Software zum Installieren eines Smart-Mirror Frameworks , zum Nutzen von hochschulrelevanten Informationen, auf einem Raspberry-Pi.
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  1. # matcher [![Build Status](](
  2. > Simple [wildcard]( matching
  3. Useful when you want to accept loose string input and regexes/globs are too convoluted.
  4. ## Install
  5. ```
  6. $ npm install matcher
  7. ```
  8. ## Usage
  9. ```js
  10. const matcher = require('matcher');
  11. matcher(['foo', 'bar', 'moo'], ['*oo', '!foo']);
  12. //=> ['moo']
  13. matcher(['foo', 'bar', 'moo'], ['!*oo']);
  14. //=> ['bar']
  15. matcher.isMatch('unicorn', 'uni*');
  16. //=> true
  17. matcher.isMatch('unicorn', '*corn');
  18. //=> true
  19. matcher.isMatch('unicorn', 'un*rn');
  20. //=> true
  21. matcher.isMatch('rainbow', '!unicorn');
  22. //=> true
  23. matcher.isMatch('foo bar baz', 'foo b* b*');
  24. //=> true
  25. matcher.isMatch('unicorn', 'uni\\*');
  26. //=> false
  27. matcher.isMatch('UNICORN', 'UNI*', {caseSensitive: true});
  28. //=> true
  29. matcher.isMatch('UNICORN', 'unicorn', {caseSensitive: true});
  30. //=> false
  31. matcher.isMatch(['foo', 'bar'], 'f*');
  32. //=> true
  33. matcher.isMatch(['foo', 'bar'], ['a*', 'b*']);
  34. //=> true
  35. matcher.isMatch('unicorn', ['tri*', 'UNI*'], {caseSensitive: true});
  36. //=> false
  37. ```
  38. ## API
  39. It matches even across newlines. For example, `foo*r` will match `foo\nbar`.
  40. ### matcher(inputs, patterns, options?)
  41. Accepts an array of `input`'s and `pattern`'s.
  42. Returns an array of `inputs` filtered based on the `patterns`.
  43. ### matcher.isMatch(input, pattern, options?)
  44. Accepts either a string or array of strings for both `input` and `pattern`.
  45. Returns a `boolean` of whether any given `input` matches every given `pattern`.
  46. #### input
  47. Type: `string | string[]`
  48. String or array of strings to match.
  49. #### options
  50. Type: `object`
  51. ##### caseSensitive
  52. Type: `boolean`\
  53. Default: `false`
  54. Treat uppercase and lowercase characters as being the same.
  55. Ensure you use this correctly. For example, files and directories should be matched case-insensitively, while most often, object keys should be matched case-sensitively.
  56. #### pattern
  57. Type: `string | string[]`
  58. Use `*` to match zero or more characters. A pattern starting with `!` will be negated.
  59. ## Benchmark
  60. ```
  61. $ npm run bench
  62. ```
  63. ## Related
  64. - [matcher-cli]( - CLI for this module
  65. - [multimatch]( - Extends `minimatch.match()` with support for multiple patterns
  66. ---
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