Software zum Installieren eines Smart-Mirror Frameworks , zum Nutzen von hochschulrelevanten Informationen, auf einem Raspberry-Pi.
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  1. <h1>
  2. <img src="" alt="vfile" width="400" />
  3. </h1>
  4. [![Build][build-badge]][build]
  5. [![Coverage][coverage-badge]][coverage]
  6. [![Downloads][downloads-badge]][downloads]
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  8. [![Sponsors][sponsors-badge]][collective]
  9. [![Backers][backers-badge]][collective]
  10. [![Chat][chat-badge]][chat]
  11. **vfile** is a small and browser friendly virtual file format that tracks
  12. metadata (such as a file’s `path` and `contents`) and [messages][].
  13. It was made specifically for **[unified][]** and generally for the common task
  14. of parsing, transforming, and serializing data, where `vfile` handles everything
  15. about the document being compiled.
  16. This is useful for example when building linters, compilers, static site
  17. generators, or other build tools.
  18. **vfile** is part of the [unified collective][site].
  19. * for updates, see [Twitter][]
  20. * for more about us, see [``][site]
  21. * for questions, see [Discussions][chat]
  22. * to help, see [contribute][] or [sponsor][] below
  23. > **vfile** is different from the excellent [`vinyl`][vinyl] in that it has
  24. > a smaller API, a smaller size, and focuses on [messages][].
  25. ## Contents
  26. * [Install](#install)
  27. * [Use](#use)
  28. * [API](#api)
  29. * [`VFile(options?)`](#vfileoptions)
  30. * [`vfile.contents`](#vfilecontents)
  31. * [`vfile.cwd`](#vfilecwd)
  32. * [`vfile.path`](#vfilepath)
  33. * [`vfile.basename`](#vfilebasename)
  34. * [`vfile.stem`](#vfilestem)
  35. * [`vfile.extname`](#vfileextname)
  36. * [`vfile.dirname`](#vfiledirname)
  37. * [`vfile.history`](#vfilehistory)
  38. * [`vfile.messages`](#vfilemessages)
  39. * [``](#vfiledata)
  40. * [`VFile#toString(encoding?)`](#vfiletostringencoding)
  41. * [`VFile#message(reason[, position][, origin])`](#vfilemessagereason-position-origin)
  42. * [`VFile#info(reason[, position][, origin])`](#vfileinforeason-position-origin)
  43. * [`VFile#fail(reason[, position][, origin])`](#vfilefailreason-position-origin)
  44. * [List of utilities](#list-of-utilities)
  45. * [Reporters](#reporters)
  46. * [Contribute](#contribute)
  47. * [Sponsor](#sponsor)
  48. * [Acknowledgments](#acknowledgments)
  49. * [License](#license)
  50. ## Install
  51. [npm][]:
  52. ```sh
  53. npm install vfile
  54. ```
  55. ## Use
  56. ```js
  57. var vfile = require('vfile')
  58. var file = vfile({path: '~/example.txt', contents: 'Alpha *braavo* charlie.'})
  59. file.path // => '~/example.txt'
  60. file.dirname // => '~'
  61. file.extname = '.md'
  62. file.basename // => ''
  63. file.basename = 'index.text'
  64. file.history // => ['~/example.txt', '~/', '~/index.text']
  65. file.message('`braavo` is misspelt; did you mean `bravo`?', {
  66. line: 1,
  67. column: 8
  68. })
  69. console.log(file.messages)
  70. ```
  71. Yields:
  72. ```js
  73. [ { [~/index.text:1:8: `braavo` is misspelt; did you mean `bravo`?]
  74. message: '`braavo` is misspelt; did you mean `bravo`?',
  75. name: '~/index.text:1:8',
  76. file: '~/index.text',
  77. reason: '`braavo` is misspelt; did you mean `bravo`?',
  78. line: 1,
  79. column: 8,
  80. location: { start: [Object], end: [Object] },
  81. ruleId: null,
  82. source: null,
  83. fatal: false } ]
  84. ```
  85. ## API
  86. ### `VFile(options?)`
  87. Create a new virtual file.
  88. If `options` is `string` or `Buffer`, treats it as `{contents: options}`.
  89. If `options` is a `VFile`, returns it.
  90. All other options are set on the newly created `vfile`.
  91. Path related properties are set in the following order (least specific to most
  92. specific): `history`, `path`, `basename`, `stem`, `extname`, `dirname`.
  93. It’s not possible to set either `dirname` or `extname` without setting either
  94. `history`, `path`, `basename`, or `stem` as well.
  95. ###### Example
  96. ```js
  97. vfile()
  98. vfile('console.log("alpha");')
  99. vfile(Buffer.from('exit 1'))
  100. vfile({path: path.join(__dirname, '')})
  101. vfile({stem: 'readme', extname: '.md', dirname: __dirname})
  102. vfile({other: 'properties', are: 'copied', ov: {e: 'r'}})
  103. ```
  104. ### `vfile.contents`
  105. `Buffer`, `string`, `null` — Raw value.
  106. ### `vfile.cwd`
  107. `string` — Base of `path`.
  108. Defaults to `process.cwd()`.
  109. ### `vfile.path`
  110. `string?` — Path of `vfile`.
  111. Cannot be nullified.
  112. ### `vfile.basename`
  113. `string?` — Current name (including extension) of `vfile`.
  114. Cannot contain path separators.
  115. Cannot be nullified either (use `file.path = file.dirname` instead).
  116. ### `vfile.stem`
  117. `string?` — Name (without extension) of `vfile`.
  118. Cannot be nullified, and cannot contain path separators.
  119. ### `vfile.extname`
  120. `string?` — Extension (with dot) of `vfile`.
  121. Cannot be set if there’s no `path` yet and cannot contain path separators.
  122. ### `vfile.dirname`
  123. `string?` — Path to parent directory of `vfile`.
  124. Cannot be set if there’s no `path` yet.
  125. ### `vfile.history`
  126. `Array.<string>` — List of file-paths the file moved between.
  127. ### `vfile.messages`
  128. [`Array.<VMessage>`][message] — List of messages associated with the file.
  129. ### ``
  130. `Object` — Place to store custom information.
  131. It’s OK to store custom data directly on the `vfile`, moving it to `data` gives
  132. a *little* more privacy.
  133. ### `VFile#toString(encoding?)`
  134. Convert contents of `vfile` to string.
  135. When `contents` is a [`Buffer`][buffer], `encoding` is a
  136. [character encoding][encoding] to understand `doc` as (`string`, default:
  137. `'utf8'`).
  138. ### `VFile#message(reason[, position][, origin])`
  139. Associates a message with the file, where `fatal` is set to `false`.
  140. Constructs a new [`VMessage`][vmessage] and adds it to
  141. [`vfile.messages`][messages].
  142. ##### Returns
  143. [`VMessage`][vmessage].
  144. ### `VFile#info(reason[, position][, origin])`
  145. Associates an informational message with the file, where `fatal` is set to
  146. `null`.
  147. Calls [`#message()`][message] internally.
  148. ##### Returns
  149. [`VMessage`][vmessage].
  150. ### `VFile#fail(reason[, position][, origin])`
  151. Associates a fatal message with the file, then immediately throws it.
  152. Note: fatal errors mean a file is no longer processable.
  153. Calls [`#message()`][message] internally.
  154. ##### Throws
  155. [`VMessage`][vmessage].
  156. <a name="utilities"></a>
  157. ## List of utilities
  158. The following list of projects includes tools for working with virtual files.
  159. See **[unist][]** for projects that work with nodes.
  160. * [`convert-vinyl-to-vfile`](
  161. — transform from [Vinyl][] to vfile
  162. * [`to-vfile`](
  163. — create a vfile from a filepath
  164. * [`vfile-find-down`](
  165. — find files by searching the file system downwards
  166. * [`vfile-find-up`](
  167. — find files by searching the file system upwards
  168. * [`vfile-glob`](
  169. — find files by glob patterns
  170. * [`vfile-is`](
  171. — check if a vfile passes a test
  172. * [`vfile-location`](
  173. — convert between positional and offset locations
  174. * [`vfile-matter`](
  175. — parse the YAML front matter
  176. * [`vfile-message`](
  177. — create a vfile message
  178. * [`vfile-messages-to-vscode-diagnostics`](
  179. — transform vfile messages to VS Code diagnostics
  180. * [`vfile-mkdirp`](
  181. — make sure the directory of a vfile exists on the file system
  182. * [`vfile-rename`](
  183. — rename the path parts of a vfile
  184. * [`vfile-sort`](
  185. — sort messages by line/column
  186. * [`vfile-statistics`](
  187. — count messages per category: failures, warnings, etc
  188. * [`vfile-to-eslint`](
  189. — convert to ESLint formatter compatible output
  190. ## Reporters
  191. The following list of projects show linting results for given virtual files.
  192. Reporters *must* accept `Array.<VFile>` as their first argument, and return
  193. `string`.
  194. Reporters *may* accept other values too, in which case it’s suggested to stick
  195. to `vfile-reporter`s interface.
  196. * [`vfile-reporter`][reporter]
  197. — create a report
  198. * [`vfile-reporter-json`](
  199. — create a JSON report
  200. * [`vfile-reporter-folder-json`](
  201. — create a JSON representation of vfiles
  202. * [`vfile-reporter-pretty`](
  203. — create a pretty report
  204. * [`vfile-reporter-junit`](
  205. — create a jUnit report
  206. * [`vfile-reporter-position`](
  207. — create a report with content excerpts
  208. ## Contribute
  209. See [``][contributing] in [`vfile/.github`][health] for ways to
  210. get started.
  211. See [``][support] for ways to get help.
  212. Ideas for new utilities and tools can be posted in [`vfile/ideas`][ideas].
  213. This project has a [code of conduct][coc].
  214. By interacting with this repository, organization, or community you agree to
  215. abide by its terms.
  216. ## Sponsor
  217. Support this effort and give back by sponsoring on [OpenCollective][collective]!
  218. <table>
  219. <tr valign="middle">
  220. <td width="20%" align="center" colspan="2">
  221. <a href="">Gatsby</a> 🥇<br><br>
  222. <a href=""><img src="" width="128"></a>
  223. </td>
  224. <td width="20%" align="center" colspan="2">
  225. <a href="">Vercel</a> 🥇<br><br>
  226. <a href=""><img src="" width="128"></a>
  227. </td>
  228. <td width="20%" align="center" colspan="2">
  229. <a href="">Netlify</a><br><br>
  230. <!--OC has a sharper image-->
  231. <a href=""><img src="" width="128"></a>
  232. </td>
  233. <td width="10%" align="center">
  234. <a href="">Holloway</a><br><br>
  235. <a href=""><img src="" width="64"></a>
  236. </td>
  237. <td width="10%" align="center">
  238. <a href="">ThemeIsle</a><br><br>
  239. <a href=""><img src="" width="64"></a>
  240. </td>
  241. <td width="10%" align="center">
  242. <a href="">Boost Hub</a><br><br>
  243. <a href=""><img src="" width="64"></a>
  244. </td>
  245. <td width="10%" align="center">
  246. <a href="">Expo</a><br><br>
  247. <a href=""><img src="" width="64"></a>
  248. </td>
  249. </tr>
  250. <tr valign="middle">
  251. <td width="100%" align="center" colspan="10">
  252. <br>
  253. <a href=""><strong>You?</strong></a>
  254. <br><br>
  255. </td>
  256. </tr>
  257. </table>
  258. ## Acknowledgments
  259. The initial release of this project was authored by
  260. [**@wooorm**](
  261. Thanks to [**@contra**](,
  262. [**@phated**](, and others for their work on
  263. [Vinyl][], which was a huge inspiration.
  264. Thanks to
  265. [**@brendo**](,
  266. [**@shinnn**](,
  267. [**@KyleAMathews**](,
  268. [**@sindresorhus**](, and
  269. [**@denysdovhan**](
  270. for contributing commits since!
  271. ## License
  272. [MIT][license] © [Titus Wormer][author]
  273. <!-- Definitions -->
  274. [build-badge]:
  275. [build]:
  276. [coverage-badge]:
  277. [coverage]:
  278. [downloads-badge]:
  279. [downloads]:
  280. [size-badge]:
  281. [size]:
  282. [sponsors-badge]:
  283. [backers-badge]:
  284. [collective]:
  285. [chat-badge]:
  286. [chat]:
  287. [npm]:
  288. [contributing]:
  289. [support]:
  290. [health]:
  291. [coc]:
  292. [license]: license
  293. [author]:
  294. [unified]:
  295. [vinyl]:
  296. [site]:
  297. [twitter]:
  298. [contribute]: #contribute
  299. [sponsor]: #sponsor
  300. [unist]:
  301. [reporter]:
  302. [vmessage]:
  303. [messages]: #vfilemessages
  304. [message]: #vfilemessagereason-position-origin
  305. [ideas]:
  306. [encoding]:
  307. [buffer]: