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  1. DevTools
  2. ========
  3. > A Chrome DevTools protocol binding that maps WebDriver commands into Chrome DevTools commands using [Puppeteer](
  4. This package provides a low level interface to run browser automation scripts based on the WebDriver protocol. If you are looking for a tool to automate Chrome or Firefox you should look up [Puppeteer]( This is suppose to be used by the [WebdriverIO]( package in order to run its automation on the Chrome DevTools protocol.
  5. ## Install
  6. ```sh
  7. $ npm i webdriverio
  8. ```
  9. ## Example
  10. The following example demonstrates how WebdriverIO can be used with the `devtools` package as automation binding using the [`automationProtocol`]( option:
  11. ```js
  12. const { remote } = require('webdriverio')
  13. let browser;
  14. (async () => {
  15. browser = await remote({
  16. automationProtocol: 'devtools',
  17. capabilities: {
  18. browserName: 'chrome'
  19. }
  20. })
  21. await browser.url('')
  22. /**
  23. * run Puppeteer code
  24. */
  25. await () => {
  26. const page = (await browser.puppeteer.pages())[0]
  27. await page.setRequestInterception(true)
  28. page.on('request', interceptedRequest => {
  29. if (interceptedRequest.url().endsWith('webdriverio.png')) {
  30. return interceptedRequest.continue({
  31. url: ''
  32. })
  33. }
  34. interceptedRequest.continue()
  35. })
  36. })
  37. // continue with WebDriver commands
  38. await browser.refresh()
  39. await browser.pause(2000)
  40. /**
  41. * now on the page you see the Puppeteer logo
  42. * instead of the WebdriverIO one
  43. */
  44. await browser.deleteSession()
  45. })().catch(async (e) => {
  46. console.error(e)
  47. await browser.deleteSession()
  48. })
  49. ```
  50. ### Commands
  51. The following commands are already supported:
  52. - [x] [newSession](
  53. - [x] [deleteSession](
  54. - [x] [status](
  55. - [x] [getTimeouts](
  56. - [x] [setTimeouts](
  57. - [x] [getUrl](
  58. - [x] [navigateTo](
  59. - [x] [back](
  60. - [x] [forward](
  61. - [x] [refresh](
  62. - [x] [getTitle](
  63. - [x] [getWindowHandle](
  64. - [x] [closeWindow](
  65. - [x] [switchToWindow](
  66. - [x] [createWindow](
  67. - [x] [getWindowHandles](
  68. - [x] [switchToFrame](
  69. - [x] [switchToParentFrame](
  70. - [x] [getWindowRect](
  71. - [x] [setWindowRect](
  72. - [ ] [maximizeWindow]( (not possible with Puppeteer)
  73. - [ ] [minimizeWindow]( (not possible with Puppeteer)
  74. - [ ] [fullscreenWindow]( (not possible with Puppeteer)
  75. - [x] [findElement](
  76. - [x] [findElements](
  77. - [x] [findElementFromElement](
  78. - [x] [findElementsFromElement](
  79. - [x] [getActiveElement](
  80. - [x] [isElementSelected](
  81. - [x] [isElementDisplayed](
  82. - [x] [getElementAttribute](
  83. - [x] [getElementProperty](
  84. - [x] [getElementCSSValue](
  85. - [x] [getElementText](
  86. - [x] [getElementTagName](
  87. - [x] [getElementRect](
  88. - [x] [isElementEnabled](
  89. - [x] [elementClick](
  90. - [x] [elementClear](
  91. - [x] [elementSendKeys](
  92. - [x] [getPageSource](
  93. - [x] [executeScript](
  94. - [x] [executeAsyncScript](
  95. - [x] [getAllCookies](
  96. - [x] [getNamedCookie](
  97. - [x] [addCookie](
  98. - [x] [deleteAllCookies](
  99. - [x] [deleteCookie](
  100. - [x] [performActions](
  101. - [x] [releaseActions](
  102. - [x] [dismissAlert](
  103. - [x] [acceptAlert](
  104. - [x] [getAlertText](
  105. - [x] [sendAlertText](
  106. - [x] [takeScreenshot](
  107. - [x] [takeElementScreenshot](
  108. ### Selector Strategies
  109. - [x] [CSS Selector](
  110. - [x] [Link Text](
  111. - [x] [Partial Link Text](
  112. - [x] [Tag Name](
  113. - [x] [XPath](
  114. ### Browser
  115. - [x] Chrome
  116. - [x] Firefox (nightly only)
  117. - [x] Edge
  118. - [ ] Safari