123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309 |
- /* global Module */
- /* Magic Mirror
- * Module: MMM-COVID19-AMPEL
- *
- * By Daniel Osterkamp
- * MIT Licensed.
- */
- Module.register("MMM-COVID19-AMPEL", {
- defaults: {
- header: "COVID-19 Inzidenzwert",
- cityID: ["224"], // City ID from https://npgeo-corona-npgeo-de.hub.arcgis.com/datasets/917fc37a709542548cc3be077a786c17_0/data
- infoRowClass: "small", // small, medium
- showUpdateDateInHeader: true,
- showUpdateDateInRow: false,
- showTitle: true,
- showSKLK: true,
- showStatusLightLeft: true,
- showStatusLightRight: true,
- showCases: true,
- showCasesPerPeople: true,
- showDeathRatePerPeople: true,
- show7DayIncidence: true,
- showVaccinations: true,
- landModeOnly: false,
- numberOfDigits: 2,
- updateInterval: 3600000, // update interval in milliseconds
- fadeSpeed: 4000,
- updateDate: "",
- },
- getStyles: function () {
- return ["MMM-COVID19-AMPEL.css"];
- },
- getTranslations: function () {
- return {
- en: "translations/en.json",
- de: "translations/de.json",
- it: "translations/it.json",
- fr: "translations/fr.json",
- es: "translations/es.json"
- }
- },
- start: function () {
- this.getInfo();
- this.scheduleUpdate();
- },
- scheduleUpdate: function (delay) {
- var nextLoad = this.config.updateInterval;
- if (typeof delay !== "undefined" && delay >= 0) {
- nextLoad = delay;
- }
- var self = this;
- setInterval(function () {
- self.getInfo();
- }, nextLoad);
- },
- getInfo: function () {
- this.sendSocketNotification("GET_INCIDENTS", this.config.cityID);
- },
- socketNotificationReceived: function (notification, payload) {
- var self = this;
- if (notification === "INCIDENTS") {
- this.globalIncidents = payload;
- this.updateDom(self.config.fadeSpeed);
- }
- if (notification === "VACCINATIONS") {
- this.globalVaccinations = payload;
- var lines = this.globalVaccinations[this.globalVaccinations.length-1].split("\n");
- var result = lines[lines.length-2].split("\t");
- // this.amountPeopleFirstVaccination = result[26]
- this.globalVaccinations = result[29]*100;
- this.globalSecondVaccination = result[30]*100;
- // this.totalPeople = this.amountPeopleFirstVaccination/this.globalVaccinations;
- // this.globalThirdVaccinations = result[28]*this.totalPeople;
- this.updateDom(self.config.fadeSpeed);
- }
- },
- getHeader: function () {
- var headerTitle = this.config.header;
- var vaccinationsLabel = this.translate("VacQuota");
- if (this.config.showUpdateDateInHeader) {
- headerTitle += " " + this.config.updateDate;
- }
- if (this.config.showVaccinations && !(this.globalVaccinations === null || this.globalVaccinations === undefined ))
- headerTitle += " - " + vaccinationsLabel + " " + this.globalVaccinations.toFixed(this.config.numberOfDigits) + "% / " + this.globalSecondVaccination.toFixed(this.config.numberOfDigits) + "%";
- return headerTitle;
- },
- getDom: function () {
- var wrapper = document.createElement("table");
- if (this.globalIncidents === null || this.globalIncidents === undefined )
- return wrapper;
- if (Object.entries(this.globalIncidents).length === 0 ) return wrapper;
- var globalStats = this.globalIncidents;
- //globalStats is array with attributes and ITEMS
- wrapper.className = this.config.tableClass || "covidAmpel";
- if (this.config.showTitle) {
- let tableRow = document.createElement("tr");
- let incidentStateColora = document.createElement("td");
- let incidentCityName = document.createElement("td");
- let incidentSKLK = document.createElement("td");
- let incidentBLName = document.createElement("td");
- let incidentUpdateDate = document.createElement("td");
- let totalCases = document.createElement("td");
- let casesPerCapita = document.createElement("td");
- let deathPerInfection = document.createElement("td");
- let incident7DayNumber = document.createElement("td");
- let incidentStateColorb = document.createElement("td");
- incidentCityName.innerHTML = this.translate('Location');
- incidentCityName.className = this.config.infoRowClass;
- incidentSKLK.innerHTML = this.translate('Region');
- incidentSKLK.className = this.config.infoRowClass;
- incidentBLName.innerHTML = this.translate('Land');
- incidentBLName.className = this.config.infoRowClass;
- incidentUpdateDate.innerHTML = this.translate('Updated on');
- incidentUpdateDate.className = this.config.infoRowClass;
- totalCases.innerHTML = this.translate('Infections');
- totalCases.className = this.config.infoRowClass;
- casesPerCapita.innerHTML = this.translate('Infection rate %');
- casesPerCapita.className = this.config.infoRowClass;
- deathPerInfection.innerHTML = this.translate('Todesfälle') ;
- deathPerInfection.className = this.config.infoRowClass;
- incident7DayNumber.innerHTML = this.translate('Inzidenz');
- incident7DayNumber.className = this.config.infoRowClass;
- if (this.config.showStatusLightLeft) {
- tableRow.appendChild(incidentStateColora);
- }
- if (!this.config.landModeOnly) {
- tableRow.appendChild(incidentCityName);
- if (this.config.showSKLK) tableRow.appendChild(incidentSKLK);
- }
- if (this.config.landModeOnly) tableRow.appendChild(incidentBLName);
- if (this.config.showUpdateDateInRow) {
- tableRow.appendChild(incidentUpdateDate);
- }
- if (this.config.showCases && !this.config.landModeOnly) {
- tableRow.appendChild(totalCases);
- }
- if (this.config.showCasesPerPeople && !this.config.landModeOnly) {
- tableRow.appendChild(casesPerCapita);
- }
- if (this.config.showDeathRatePerPeople && !this.config.landModeOnly) {
- tableRow.appendChild(deathPerInfection);
- }
- if (this.config.show7DayIncidence) {
- tableRow.appendChild(incident7DayNumber);
- }
- if (this.config.showStatusLightRight) {
- tableRow.appendChild(incidentStateColorb);
- }
- wrapper.appendChild(tableRow);
- }
- globalStats.sort((a, b) => (a.attributes.GEN > b.attributes.GEN) ? 1 : -1)
- for (let i = 0; i < globalStats.length; i++) {
- const element = globalStats[i].attributes;
- let tableRow = document.createElement("tr");
- let incidentStateColora = document.createElement("td");
- let incidentCityName = document.createElement("td");
- let incidentSKLK = document.createElement("td");
- let incidentBLName = document.createElement("td");
- let incidentUpdateDate = document.createElement("td");
- let totalCases = document.createElement("td");
- let casesPerCapita = document.createElement("td");
- let deathPerInfection = document.createElement("td");
- let incident7DayNumber = document.createElement("td");
- let incidentStateColorb = document.createElement("td");
- incidentCityName.innerHTML = element.GEN;
- incidentCityName.className = this.config.infoRowClass;
- incidentSKLK.innerHTML = element.BEZ;
- incidentSKLK.className = this.config.infoRowClass;
- incidentBLName.innerHTML = element.BL;
- incidentBLName.className = this.config.infoRowClass;
- this.config.updateDate = element.last_update;
- if (this.config.showUpdateDateInRow) {
- incidentUpdateDate.innerHTML = element.last_update;
- incidentUpdateDate.className = this.config.infoRowClass;
- }
- if (this.config.showCases && !this.config.landModeOnly) {
- var cs = element.cases;
- totalCases.innerHTML = cs.toLocaleString();
- totalCases.className = this.config.infoRowClass;
- }
- if (this.config.showCasesPerPeople && !this.config.landModeOnly) {
- casesPerCapita.innerHTML =
- element.cases_per_population.toFixed(this.config.numberOfDigits) + "%";
- casesPerCapita.className = this.config.infoRowClass;
- }
- if (this.config.showDeathRatePerPeople && !this.config.landModeOnly) {
- deathPerInfection.innerHTML = element.death_rate.toFixed(this.config.numberOfDigits) + "%";
- deathPerInfection.className = this.config.infoRowClass;
- }
- if (this.config.show7DayIncidence && !this.config.landModeOnly) {
- incident7DayNumber.className = this.config.infoRowClass;
- incident7DayNumber.innerHTML = (
- Math.round(element.cases7_per_100k * 100) / 100
- ).toFixed(this.config.numberOfDigits);
- }
- if (this.config.show7DayIncidence && this.config.landModeOnly) {
- incident7DayNumber.className = this.config.infoRowClass;
- incident7DayNumber.innerHTML = (
- Math.round(element.cases7_bl_per_100k * 100) / 100
- ).toFixed(this.config.numberOfDigits);
- }
- incidentStateColora.innerHTML = "__";
- incidentStateColorb.innerHTML = "__";
- if (parseFloat(element.cases7_per_100k) < 35) {
- incidentStateColora.className = incidentStateColorb.className = "green";
- }
- if (parseFloat(element.cases7_per_100k) >= 35) {
- incidentStateColora.className = incidentStateColorb.className =
- "yellow";
- }
- if (parseFloat(element.cases7_per_100k) >= 50) {
- incidentStateColora.className = incidentStateColorb.className = "red";
- }
- if (parseFloat(element.cases7_per_100k) >= 100) {
- incidentStateColora.className = incidentStateColorb.className =
- "darkred";
- }
- if (parseFloat(element.cases7_per_100k) >= 300) {
- incidentStateColora.className = incidentStateColorb.className =
- "purple";
- }
- if (this.config.landModeOnly) {
- if (parseFloat(element.cases7_bl_per_100k) < 35) {
- incidentStateColora.className = incidentStateColorb.className = "green";
- }
- if (parseFloat(element.cases7_bl_per_100k) >= 35) {
- incidentStateColora.className = incidentStateColorb.className =
- "yellow";
- }
- if (parseFloat(element.cases7_bl_per_100k) >= 50) {
- incidentStateColora.className = incidentStateColorb.className = "red";
- }
- if (parseFloat(element.cases7_bl_per_100k) >= 100) {
- incidentStateColora.className = incidentStateColorb.className =
- "darkred";
- }
- if (parseFloat(element.cases7_bl_per_100k) >= 300) {
- incidentStateColora.className = incidentStateColorb.className =
- "purple";
- }
- }
- if (this.config.showStatusLightLeft) {
- tableRow.appendChild(incidentStateColora);
- }
- if (!this.config.landModeOnly) {
- tableRow.appendChild(incidentCityName);
- if (this.config.showSKLK) tableRow.appendChild(incidentSKLK)
- }
- if (this.config.landModeOnly) tableRow.appendChild(incidentBLName);
- if (this.config.showUpdateDateInRow) {
- tableRow.appendChild(incidentUpdateDate);
- }
- if (this.config.showCases && !this.config.landModeOnly) {
- tableRow.appendChild(totalCases);
- }
- if (this.config.showCasesPerPeople && !this.config.landModeOnly) {
- tableRow.appendChild(casesPerCapita);
- }
- if (this.config.showDeathRatePerPeople && !this.config.landModeOnly) {
- tableRow.appendChild(deathPerInfection);
- }
- if (this.config.show7DayIncidence && !this.config.landModeOnly) {
- tableRow.appendChild(incident7DayNumber);
- }
- if (this.config.show7DayIncidence && this.config.landModeOnly) {
- tableRow.appendChild(incident7DayNumber);
- }
- if (this.config.showStatusLightRight) {
- tableRow.appendChild(incidentStateColorb);
- }
- wrapper.appendChild(tableRow);
- }
- return wrapper;
- },
- });