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  1. # responselike
  2. > A response-like object for mocking a Node.js HTTP response stream
  3. [![Build Status](](
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  7. Returns a streamable response object similar to a [Node.js HTTP response stream]( Useful for formatting cached responses so they can be consumed by code expecting a real response.
  8. ## Install
  9. ```shell
  10. npm install --save responselike
  11. ```
  12. Or if you're just using for testing you'll want:
  13. ```shell
  14. npm install --save-dev responselike
  15. ```
  16. ## Usage
  17. ```js
  18. const Response = require('responselike');
  19. const response = new Response(200, { foo: 'bar' }, Buffer.from('Hi!'), '');
  20. response.statusCode;
  21. // 200
  22. response.headers;
  23. // { foo: 'bar' }
  24. response.body;
  25. // <Buffer 48 69 21>
  26. response.url;
  27. // ''
  28. response.pipe(process.stdout);
  29. // Hi!
  30. ```
  31. ## API
  32. ### new Response(statusCode, headers, body, url)
  33. Returns a streamable response object similar to a [Node.js HTTP response stream](
  34. #### statusCode
  35. Type: `number`
  36. HTTP response status code.
  37. #### headers
  38. Type: `object`
  39. HTTP headers object. Keys will be automatically lowercased.
  40. #### body
  41. Type: `buffer`
  42. A Buffer containing the response body. The Buffer contents will be streamable but is also exposed directly as `response.body`.
  43. #### url
  44. Type: `string`
  45. Request URL string.
  46. ## License
  47. MIT © Luke Childs