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- cipher-base
- ===
- [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/crypto-browserify/cipher-base.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/crypto-browserify/cipher-base)
- Abstract base class to inherit from if you want to create streams implementing
- the same api as node crypto streams.
- Requires you to implement 2 methods `_final` and `_update`. `_update` takes a
- buffer and should return a buffer, `_final` takes no arguments and should return
- a buffer.
- The constructor takes one argument and that is a string which if present switches
- it into hash mode, i.e. the object you get from crypto.createHash or
- crypto.createSign, this switches the name of the final method to be the string
- you passed instead of `final` and returns `this` from update.