Software zum Installieren eines Smart-Mirror Frameworks , zum Nutzen von hochschulrelevanten Informationen, auf einem Raspberry-Pi.
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  1. /**
  2. * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
  3. *
  4. * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
  5. * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
  6. */
  7. import type { Config } from '@jest/types';
  8. export declare function check(argv: Config.Argv): true;
  9. export declare const usage = "Usage: $0 [--config=<pathToConfigFile>] [TestPathPattern]";
  10. export declare const docs = "Documentation:";
  11. export declare const options: {
  12. readonly all: {
  13. readonly description: string;
  14. readonly type: "boolean";
  15. };
  16. readonly automock: {
  17. readonly description: "Automock all files by default.";
  18. readonly type: "boolean";
  19. };
  20. readonly bail: {
  21. readonly alias: "b";
  22. readonly description: "Exit the test suite immediately after `n` number of failing tests.";
  23. readonly type: "boolean";
  24. };
  25. readonly browser: {
  26. readonly description: string;
  27. readonly type: "boolean";
  28. };
  29. readonly cache: {
  30. readonly description: string;
  31. readonly type: "boolean";
  32. };
  33. readonly cacheDirectory: {
  34. readonly description: string;
  35. readonly type: "string";
  36. };
  37. readonly changedFilesWithAncestor: {
  38. readonly description: string;
  39. readonly type: "boolean";
  40. };
  41. readonly changedSince: {
  42. readonly description: string;
  43. readonly nargs: 1;
  44. readonly type: "string";
  45. };
  46. readonly ci: {
  47. readonly description: string;
  48. readonly type: "boolean";
  49. };
  50. readonly clearCache: {
  51. readonly description: string;
  52. readonly type: "boolean";
  53. };
  54. readonly clearMocks: {
  55. readonly description: string;
  56. readonly type: "boolean";
  57. };
  58. readonly collectCoverage: {
  59. readonly description: "Alias for --coverage.";
  60. readonly type: "boolean";
  61. };
  62. readonly collectCoverageFrom: {
  63. readonly description: string;
  64. readonly type: "string";
  65. };
  66. readonly collectCoverageOnlyFrom: {
  67. readonly description: "Explicit list of paths coverage will be restricted to.";
  68. readonly string: true;
  69. readonly type: "array";
  70. };
  71. readonly color: {
  72. readonly description: string;
  73. readonly type: "boolean";
  74. };
  75. readonly colors: {
  76. readonly description: "Alias for `--color`.";
  77. readonly type: "boolean";
  78. };
  79. readonly config: {
  80. readonly alias: "c";
  81. readonly description: string;
  82. readonly type: "string";
  83. };
  84. readonly coverage: {
  85. readonly description: string;
  86. readonly type: "boolean";
  87. };
  88. readonly coverageDirectory: {
  89. readonly description: "The directory where Jest should output its coverage files.";
  90. readonly type: "string";
  91. };
  92. readonly coveragePathIgnorePatterns: {
  93. readonly description: string;
  94. readonly string: true;
  95. readonly type: "array";
  96. };
  97. readonly coverageProvider: {
  98. readonly choices: readonly ["babel", "v8"];
  99. readonly description: "Select between Babel and V8 to collect coverage";
  100. };
  101. readonly coverageReporters: {
  102. readonly description: string;
  103. readonly string: true;
  104. readonly type: "array";
  105. };
  106. readonly coverageThreshold: {
  107. readonly description: string;
  108. readonly type: "string";
  109. };
  110. readonly debug: {
  111. readonly description: "Print debugging info about your jest config.";
  112. readonly type: "boolean";
  113. };
  114. readonly detectLeaks: {
  115. readonly description: string;
  116. readonly type: "boolean";
  117. };
  118. readonly detectOpenHandles: {
  119. readonly description: string;
  120. readonly type: "boolean";
  121. };
  122. readonly env: {
  123. readonly description: string;
  124. readonly type: "string";
  125. };
  126. readonly errorOnDeprecated: {
  127. readonly description: "Make calling deprecated APIs throw helpful error messages.";
  128. readonly type: "boolean";
  129. };
  130. readonly expand: {
  131. readonly alias: "e";
  132. readonly description: "Use this flag to show full diffs instead of a patch.";
  133. readonly type: "boolean";
  134. };
  135. readonly filter: {
  136. readonly description: string;
  137. readonly type: "string";
  138. };
  139. readonly findRelatedTests: {
  140. readonly description: string;
  141. readonly type: "boolean";
  142. };
  143. readonly forceExit: {
  144. readonly description: string;
  145. readonly type: "boolean";
  146. };
  147. readonly globalSetup: {
  148. readonly description: "The path to a module that runs before All Tests.";
  149. readonly type: "string";
  150. };
  151. readonly globalTeardown: {
  152. readonly description: "The path to a module that runs after All Tests.";
  153. readonly type: "string";
  154. };
  155. readonly globals: {
  156. readonly description: string;
  157. readonly type: "string";
  158. };
  159. readonly haste: {
  160. readonly description: "A JSON string with map of variables for the haste module system";
  161. readonly type: "string";
  162. };
  163. readonly init: {
  164. readonly description: "Generate a basic configuration file";
  165. readonly type: "boolean";
  166. };
  167. readonly injectGlobals: {
  168. readonly description: "Should Jest inject global variables or not";
  169. readonly type: "boolean";
  170. };
  171. readonly json: {
  172. readonly description: string;
  173. readonly type: "boolean";
  174. };
  175. readonly lastCommit: {
  176. readonly description: string;
  177. readonly type: "boolean";
  178. };
  179. readonly listTests: {
  180. readonly description: string;
  181. readonly type: "boolean";
  182. };
  183. readonly logHeapUsage: {
  184. readonly description: string;
  185. readonly type: "boolean";
  186. };
  187. readonly maxConcurrency: {
  188. readonly description: string;
  189. readonly type: "number";
  190. };
  191. readonly maxWorkers: {
  192. readonly alias: "w";
  193. readonly description: string;
  194. readonly type: "string";
  195. };
  196. readonly moduleDirectories: {
  197. readonly description: string;
  198. readonly string: true;
  199. readonly type: "array";
  200. };
  201. readonly moduleFileExtensions: {
  202. readonly description: string;
  203. readonly string: true;
  204. readonly type: "array";
  205. };
  206. readonly moduleNameMapper: {
  207. readonly description: string;
  208. readonly type: "string";
  209. };
  210. readonly modulePathIgnorePatterns: {
  211. readonly description: string;
  212. readonly string: true;
  213. readonly type: "array";
  214. };
  215. readonly modulePaths: {
  216. readonly description: string;
  217. readonly string: true;
  218. readonly type: "array";
  219. };
  220. readonly noStackTrace: {
  221. readonly description: "Disables stack trace in test results output";
  222. readonly type: "boolean";
  223. };
  224. readonly notify: {
  225. readonly description: "Activates notifications for test results.";
  226. readonly type: "boolean";
  227. };
  228. readonly notifyMode: {
  229. readonly description: "Specifies when notifications will appear for test results.";
  230. readonly type: "string";
  231. };
  232. readonly onlyChanged: {
  233. readonly alias: "o";
  234. readonly description: string;
  235. readonly type: "boolean";
  236. };
  237. readonly onlyFailures: {
  238. readonly alias: "f";
  239. readonly description: "Run tests that failed in the previous execution.";
  240. readonly type: "boolean";
  241. };
  242. readonly outputFile: {
  243. readonly description: string;
  244. readonly type: "string";
  245. };
  246. readonly passWithNoTests: {
  247. readonly description: "Will not fail if no tests are found (for example while using `--testPathPattern`.)";
  248. readonly type: "boolean";
  249. };
  250. readonly preset: {
  251. readonly description: "A preset that is used as a base for Jest's configuration.";
  252. readonly type: "string";
  253. };
  254. readonly prettierPath: {
  255. readonly description: "The path to the \"prettier\" module used for inline snapshots.";
  256. readonly type: "string";
  257. };
  258. readonly projects: {
  259. readonly description: string;
  260. readonly string: true;
  261. readonly type: "array";
  262. };
  263. readonly reporters: {
  264. readonly description: "A list of custom reporters for the test suite.";
  265. readonly string: true;
  266. readonly type: "array";
  267. };
  268. readonly resetMocks: {
  269. readonly description: string;
  270. readonly type: "boolean";
  271. };
  272. readonly resetModules: {
  273. readonly description: string;
  274. readonly type: "boolean";
  275. };
  276. readonly resolver: {
  277. readonly description: "A JSON string which allows the use of a custom resolver.";
  278. readonly type: "string";
  279. };
  280. readonly restoreMocks: {
  281. readonly description: string;
  282. readonly type: "boolean";
  283. };
  284. readonly rootDir: {
  285. readonly description: string;
  286. readonly type: "string";
  287. };
  288. readonly roots: {
  289. readonly description: string;
  290. readonly string: true;
  291. readonly type: "array";
  292. };
  293. readonly runInBand: {
  294. readonly alias: "i";
  295. readonly description: string;
  296. readonly type: "boolean";
  297. };
  298. readonly runTestsByPath: {
  299. readonly description: string;
  300. readonly type: "boolean";
  301. };
  302. readonly runner: {
  303. readonly description: "Allows to use a custom runner instead of Jest's default test runner.";
  304. readonly type: "string";
  305. };
  306. readonly selectProjects: {
  307. readonly description: string;
  308. readonly string: true;
  309. readonly type: "array";
  310. };
  311. readonly setupFiles: {
  312. readonly description: string;
  313. readonly string: true;
  314. readonly type: "array";
  315. };
  316. readonly setupFilesAfterEnv: {
  317. readonly description: string;
  318. readonly string: true;
  319. readonly type: "array";
  320. };
  321. readonly showConfig: {
  322. readonly description: "Print your jest config and then exits.";
  323. readonly type: "boolean";
  324. };
  325. readonly silent: {
  326. readonly description: "Prevent tests from printing messages through the console.";
  327. readonly type: "boolean";
  328. };
  329. readonly skipFilter: {
  330. readonly description: string;
  331. readonly type: "boolean";
  332. };
  333. readonly snapshotSerializers: {
  334. readonly description: string;
  335. readonly string: true;
  336. readonly type: "array";
  337. };
  338. readonly testEnvironment: {
  339. readonly description: "Alias for --env";
  340. readonly type: "string";
  341. };
  342. readonly testEnvironmentOptions: {
  343. readonly description: string;
  344. readonly type: "string";
  345. };
  346. readonly testFailureExitCode: {
  347. readonly description: "Exit code of `jest` command if the test run failed";
  348. readonly type: "string";
  349. };
  350. readonly testLocationInResults: {
  351. readonly description: "Add `location` information to the test results";
  352. readonly type: "boolean";
  353. };
  354. readonly testMatch: {
  355. readonly description: "The glob patterns Jest uses to detect test files.";
  356. readonly string: true;
  357. readonly type: "array";
  358. };
  359. readonly testNamePattern: {
  360. readonly alias: "t";
  361. readonly description: "Run only tests with a name that matches the regex pattern.";
  362. readonly type: "string";
  363. };
  364. readonly testPathIgnorePatterns: {
  365. readonly description: string;
  366. readonly string: true;
  367. readonly type: "array";
  368. };
  369. readonly testPathPattern: {
  370. readonly description: string;
  371. readonly string: true;
  372. readonly type: "array";
  373. };
  374. readonly testRegex: {
  375. readonly description: "A string or array of string regexp patterns that Jest uses to detect test files.";
  376. readonly string: true;
  377. readonly type: "array";
  378. };
  379. readonly testResultsProcessor: {
  380. readonly description: string;
  381. readonly type: "string";
  382. };
  383. readonly testRunner: {
  384. readonly description: string;
  385. readonly type: "string";
  386. };
  387. readonly testSequencer: {
  388. readonly description: string;
  389. readonly type: "string";
  390. };
  391. readonly testTimeout: {
  392. readonly description: "This option sets the default timeouts of test cases.";
  393. readonly type: "number";
  394. };
  395. readonly testURL: {
  396. readonly description: "This option sets the URL for the jsdom environment.";
  397. readonly type: "string";
  398. };
  399. readonly timers: {
  400. readonly description: string;
  401. readonly type: "string";
  402. };
  403. readonly transform: {
  404. readonly description: string;
  405. readonly type: "string";
  406. };
  407. readonly transformIgnorePatterns: {
  408. readonly description: string;
  409. readonly string: true;
  410. readonly type: "array";
  411. };
  412. readonly unmockedModulePathPatterns: {
  413. readonly description: string;
  414. readonly string: true;
  415. readonly type: "array";
  416. };
  417. readonly updateSnapshot: {
  418. readonly alias: "u";
  419. readonly description: string;
  420. readonly type: "boolean";
  421. };
  422. readonly useStderr: {
  423. readonly description: "Divert all output to stderr.";
  424. readonly type: "boolean";
  425. };
  426. readonly verbose: {
  427. readonly description: "Display individual test results with the test suite hierarchy.";
  428. readonly type: "boolean";
  429. };
  430. readonly version: {
  431. readonly alias: "v";
  432. readonly description: "Print the version and exit";
  433. readonly type: "boolean";
  434. };
  435. readonly watch: {
  436. readonly description: string;
  437. readonly type: "boolean";
  438. };
  439. readonly watchAll: {
  440. readonly description: string;
  441. readonly type: "boolean";
  442. };
  443. readonly watchPathIgnorePatterns: {
  444. readonly description: string;
  445. readonly string: true;
  446. readonly type: "array";
  447. };
  448. readonly watchman: {
  449. readonly description: string;
  450. readonly type: "boolean";
  451. };
  452. };