/* Magic Mirror Custom CSS Sample * * Change color and fonts here. * * Beware that properties cannot be unitless, so for example write '--gap-body: 0px;' instead of just '--gap-body: 0;' * * MIT Licensed. */ /* Uncomment and adjust accordingly if you want to import another font from the google-fonts-api: */ /* @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Poppins:wght@100;300;400;700&display=swap'); */ :root { --color-text: #999; --color-text-dimmed: #666; --color-text-bright: #fff; --color-background: black; --font-primary: "Roboto Condensed"; --font-secondary: "Roboto"; --font-size: 20px; --font-size-small: 0.75rem; --gap-body-top: 60px; --gap-body-right: 60px; --gap-body-bottom: 60px; --gap-body-left: 60px; --gap-modules: 30px; }