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  1. # extract-zip
  2. Unzip written in pure JavaScript. Extracts a zip into a directory. Available as a library or a command line program.
  3. Uses the [`yauzl`]( ZIP parser.
  4. [![NPM](](
  5. [![js-standard-style](](
  6. [![Build Status](](
  7. ## Installation
  8. Get the library:
  9. ```
  10. npm install extract-zip --save
  11. ```
  12. Install the command line program:
  13. ```
  14. npm install extract-zip -g
  15. ```
  16. ## JS API
  17. ```js
  18. var extract = require('extract-zip')
  19. extract(source, {dir: target}, function (err) {
  20. // extraction is complete. make sure to handle the err
  21. })
  22. ```
  23. ### Options
  24. - `dir` - defaults to `process.cwd()`
  25. - `defaultDirMode` - integer - Directory Mode (permissions) will default to `493` (octal `0755` in integer)
  26. - `defaultFileMode` - integer - File Mode (permissions) will default to `420` (octal `0644` in integer)
  27. - `onEntry` - function - if present, will be called with `(entry, zipfile)`, entry is every entry from the zip file forwarded from the `entry` event from yauzl. `zipfile` is the `yauzl` instance
  28. Default modes are only used if no permissions are set in the zip file.
  29. ## CLI Usage
  30. ```
  31. extract-zip <targetDirectory>
  32. ```
  33. If not specified, `targetDirectory` will default to `process.cwd()`.