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- List of TweetNaCl.js authors
- ============================
- Alphabetical order by first name.
- Format: Name (GitHub username or URL)
- * AndSDev (@AndSDev)
- * Devi Mandiri (@devi)
- * Dmitry Chestnykh (@dchest)
- List of authors of third-party public domain code from which TweetNaCl.js code was derived
- ==========================================================================================
- [TweetNaCl](http://tweetnacl.cr.yp.to/)
- --------------------------------------
- * Bernard van Gastel
- * Daniel J. Bernstein <http://cr.yp.to/djb.html>
- * Peter Schwabe <http://www.cryptojedi.org/users/peter/>
- * Sjaak Smetsers <http://www.cs.ru.nl/~sjakie/>
- * Tanja Lange <http://hyperelliptic.org/tanja>
- * Wesley Janssen
- [Poly1305-donna](https://github.com/floodyberry/poly1305-donna)
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- * Andrew Moon (@floodyberry)