  227. - Added location title wrapping for calendar module.
  228. - Updated the BG translation.
  229. ### Deleted
  230. - Removed truetype (ttf) fonts.
  231. ### Fixed
  232. - The broken modules due to change from last release. [#1973](
  233. - Add backward compatibility for old module code in socketclient.js. [#1973](
  234. - Support multiple instances of calendar module with different config. [#1109](
  235. - Fix the use of "maxNumberOfDays" in the module "weatherforecast". [#2018](
  236. - Throw error when check_config fails. [#1928](
  237. - Bug fix related to 'maxEntries' not displaying Calendar events. [#2050](
  238. - Updated ical library to the latest version. [#1926](
  239. - Fix config check after merge of prettier [#2109](
  240. ## [2.11.0] - 2020-04-01
  242. In the past years the project has grown a lot. This came with a huge downside: poor maintainability. If I let the project continue the way it was, it would eventually crash and burn. More important: I would completely lose the drive and interest to continue the project. Because of this the decision was made to simplify the core by removing all side features like automatic installers and support for exotic platforms. This release (2.11.0) is the first real release that will reflect (parts) of these changes. As a result of this, some things might break. So before you continue make sure to backup your installation. Your config, your modules or better yet: your full MagicMirror folder. In other words: update at your own risk.
  243. For more information regarding this major change, please check issue [#1860](
  244. ### Deleted
  245. - Remove installers.
  246. - Remove externalized scripts.
  247. - Remove jshint dependency, instead eslint checks your config file now
  248. ### Added
  249. - Brazilian translation for "FEELS".
  250. - Ukrainian translation.
  251. - Finnish translation for "PRECIP", "UPDATE_INFO_MULTIPLE" and "UPDATE_INFO_SINGLE".
  252. - Added the ability to hide the temp label and weather icon in the `currentweather` module to allow showing only information such as wind and sunset/rise.
  253. - The `clock` module now optionally displays sun and moon data, including rise/set times, remaining daylight, and percent of moon illumination.
  254. - Added Hebrew translation.
  255. - Add HTTPS support and update config.js.sample
  256. - Run tests on long term support and latest stable version of nodejs
  257. - Added the ability to configure a list of modules that shouldn't be update checked.
  258. - Run linters on git commits
  259. - Added date functionality to compliments: display birthday wishes or celebrate an anniversary
  260. - Add HTTPS support for clientonly-mode.
  261. ### Fixed
  262. - Force declaration of public ip address in config file (ISSUE #1852)
  263. - Fixes ``: If running in docker-container, don't check the environment, just start electron (ISSUE #1859)
  264. - Fix calendar time offset for recurring events crossing Daylight Savings Time (ISSUE #1798)
  265. - Fix regression in currentweather module causing 'undefined' to show up when config.hideTemp is false
  266. - Fix FEELS translation for Croatian
  267. - Fixed weather tests [#1840](
  268. - Fixed can't be used with Reverse Proxy in serveronly mode [#1934](
  269. - Fix update checking skipping 3rd party modules the first time
  270. ### Changed
  271. - Remove documentation from core repository and link to new dedicated docs site: [](
  272. - Updated config.js.sample: Corrected some grammar on `config.js.sample` comment section.
  273. - Removed `` script and update start commands:
  274. - To start using electron, use `npm run start`.
  275. - To start in server only mode, use `npm run server`.
  276. - Remove redundant logging from modules.
  277. - Timestamp in log output now also contains the date
  278. - Turkish translation.
  279. - Option to configure the size of the currentweather module.
  280. - Changed "Gevoelstemperatuur" to "Voelt als" shorter text.
  281. ## [2.10.1] - 2020-01-10
  282. ### Changed
  283. - Updated Added links to the official documentation website and remove links to broken installer.
  284. ## [2.10.0] - 2020-01-01
  285. Special thanks to @sdetweil for all his great contributions!
  286. ℹ️ **Note:** This update uses new dependencies. Please update using the following command: `git pull && npm install`.
  287. ### Added
  288. - Timestamps in log output.
  289. - Padding in dateheader mode of the calendar module.
  290. - New upgrade script to help users consume regular updates installers/
  291. - New script to help setup pm2, without install installers/
  292. ### Updated
  293. - Updated lower bound of `lodash` and `helmet` dependencies for security patches.
  294. - Updated compliments.js to handle newline in text, as textfields to not interpolate contents.
  295. - Updated installer script to handle new platform issues, split node/npm, pm2, and screen saver changes.
  296. - Improve handling for armv6l devices, where electron support has gone away, add optional serveronly config option.
  297. - Improved to handle for serveronly mode, by choice, or when electron not available.
  298. - Only check for xwindows running if not on macOS.
  299. ### Fixed
  300. - Fixed issue in weatherforecast module where predicted amount of rain was not using the decimal symbol specified in config.js.
  301. - Module header now updates correctly, if a module need to dynamically show/hide its header based on a condition.
  302. - Fix handling of config.js for serverOnly mode commented out.
  303. - Fixed issue in calendar module where the debug script didn't work correctly with authentication.
  304. - Fixed issue that some full day events were not correctly recognized as such.
  305. - Display full day events lasting multiple days as happening today instead of some days ago if they are still ongoing.
  306. ## [2.9.0] - 2019-10-01
  307. ℹ️ **Note:** This update uses new dependencies. Please update using the following command: `git pull && npm install`. If you are having issues running Electron, make sure your [Raspbian is up to date](
  308. ### Added
  309. - Spanish translation for "PRECIP".
  310. - Adding a Malay (Malaysian) translation for MagicMirror².
  311. - Add test check URLs of vendors 200 and 404 HTTP CODE.
  312. - Add tests for new weather module and helper to stub ajax requests.
  313. ### Updated
  314. - Updatenotification module: Display update notification for a limited (configurable) time.
  315. - Enabled e2e/vendor_spec.js tests.
  316. - The css/custom.css will be renamed after the next release. We've added into `` an instruction by GIT to ignore with `--skip-worktree` and `rm --cached`. [#1540](
  317. - Disable sending of notification CLOCK_SECOND when displaySeconds is false.
  318. ### Fixed
  319. - Updatenotification module: Properly handle race conditions, prevent crash.
  320. - Send `NEWS_FEED` notification also for the first news messages which are shown.
  321. - Fixed issue where weather module would not refresh data after a network or API outage. [#1722](
  322. - Fixed weatherforecast module not displaying rain amount on fallback endpoint.
  323. - Notifications CLOCK_SECOND & CLOCK_MINUTE being from startup instead of matched against the clock and avoid drifting.
  324. ## [2.8.0] - 2019-07-01
  325. ℹ️ **Note:** This update uses new dependencies. Please update using the following command: `git pull && npm install`. If you are having issues running Electron, make sure your [Raspbian is up to date](
  326. ### Added
  327. - Option to show event location in calendar
  328. - Finnish translation for "Feels" and "Weeks"
  329. - Russian translation for “Feels”
  330. - Calendar module: added `nextDaysRelative` config option
  331. - Add `broadcastPastEvents` config option for calendars to include events from the past `maximumNumberOfDays` in event broadcasts
  332. - Added feature to broadcast news feed items `NEWS_FEED` and updated news items `NEWS_FEED_UPDATED` in default [newsfeed]( module (when news is updated) with documented default and `config.js` options in [](
  333. - Added notifications to default `clock` module broadcasting `CLOCK_SECOND` and `CLOCK_MINUTE` for the respective time elapsed.
  334. - Added UK Met Office Datapoint feed as a provider in the default weather module.
  335. - Added new provider class
  336. - Added suncalc.js dependency to calculate sun times (not provided in UK Met Office feed)
  337. - Added "tempUnits" and "windUnits" to allow, for example, temp in metric (i.e. celsius) and wind in imperial (i.e. mph). These will override "units" if specified, otherwise the "units" value will be used.
  338. - Use Feels Like temp from feed if present
  339. - Optionally display probability of precipitation (PoP) in current weather (UK Met Office data)
  340. - Automatically try to fix eslint errors by passing `--fix` option to it
  341. - Added sunrise and sunset times to weathergov weather provider [#1705](
  342. - Added "useLocationAsHeader" to display "location" in `config.js` as header when location name is not returned
  343. - Added to `newsfeed.js`: in order to design the news article better with css, three more class-names were introduced: newsfeed-desc, newsfeed-desc, newsfeed-desc
  344. ### Updated
  345. - English translation for "Feels" to "Feels like"
  346. - Fixed the example calendar url in `config.js.sample`
  347. - Update `ical.js` to solve various calendar issues.
  348. - Update weather city list url [#1676](
  349. - Only update clock once per minute when seconds aren't shown
  350. - Update weatherprovider documentation.
  351. ### Fixed
  352. - Fixed uncaught exception, race condition on module update
  353. - Fixed issue [#1696](, some ical files start date to not parse to date type
  354. - Allowance HTML5 autoplay-policy (policy is changed from Chrome 66 updates)
  355. - Handle SIGTERM messages
  356. - Fixes sliceMultiDayEvents so it respects maximumNumberOfDays
  357. - Minor types in default NewsFeed [](
  358. - Fix typos and small syntax errors, cleanup dependencies, remove multiple-empty-lines, add semi-rule
  359. - Fixed issues with calendar not displaying one-time changes to repeating events
  360. - Updated the fetchedLocationName variable in currentweather.js so that city shows up in the header
  361. ### Updated installer
  362. - give non-pi2+ users (pi0, odroid, jetson nano, mac, windows, ...) option to continue install
  363. - use current username vs hardcoded 'pi' to support non-pi install
  364. - check for npm installed. node install doesn't do npm anymore
  365. - check for mac as part of PM2 install, add install option string
  366. - update pm2 config with current username instead of hard coded 'pi'
  367. - check for screen saver config, "/etc/xdg/lxsession", bypass if not setup
  368. ## [2.7.1] - 2019-04-02
  369. Fixed `package.json` version number.
  370. ## [2.7.0] - 2019-04-01
  371. ℹ️ **Note:** This update uses new dependencies. Please update using the following command: `git pull && npm install`. If you are having issues running Electron, make sure your [Raspbian is up to date](
  372. ### Added
  373. - Italian translation for "Feels"
  374. - Basic Klingon (tlhIngan Hol) translations
  375. - Disabled the screensaver on raspbian with installation script
  376. - Added option to truncate the number of vertical lines a calendar item can span if `wrapEvents` is enabled.
  377. - Danish translation for "Feels" and "Weeks"
  378. - Added option to split multiple day events in calendar to separate numbered events
  379. - Slovakian translation
  380. - Alerts now can contain Font Awesome icons
  381. - Notifications display time can be set in request
  382. - Newsfeed: added support for `ARTICLE_INFO_REQUEST` notification
  383. - Add `name` config option for calendars to be sent along with event broadcasts
  384. ### Updated
  385. - Bumped the Electron dependency to v3.0.13 to support the most recent Raspbian. [#1500](
  386. - Updated modernizr code in alert module, fixed a small typo there too
  387. - More verbose error message on console if the config is malformed
  388. - Updated installer script to install Node.js version 10.x
  389. ### Fixed
  390. - Fixed temperature displays in currentweather and weatherforecast modules [#1503](, [#1511](
  391. - Fixed unhandled error on bad git data in updatenotification module [#1285](
  392. - Weather forecast now works with openweathermap in new weather module. Daily data are displayed, see issue [#1504](
  393. - Fixed analogue clock border display issue where non-black backgrounds used (previous fix for issue 611)
  394. - Fixed compatibility issues caused when modules request different versions of Font Awesome, see issue [#1522]( MagicMirror now uses [Font Awesome 5 with v4 shims included for backwards compatibility](
  395. - Installation script problems with raspbian
  396. - Calendar: only show repeating count if the event is actually repeating [#1534](
  397. - Calendar: Fix exdate handling when multiple values are specified (comma separated)
  398. - Calendar: Fix relative date handling for fulldate events, calculate difference always from start of day [#1572](
  399. - Fix null dereference in moduleNeedsUpdate when the module isn't visible
  400. - Calendar: Fixed event end times by setting default calendarEndTime to "LT" (Local time format). [#1479]
  401. - Calendar: Fixed missing calendar fetchers after server process restarts [#1589](
  402. - Notification: fixed background color (was white text on white background)
  403. - Use getHeader instead of data.header when creating the DOM so overwriting the function also propagates into it
  404. - Fix documentation of `useKMPHwind` option in currentweather
  405. ### New weather module
  406. - Fixed weather forecast table display [#1499](
  407. - Dimmed loading indicator for weather forecast.
  408. - Implemented config option `decimalSymbol` [#1499](
  409. - Aligned indoor values in current weather vertical [#1499](
  410. - Added humidity support to nunjuck unit filter.
  411. - Do not display degree symbol for temperature in Kelvin [#1503](
  412. - Weather forecast now works with openweathermap for both, `/forecast` and `/forecast/daily`, in new weather module. If you use the `/forecast`-weatherEndpoint, the hourly data are converted to daily data, see issues [#1504](, [#1513](
  413. - Added fade, fadePoint and maxNumberOfDays properties to the forecast mode [#1516](
  414. - Fixed Loading string and decimalSymbol string replace [#1538](
  415. - Show Snow amounts in new weather module [#1545](
  416. - Added as a new weather provider for US locations
  417. ## [2.6.0] - 2019-01-01
  418. ℹ️ **Note:** This update uses new dependencies. Please update using the following command: `git pull && npm install`. If you are having issues updating, make sure you are running the latest version of Node.
  419. ### ✨ Experimental ✨
  420. - New default [module weather](modules/default/weather). This module will eventually replace the current `currentweather` and `weatherforecast` modules. The new module is still pretty experimental, but it's included so you can give it a try and help us improve this module. Please give us you feedback using [this forum post](
  421. A huge, huge, huge thanks to user @fewieden for all his hard work on the new `weather` module!
  422. ### Added
  423. - Possibility to add classes to the cell of symbol, title and time of the events of calendar.
  424. - Font-awesome 5, still has 4 for backwards compatibility.
  425. - Missing `showEnd` in calendar documentation
  426. - Screenshot for the new feed module
  427. - Screenshot for the compliments module
  428. - Screenshot for the clock module
  429. - Screenshot for the current weather
  430. - Screenshot for the weather forecast module
  431. - Portuguese translation for "Feels"
  432. - Croatian translation
  433. - Fading for dateheaders timeFormat in Calendar [#1464](
  434. - Documentation for the existing `scale` option in the Weather Forecast module.
  435. ### Fixed
  436. - Allow parsing recurring calendar events where the start date is before 1900
  437. - Fixed Polish translation for Single Update Info
  438. - Ignore entries with unparseable details in the calendar module
  439. - Bug showing FullDayEvents one day too long in calendar fixed
  440. - Bug in newsfeed when `removeStartTags` is used on the description [#1478](
  441. ### Updated
  442. - The default calendar setting `showEnd` is changed to `false`.
  443. ### Changed
  444. - The Weather Forecast module by default displays the &deg; symbol after every numeric value to be consistent with the Current Weather module.
  445. ## [2.5.0] - 2018-10-01
  446. ### Added
  447. - Romanian translation for "Feels"
  448. - Support multi-line compliments
  449. - Simplified Chinese translation for "Feels"
  450. - Polish translate for "Feels"
  451. - French translate for "Feels"
  452. - Translations for newsfeed module
  453. - Support for toggling news article in fullscreen
  454. - Hungarian translation for "Feels" and "Week"
  455. - Spanish translation for "Feels"
  456. - Add classes instead of inline style to the message from the module Alert
  457. - Support for events having a duration instead of an end
  458. - Support for showing end of events through config parameters showEnd and dateEndFormat
  459. ### Fixed
  460. - Fixed gzip encoded calendar loading issue #1400.
  461. - Fixed mixup between german and spanish translation for newsfeed.
  462. - Fixed close dates to be absolute, if no configured in the config.js - module Calendar
  463. - Fixed the updatenotification module message about new commits in the repository, so they can be correctly localized in singular and plural form.
  464. - Fix for weatherforecast rainfall rounding [#1374](
  465. - Fix calendar parsing issue for Midori on RasperryPi Zero w, related to issue #694.
  466. - Fix weather city ID link in sample config
  467. - Fixed issue with clientonly not updating with IP address and port provided on command line.
  468. ### Updated
  469. - Updated Simplified Chinese translation
  470. - Swedish translations
  471. - Hungarian translations for the updatenotification module
  472. - Updated Norsk bokmål translation
  473. - Updated Norsk nynorsk translation
  474. - Consider multi days event as full day events
  475. ## [2.4.1] - 2018-07-04
  476. ### Fixed
  477. - Fix weather parsing issue #1332.
  478. ## [2.4.0] - 2018-07-01
  479. ⚠️ **Warning:** This release includes an updated version of Electron. This requires a Raspberry Pi configuration change to allow the best performance and prevent the CPU from overheating. Please read the information on the [MagicMirror Wiki](
  480. ℹ️ **Note:** This update uses new dependencies. Please update using the following command: `git pull && npm install`
  481. ### Added
  482. - Enabled translation of feelsLike for module currentweather
  483. - Added support for on-going calendar events
  484. - Added scroll up in fullscreen newsfeed article view
  485. - Changed fullscreen newsfeed width from 100% to 100vw (better results)
  486. - Added option to calendar module that colors only the symbol instead of the whole line
  487. - Added option for new display format in the calendar module with date headers with times/events below.
  488. - Ability to fetch compliments from a remote server
  489. - Add regex filtering to calendar module
  490. - Customize classes for table
  491. - Added option to newsfeed module to only log error parsing a news article if enabled
  492. - Add update translations for Português Brasileiro
  493. ### Changed
  494. - Upgrade to Electron 2.0.0.
  495. - Remove yarn-or-npm which breaks production builds.
  496. - Invoke module suspend even if no dom content. [#1308](
  497. ### Fixed
  498. - Fixed issue where wind chill could not be displayed in Fahrenheit. [#1247](
  499. - Fixed issues where a module crashes when it tries to dismiss a non existing alert. [#1240](
  500. - In default module currentWeather/currentWeather.js line 296, 300, self.config.animationSpeed can not be found because the notificationReceived function does not have "self" variable.
  501. - Fixed browser-side code to work on the Midori browser.
  502. - Fixed issue where heat index was reporting incorrect values in Celsius and Fahrenheit. [#1263](
  503. - Fixed weatherforecast to use dt_txt field instead of dt to handle timezones better
  504. - Newsfeed now remembers to show the description when `"ARTICLE_LESS_DETAILS"` is called if the user wants to always show the description. [#1282](
  505. - `clientonly/*.js` is now linted, and one linting error is fixed
  506. - Fix issue #1196 by changing underscore to hyphen in locale id, in align with momentjs.
  507. - Fixed issue where heat index and wind chill were reporting incorrect values in Kelvin. [#1263](
  508. ### Updated
  509. - Updated Italian translation
  510. - Updated German translation
  511. - Updated Dutch translation
  512. ## [2.3.1] - 2018-04-01
  513. ### Fixed
  514. - Downgrade electron to 1.4.15 to solve the black screen issue.[#1243](
  515. ## [2.3.0] - 2018-04-01
  516. ### Added
  517. - Add new settings in compliments module: setting time intervals for morning and afternoon
  518. - Add system notification `MODULE_DOM_CREATED` for notifying each module when their Dom has been fully loaded.
  519. - Add types for module.
  520. - Implement Danger.js to notify contributors when is missing in PR.
  521. - Allow scrolling in full page article view of default newsfeed module with gesture events from [MMM-Gestures](
  522. - Changed 'compliments.js' - update DOM if remote compliments are loaded instead of waiting one updateInterval to show custom compliments
  523. - Automated unit tests utils, deprecated, translator, cloneObject(lockstrings)
  524. - Automated integration tests translations
  525. - Add advanced filtering to the excludedEvents configuration of the default calendar module
  526. - New currentweather module config option: `showFeelsLike`: Shows how it actually feels like. (wind chill or heat index)
  527. - New currentweather module config option: `useKMPHwind`: adds an option to see wind speed in Kmph instead of just m/s or Beaufort.
  528. - Add dc:date to parsing in newsfeed module, which allows parsing of more rss feeds.
  529. ### Changed
  530. - Add link to GitHub repository which contains the respective Dockerfile.
  531. - Optimized automated unit tests cloneObject, cmpVersions
  532. - Update notifications use now translation templates instead of normal strings.
  533. - Yarn can be used now as an installation tool
  534. - Changed Electron dependency to v1.7.13.
  535. ### Fixed
  536. - News article in fullscreen (iframe) is now shown in front of modules.
  537. - Forecast respects maxNumberOfDays regardless of endpoint.
  538. - Fix exception on translation of objects.
  539. ## [2.2.2] - 2018-01-02
  540. ### Added
  541. - Add missing `package-lock.json`.
  542. ### Changed
  543. - Changed Electron dependency to v1.7.10.
  544. ## [2.2.1] - 2018-01-01
  545. ### Fixed
  546. - Fixed linting errors.
  547. ## [2.2.0] - 2018-01-01
  548. **Note:** This update uses new dependencies. Please update using the following command: `git pull && npm install`
  549. ### Changed
  550. - Calendar week is now handled with a variable translation in order to move number language specific.
  551. - Reverted the Electron dependency back to 1.4.15 since newer version don't seem to work on the Raspberry Pi very well.
  552. ### Added
  553. - Add option to use [Nunjucks]( templates in modules. (See `helloworld` module as an example.)
  554. - Add Bulgarian translations for MagicMirror² and Alert module.
  555. - Add graceful shutdown of modules by calling `stop` function of each `node_helper` on SIGINT before exiting.
  556. - Link update subtext to Github diff of current version versus tracking branch.
  557. - Add Catalan translation.
  558. - Add ability to filter out newsfeed items based on prohibited words found in title (resolves #1071)
  559. - Add options to truncate description support of a feed in newsfeed module
  560. - Add reloadInterval option for particular feed in newsfeed module
  561. - Add no-cache entries of HTTP headers in newsfeed module (fetcher)
  562. - Add Czech translation.
  563. - Add option for decimal symbols other than the decimal point for temperature values in both default weather modules: WeatherForecast and CurrentWeather.
  564. ### Fixed
  565. - Fixed issue with calendar module showing more than `maximumEntries` allows
  566. - WeatherForecast and CurrentWeather are now using HTTPS instead of HTTP
  567. - Correcting translation for Indonesian language
  568. - Fix issue where calendar icons wouldn't align correctly
  569. ## [2.1.3] - 2017-10-01
  570. **Note:** This update uses new dependencies. Please update using the following command: `git pull && npm install`
  571. ### Changed
  572. - Remove Roboto fonts files inside `fonts` and these are installed by npm install command.
  573. ### Added
  574. - Add `clientonly` script to start only the electron client for a remote server.
  575. - Add symbol and color properties of event when `CALENDAR_EVENTS` notification is broadcasted from `default/calendar` module.
  576. - Add `.vscode/` folder to `.gitignore` to keep custom Visual Studio Code config out of git.
  577. - Add unit test the capitalizeFirstLetter function of newsfeed module.
  578. - Add new unit tests for function `shorten` in calendar module.
  579. - Add new unit tests for function `getLocaleSpecification` in calendar module.
  580. - Add unit test for js/class.js.
  581. - Add unit tests for function `roundValue` in currentweather module.
  582. - Add test e2e showWeek feature in spanish language.
  583. - Add warning Log when is used old authentication method in the calendar module.
  584. - Add test e2e for helloworld module with default config text.
  585. - Add ability for `currentweather` module to display indoor humidity via INDOOR_HUMIDITY notification.
  586. - Add Welsh (Cymraeg) translation.
  587. - Add Slack badge to Readme.
  588. ### Updated
  589. - Changed 'default.js' - listen on all attached interfaces by default.
  590. - Add execution of `npm list` after the test are ran in Travis CI.
  591. - Change hooks for the vendors e2e tests.
  592. - Add log when clientonly failed on starting.
  593. - Add warning color when are using full ip whitelist.
  594. - Set version of the `express-ipfilter` on 0.3.1.
  595. ### Fixed
  596. - Fixed issue with incorrect alignment of analog clock when displayed in the center column of the MM.
  597. - Fixed ipWhitelist behaviour to make empty whitelist ([]) allow any and all hosts access to the MM.
  598. - Fixed issue with calendar module where 'excludedEvents' count towards 'maximumEntries'.
  599. - Fixed issue with calendar module where global configuration of maximumEntries was not overridden by calendar specific config (see module doc).
  600. - Fixed issue where `this.file(filename)` returns a path with two hashes.
  601. - Workaround for the WeatherForecast API limitation.
  602. ## [2.1.2] - 2017-07-01
  603. ### Changed
  604. - Revert Docker related changes in favor of [docker-MagicMirror]( All Docker images are outsourced. ([#856](
  605. - Change Docker base image (Debian + Node) to an arm based distro (AlpineARM + Node) ([#846](
  606. - Fix the dockerfile to have it running from the first time.
  607. ### Added
  608. - Add in option to wrap long calendar events to multiple lines using `wrapEvents` configuration option.
  609. - Add test e2e `show title newsfeed` for newsfeed module.
  610. - Add task to check configuration file.
  611. - Add test check URLs of vendors.
  612. - Add test of match current week number on clock module with showWeek configuration.
  613. - Add test default modules present modules/default/defaultmodules.js.
  614. - Add unit test calendar_modules function capFirst.
  615. - Add test for check if exists the directories present in defaults modules.
  616. - Add support for showing wind direction as an arrow instead of abbreviation in currentWeather module.
  617. - Add support for writing translation functions to support flexible word order
  618. - Add test for check if exits the directories present in defaults modules.
  619. - Add calendar option to set a separate date format for full day events.
  620. - Add ability for `currentweather` module to display indoor temperature via INDOOR_TEMPERATURE notification
  621. - Add ability to change the path of the `custom.css`.
  622. - Add translation Dutch to Alert module.
  623. - Added Romanian translation.
  624. ### Updated
  625. - Added missing keys to Polish translation.
  626. - Added missing key to German translation.
  627. - Added better translation with flexible word order to Finnish translation.
  628. ### Fixed
  629. - Fix instruction in README for using automatically installer script.
  630. - Bug of duplicated compliments as described in [here](
  631. - Fix double message about port when server is starting
  632. - Corrected Swedish translations for TODAY/TOMORROW/DAYAFTERTOMORROW.
  633. - Removed unused import from js/electron.js
  634. - Made calendar.js respect config.timeFormat irrespective of locale setting.
  635. - Fixed alignment of analog clock when a large calendar is displayed in the same side bar.
  636. ## [2.1.1] - 2017-04-01
  637. **Note:** This update uses new dependencies. Please update using the following command: `git pull && npm install`
  638. ### Changed
  639. - Add `anytime` group for Compliments module.
  640. - Compliments module can use remoteFile without default daytime arrays defined.
  641. - Installer: Use init config.js from config.js.sample.
  642. - Switched out `rrule` package for `rrule-alt` and fixes in `ical.js` in order to fix calendar issues. ([#565](
  643. - Make mouse events pass through the region fullscreen_above to modules below.
  644. - Scaled the splash screen down to make it a bit more subtle.
  645. - Replace HTML tables with markdown tables in README files.
  647. - Run `npm test` on Travis automatically.
  648. - Show the splash screen image even when is reboot or halted.
  649. - Added some missing translation strings in the sv.json file.
  650. - Run task jsonlint to check translation files.
  651. - Restructured Test Suite.
  652. ### Added
  653. - Added Docker support (Pull Request [#673](
  654. - Calendar-specific support for `maximumEntries`, and `maximumNumberOfDays`.
  655. - Add loaded function to modules, providing an async callback.
  656. - Made default newsfeed module aware of gesture events from [MMM-Gestures](
  657. - Add use pm2 for manager process into Installer RaspberryPi script.
  658. - Russian Translation.
  659. - Afrikaans Translation.
  660. - Add postinstall script to notify user that MagicMirror installed successfully despite warnings from NPM.
  661. - Init tests using mocha.
  662. - Option to use RegExp in Calendar's titleReplace.
  663. - Hungarian Translation.
  664. - Icelandic Translation.
  665. - Add use a script to prevent when is run by SSH session set DISPLAY environment.
  666. - Enable ability to set configuration file by the environment variable called MM_CONFIG_FILE.
  667. - Option to give each calendar a different color.
  668. - Option for colored min-temp and max-temp.
  669. - Add test e2e helloworld.
  670. - Add test e2e environment.
  671. - Add `chai-as-promised` npm module to devDependencies.
  672. - Basic set of tests for clock module.
  673. - Run e2e test in Travis.
  674. - Estonian Translation.
  675. - Add test for compliments module for parts of day.
  676. - Korean Translation.
  677. - Added console warning on startup when deprecated config options are used.
  678. - Add option to display temperature unit label to the current weather module.
  679. - Added ability to disable wrapping of news items.
  680. - Added in the ability to hide events in the calendar module based on simple string filters.
  681. - Updated Norwegian translation.
  682. - Added hideLoading option for News Feed module.
  683. - Added configurable dateFormat to clock module.
  684. - Added multiple calendar icon support.
  685. - Added tests for Translations, dev argument, version, dev console.
  686. - Added test anytime feature compliments module.
  687. - Added test ipwhitelist configuration directive.
  688. - Added test for calendar module: default, basic-auth, backward compatibility, fail-basic-auth.
  689. - Added meta tags to support fullscreen mode on iOS (for server mode)
  690. - Added `ignoreOldItems` and `ignoreOlderThan` options to the News Feed module
  691. - Added test for MM_PORT environment variable.
  692. - Added a configurable Week section to the clock module.
  693. ### Fixed
  694. - Update .gitignore to not ignore default modules folder.
  695. - Remove white flash on boot up.
  696. - Added `update` in Raspberry Pi installation script.
  697. - Fix an issue where the analog clock looked scrambled. ([#611](
  698. - If units are set to imperial, the showRainAmount option of weatherforecast will show the correct unit.
  699. - Module currentWeather: check if temperature received from api is defined.
  700. - Fix an issue with module hidden status changing to `true` although lock string prevented showing it.
  701. - Fix newsfeed module bug (removeStartTags)
  702. - Fix when is set MM_PORT environment variable.
  703. - Fixed missing animation on `` when module is alone in a region.
  704. ## [2.1.0] - 2016-12-31
  705. **Note:** This update uses new dependencies. Please update using the following command: `git pull && npm install`
  706. ### Added
  707. - Finnish translation.
  708. - Danish translation.
  709. - Turkish translation.
  710. - Option to limit access to certain IP addresses based on the value of `ipWhitelist` in the `config.js`, default is access from localhost only (Issue [#456](
  711. - Added ability to change the point of time when calendar events get relative.
  712. - Add Splash screen on boot.
  713. - Add option to show humidity in currentWeather module.
  714. - Add VSCode IntelliSense support.
  715. - Module API: Add Visibility locking to module system. [See documentation]( for more information.
  716. - Module API: Method to overwrite the module's header. [See documentation]( for more information.
  717. - Module API: Option to define the minimum MagicMirror version to run a module. [See documentation]( for more information.
  718. - Calendar module now broadcasts the event list to all other modules using the notification system. [See documentation]( for more information.
  719. - Possibility to use the calendar feed as the source for the weather (currentweather & weatherforecast) location data. [See documentation]( for more information.
  720. - Added option to show rain amount in the weatherforecast default module
  721. - Add module `updatenotification` to get an update whenever a new version is available. [See documentation]( for more information.
  722. - Add the ability to set timezone on the date display in the Clock Module
  723. - Ability to set date format in calendar module
  724. - Possibility to use currentweather for the compliments
  725. - Added option `disabled` for modules.
  726. - Added option `address` to set bind address.
  727. - Added option `onlyTemp` for currentweather module to show only current temperature and weather icon.
  728. - Added option `remoteFile` to compliments module to load compliment array from filesystem.
  729. - Added option `zoom` to scale the whole mirror display with a given factor.
  730. - Added option `roundTemp` for currentweather and weatherforecast modules to display temperatures rounded to nearest integer.
  731. - Added ability set the classes option to compliments module for style and text size of compliments.
  732. - Added ability to configure electronOptions
  733. - Calendar module: option to hide private events
  734. - Add root_path for global vars
  735. ### Updated
  736. - Modified translations for Frysk.
  737. - Modified core English translations.
  738. - Updated package.json as a result of Snyk security update.
  739. - Improve object instantiation to prevent reference errors.
  740. - Improve logger. `Log.log()` now accepts multiple arguments.
  741. - Remove extensive logging in newsfeed node helper.
  742. - Calendar times are now uniformly capitalized.
  743. - Modules are now secure, and Helmet is now used to prevent abuse of the Mirror's API.
  744. ### Fixed
  745. - Solve an issue where module margins would appear when the first module of a section was hidden.
  746. - Solved visual display errors on chrome, if all modules in one of the right sections are hidden.
  747. - Global and Module default config values are no longer modified when setting config values.
  748. - Hide a region if all modules in a region are hidden. Prevention unwanted margins.
  749. - Replaced `electron-prebuilt` package with `electron` in order to fix issues that would happen after 2017.
  750. - Documentation of alert module
  751. ## [2.0.5] - 2016-09-20
  752. ### Added
  753. - Added ability to remove tags from the beginning or end of newsfeed items in 'newsfeed.js'.
  754. - Added ability to define "the day after tomorrow" for calendar events (Definition for German and Dutch already included).
  755. - Added CII Badge (we are compliant with the CII Best Practices)
  756. - Add support for doing http basic auth when loading calendars
  757. - Add the ability to turn off and on the date display in the Clock Module
  758. ### Fixed
  759. - Fix typo in installer.
  760. - Add message to unsupported Pi error to mention that Pi Zeros must use server only mode, as ARMv6 is unsupported. Closes #374.
  761. - Fix API url for weather API.
  762. ### Updated
  763. - Force fullscreen when kioskmode is active.
  764. - Update the .github templates and information with more modern information.
  765. - Update the Gruntfile with a more functional StyleLint implementation.
  766. ## [2.0.4] - 2016-08-07
  767. ### Added
  768. - Brazilian Portuguese Translation.
  769. - Option to enable Kiosk mode.
  770. - Added ability to start the app with Dev Tools.
  771. - Added ability to turn off the date display in `clock.js` when in analog mode.
  772. - Greek Translation
  773. ### Fixed
  774. - Prevent `getModules()` selectors from returning duplicate entries.
  775. - Append endpoints of weather modules with `/` to retrieve the correct data. (Issue [#337](
  776. - Corrected grammar in `module.js` from 'suspend' to 'suspended'.
  777. - Fixed URL in config sample.
  778. - Prevent currentweather module from crashing when received data object is incorrect.
  779. - Fix issue where translation loading prevented the UI start-up when the language was set to 'en'. (Issue [#388](
  780. ### Updated
  781. - Updated package.json to fix possible vulnerabilities. (Using Snyk)
  782. - Updated weathericons
  783. - Updated default weatherforecast to work with the new icons.
  784. - More detailed error message in case config file couldn't be loaded.
  785. ## [2.0.3] - 2016-07-12
  786. ### Added
  787. - Add max newsitems parameter to the newsfeed module.
  788. - Translations for Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and Japanese.
  789. - Polish Translation
  790. - Add an analog clock in addition to the digital one.
  791. ### Fixed
  792. - Edit Alert Module to display title & message if they are provided in the notification (Issue [#300](
  793. - Removed 'null' reference from updateModuleContent(). This fixes recent Edge and Internet Explorer browser displays (Issue [#319](
  794. ### Changed
  795. - Added default string to calendar titleReplace.
  796. ## [2.0.2] - 2016-06-05
  797. ### Added
  798. - Norwegian Translations (nb and nn)
  799. - Portuguese Translation
  800. - Swedish Translation
  801. ### Fixed
  802. - Added reference to Italian Translation.
  803. - Added the missing NE translation to all languages. [#344](
  804. - Added proper User-Agent string to calendar call.
  805. ### Changed
  806. - Add option to use locationID in weather modules.
  807. ## [2.0.1] - 2016-05-18
  808. ### Added
  809. - Changelog
  810. - Italian Translation
  811. ### Changed
  812. - Improve the installer by fetching the latest Node.js without any 3rd party interferences.
  813. ## [2.0.0] - 2016-05-03
  814. ### Initial release of MagicMirror²
  815. It includes (but is not limited to) the following features:
  816. - Modular system allowing 3rd party plugins.
  817. - An Node/Electron based application taking away the need for external servers or browsers.
  818. - A complete development API documentation.
  819. - Small cute fairies that kiss you while you sleep.
  820. ## [1.0.0] - 2014-02-16
  821. ### Initial release of MagicMirror.
  822. This was part of the blogpost: [](