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  1. [tests]:
  2. [tests-url]:
  3. [cover]:
  4. [cover-url]:
  5. [size]:
  6. [size-url]:
  7. [PostCSS]:
  8. [PostCSS-SCSS]:
  9. [LESS]:
  10. [Autoprefixer]:
  11. [Stylelint]:
  12. # postcss-less
  13. [![tests][tests]][tests-url]
  14. [![cover][cover]][cover-url]
  15. [![size][size]][size-url]
  16. A [PostCSS] Syntax for parsing [LESS]
  17. _Note: This module requires Node v6.14.4+. `poscss-less` is not a LESS compiler. For compiling LESS, please use the official toolset for LESS._
  18. ## Install
  19. Using npm:
  20. ```console
  21. npm install postcss-less --save-dev
  22. ```
  23. <a href="">
  24. <img src="" width="160">
  25. </a>
  26. Please consider [becoming a patron]( if you find this module useful.
  27. ## Usage
  28. The most common use of `postcss-less` is for applying PostCSS transformations directly to LESS source. eg. ia theme written in LESS which uses [Autoprefixer] to add appropriate vendor prefixes.
  29. ```js
  30. const syntax = require('postcss-less');
  31. postcss(plugins)
  32. .process(lessText, { syntax: syntax })
  33. .then(function (result) {
  34. result.content // LESS with transformations
  35. });
  36. ```
  37. ## LESS Specific Parsing
  38. ### `@import`
  39. Parsing of LESS-specific `@import` statements and options are supported.
  40. ```less
  41. @import (option) 'file.less';
  42. ```
  43. The AST will contain an `AtRule` node with:
  44. - an `import: true` property
  45. - a `filename: <String>` property containing the imported filename
  46. - an `options: <String>` property containing any [import options]( specified
  47. ### Inline Comments
  48. Parsing of single-line comments in CSS is supported.
  49. ```less
  50. :root {
  51. // Main theme color
  52. --color: red;
  53. }
  54. ```
  55. The AST will contain a `Comment` node with an `inline: true` property.
  56. ### Mixins
  57. Parsing of LESS mixins is supported.
  58. ```less
  59. .my-mixin {
  60. color: black;
  61. }
  62. ```
  63. The AST will contain an `AtRule` node with a `mixin: true` property.
  64. #### `!important`
  65. Mixins that declare `!important` will contain an `important: true` property on their respective node.
  66. ### Variables
  67. Parsing of LESS variables is supported.
  68. ```less
  69. @link-color: #428bca;
  70. ```
  71. The AST will contain an `AtRule` node with a `variable: true` property.
  72. _Note: LESS variables are strictly parsed - a colon (`:`) must immediately follow a variable name._
  73. ## Stringifying
  74. To process LESS code without PostCSS transformations, custom stringifier
  75. should be provided.
  76. ```js
  77. const postcss = require('postcss');
  78. const syntax = require('postcss-less');
  79. const less = `
  80. // inline comment
  81. .container {
  82. .mixin-1();
  83. .mixin-2;
  84. .mixin-3 (@width: 100px) {
  85. width: @width;
  86. }
  87. }
  88. .rotation(@deg:5deg){
  89. .transform(rotate(@deg));
  90. }
  91. `;
  92. const result = await postcss().process(less, { syntax });
  93. // will contain the value of `less`
  94. const { content } = result;
  95. ```
  96. ## Use Cases
  97. - Lint LESS code with 3rd-party plugins.
  98. - Apply PostCSS transformations (such as [Autoprefixer]( directly to the LESS source code
  99. ## Meta