Software zum Installieren eines Smart-Mirror Frameworks , zum Nutzen von hochschulrelevanten Informationen, auf einem Raspberry-Pi.
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  1. # CHANGES for regextras
  2. ## 0.8.0
  3. ### Dev-facing
  4. - Linting: As per latest ash-nazg
  5. - npm: Switch to pnpm
  6. - npm: Update devDeps.
  7. ## 0.7.1
  8. - Build: Update builds (dot all)
  9. - Linting: As per latest ash-nazg/ESLint 7
  10. - npm: Update `rollup-plugin-babel` to `@rollup/plugin-babel`
  11. and explicitly set `babelHelpers`
  12. - npm: Update devDeps
  13. ## 0.7.0
  14. - Linting (ESLint): Update per latest ash-nazg; switch to 2sp.
  15. indent; lint HTML, Markdown
  16. - Maintenance: Add `.editorconfig`
  17. - Fix: Properly add any extra u (unicode) flag
  18. - Enhancement: Add any extra s (dotAll) flag
  19. - Testing: Use ESM
  20. - Testing: Add nyc for coverage
  21. - Testing: Begin use of BDD style
  22. - Testing: Add tests for mixinRegex and plain prototype.js
  23. - Testing: Add HTML reporter
  24. - npm: Update devDeps
  25. ## 0.6.1
  26. - npm: Drop `peerDependencies` (though still required)
  27. ## 0.6.0
  28. - Enhancement: Add `main` ES and UMD builds (without generators)
  29. - Linting (ESLint): Apply ash-nazg; use js file format
  30. - Linting: Add `lgtm.yml`
  31. - Testing: Avoid missing `regenerator-runtime` and `core-js-bundle`;
  32. favicon no-ops; use strict; put `write` in own module
  33. - npm: Update devDeps, peerDep; add ash-nazg and its peerDeps; ignore rollup
  34. ## 0.5.0
  35. - Babel: Add `.babelrc`, preset-env
  36. - Linting: Switch to .json file; update to avoid new standard rule
  37. - Testing: Switch from end-of-lifed nodeunit to Mocha
  38. - npm: Update devDeps; use terser and @babel/core; opn-cli -> open-cli
  39. - npm: Add regenerator-runtime and core-js-bundle peerDeps and devDeps
  40. ## 0.4.0
  41. - Breaking change: Stop exporting default
  42. - npm: Update devDep
  43. - npm: Separate nodeunit script from linting/rollup
  44. ## 0.3.0
  45. - Breaking change: Move now ES6 source files from `lib` to `src`
  46. - Enhancement: ES6 Modules export (incomplete)
  47. - Refactoring: Swap main with index
  48. - Linting: Add ESLint, `.remarkrc`
  49. - License: Remove mistakenly copied portion from my other repo
  50. - License: Rename to reflect type (MIT)
  51. - npm: Add `packge-lock.json`
  52. - npm: Update devDeps
  53. ## 0.1.1
  54. - Fix README
  55. ## 0.1.0
  56. - Initial release