## Next - **[Breaking change]** Replace `OutModules` enum by custom compiler option `mjsModule`. - **[Breaking change]** Drop support for Pug, Sass, Angular & Webpack. - **[Feature]** Expose custom registries for each target. - **[Feature]** Add `dist.tscOptions` for `lib` target to override options for distribution builds. - **[Feature]** Native ESM tests with mocha. - **[Fix]** Disable deprecated TsLint rules from the default config - **[Fix]** Remove use of experimental `fs/promises` module. - **[Internal]** Fix continuous deployment script (stop confusing PRs to master with push to master) - **[Internal]** Update dependencies - **[Internal]** Fix deprecated Mocha types. ## 0.17.1 (2017-05-03) - **[Fix]** Update dependencies, remove `std/esm` warning. ## 0.17.0 (2017-04-22) - **[Breaking change]** Update dependencies. Use `esm` instead of `@std/esm`, update Typescript to `2.8.3`. - **[Fix]** Fix Node processes spawn on Windows (Mocha, Nyc) ## 0.16.2 (2017-02-07) - **[Fix]** Fix Typedoc generation: use `tsconfig.json` generated for the lib. - **[Fix]** Write source map for `.mjs` files - **[Fix]** Copy sources to `_src` when publishing a lib (#87). - **[Internal]** Restore continuous deployment of documentation. ## 0.16.1 (2017-01-20) - **[Feature]** Support `mocha` tests on `.mjs` files (using `@std/esm`). Enabled by default if `outModules` is configured to emit `.mjs`. **You currently need to add `"@std/esm": {"esm": "cjs"}` to your `package.json`.** ## 0.16.0 (2017-01-09) - **[Breaking change]** Enable `allowSyntheticDefaultImports` and `esModuleInterop` by default - **[Fix]** Allow deep module imports in default Tslint rules - **[Fix]** Drop dependency on deprecated `gulp-util` - **[Internal]** Replace most custom typings by types from `@types` ## 0.15.8 (2017-12-05) - **[Fix]** Exit with non-zero code if command tested with coverage fails - **[Fix]** Solve duplicated error message when using the `run` mocha task. - **[Fix]** Exit with non-zero code when building scripts fails. ## 0.15.7 (2017-11-29) - **[Feature]** Add `coverage` task to `mocha` target, use it for the default task ## 0.15.6 (2017-11-29) - **[Fix]** Fix path to source in source maps. - **[Fix]** Disable `number-literal-format` in default Tslint rules. It enforced uppercase for hex. - **[Internal]** Enable integration with Greenkeeper. - **[Internal]** Enable integration with Codecov - **[Internal]** Enable code coverage ## 0.15.5 (2017-11-10) - **[Feature]** Enable the following TsLint rules: `no-duplicate-switch-case`, `no-implicit-dependencies`, `no-return-await` - **[Internal]** Update self-dependency `0.15.4`, this restores the README on _npm_ - **[Internal]** Add homepage and author fields to package.json ## 0.15.4 (2017-11-10) - **[Fix]** Add support for custom additional copy for distribution builds. [#49](https://github.com/demurgos/turbo-gulp/issues/49) - **[Internal]** Update self-dependency to `turbo-gulp` - **[Internal]** Add link to license in `README.md` ## 0.15.3 (2017-11-09) **Rename to `turbo-gulp`**. This package was previously named `demurgos-web-build-tools`. This version is fully compatible: you can just change the name of your dependency. ## 0.15.2 (2017-11-09) **The package is prepared to be renamed `turbo-gulp`.** This is the last version released as `demurgos-web-build-tools`. - **[Feature]** Add support for watch mode for library targets. - **[Fix]** Disable experimental support for `*.mjs` by default. - **[Fix]** Do not emit duplicate TS errors ## 0.15.1 (2017-10-19) - **[Feature]** Add experimental support for `*.mjs` files - **[Fix]** Fix support of releases from Continuous Deployment using Travis. ## 0.15.0 (2017-10-18) - **[Fix]** Add error handling for git deployment. - **[Internal]** Enable continuous deployment of the `master` branch. ## 0.15.0-beta.11 (2017-08-29) - **[Feature]** Add `LibTarget.dist.copySrc` option to disable copy of source files to the dist directory. This allows to prevent issues with missing custom typings. - **[Fix]** Mark `deploy` property of `LibTarget.typedoc` as optional. - **[Internal]** Update self-dependency to `v0.15.0-beta.10`. ## 0.15.0-beta.10 (2017-08-28) - **[Breaking]** Update Tslint rules to use `tslint@5.7.0`. - **[Fix]** Set `allowJs` to false in default TSC options. - **[Fix]** Do not pipe output of git commands to stdout. - **[Internal]** Update self-dependency to `v0.15.0-beta.9`. ## 0.15.0-beta.9 (2017-08-28) - **[Breaking]** Drop old-style `test` target. - **[Breaking]** Drop old-style `node` target. - **[Feature]** Add `mocha` target to run tests in `spec.ts` files. - **[Feature]** Add `node` target to build and run top-level Node applications. - **[Feature]** Provide `generateNodeTasks`, `generateLibTasks` and `generateMochaTasks` functions. They create the tasks but do not register them. - **[Fix]** Run `clean` before `dist`, if defined. - **[Fix]** Run `dist` before `publish`. ## 0.15.0-beta.8 (2017-08-26) - **[Fix]** Remove auth token and registry options for `:dist:publish`. It is better served by configuring the environment appropriately. ## 0.15.0-beta.7 (2017-08-26) - **[Feature]** Add `clean` task to `lib` targets. - **[Fix]** Ensure that `gitHead` is defined when publishing a package to npm. ## 0.15.0-beta.6 (2017-08-22) - **[Feature]** Add support for Typedoc deployment to a remote git branch (such as `gh-pages`) - **[Feature]** Add support for `copy` tasks in new library target. - **[Fix]** Resolve absolute paths when compiling scripts with custom typings. ## 0.15.0-beta.5 (2017-08-14) - **[Fix]** Fix package entry for the main module. ## 0.15.0-beta.4 (2017-08-14) - **[Breaking]** Drop ES5 build exposed to browsers with the `browser` field in `package.json`. - **[Feature]** Introduce first new-style target (`LibTarget`). it supports typedoc generation, dev builds and simple distribution. ## 0.15.0-beta.3 (2017-08-11) - **[Breaking]** Update default lib target to use target-specific `srcDir`. - **[Feature]** Allow to complete `srcDir` in target. - **[Feature]** Add experimental library distribution supporting deep requires. ## 0.15.0-beta.2 (2017-08-10) - **[Fix]** Default to CommonJS for project tsconfig.json - **[Fix]** Add Typescript configuration for default project. - **[Internal]** Update self-dependency to `0.15.0-beta.1`. ## 0.15.0-beta.1 (2017-08-09) - **[Feature]** Support typed TSLint rules. - **[Internal]** Update gulpfile.ts to use build tools `0.15.0-beta.0`. - **[Fix]** Fix regressions caused by `0.15.0-beta.0` (missing type definition). ## 0.15.0-beta.0 (2017-08-09) - **[Breaking]** Expose option interfaces directly in the main module instead of the `config` namespace. - **[Breaking]** Rename `DEFAULT_PROJECT_OPTIONS` to `DEFAULT_PROJECT`. - **[Feature]** Emit project-wide `tsconfig.json`. - **[Internal]** Convert gulpfile to Typescript, use `ts-node` to run it. - **[Internal]** Update dependencies ## 0.14.3 (2017-07-16) - **[Feature]** Add `:lint:fix` project task to fix some lint errors. ## 0.14.2 (2017-07-10) - **[Internal]** Update dependencies: add `package-lock.json` and update `tslint`. ## 0.14.1 (2017-06-17) - **[Internal]** Update dependencies. - **[Internal]** Drop dependency on _Bluebird_. - **[Internal]** Drop dependency on _typings_. ## 0.14.0 (2017-05-10) - **[Breaking]** Enforce trailing commas by default for multiline objects - **[Feature]** Allow bump from either `master` or a branch with the same name as the tag (exampel: `v1.2.3`) - **[Feature]** Support TSLint 8, allow to extend the default rules - **[Patch]** Allow mergeable namespaces # 0.13.1 - **[Patch]** Allow namespaces in the default TS-Lint config # 0.13.0 - **[Breaking]** Major overhaul of the angular target. The server build no longer depends on the client. - **[Breaking]** Update to `gulp@4` (from `gulp@3`) - **[Breaking]** Update to `tslint@7` (from `tslint@6`), add stricter default rules - **[Breaking]** Update signature of targetGenerators and project tasks: it only uses `ProjectOptions` and `Target` now, the additional options are embedded in those two objects. - **[Breaking]** Remove `:install`, `:instal:npm` and `:install:typings`. Use the `prepare` script in your `package.json` file instead. - Add `:tslint.json` project task to generate configuration for `tslint` - Add first class support for processing of `pug` and `sass` files, similar to `copy` - Implement end-to-end tests - Enable `emitDecoratorMetadata` in default typescript options. - Allow configuration of `:lint` with the `tslintOptions` property of the project configuration. - Add `:watch` tasks for incremental builds. # 0.12.3 - Support `templateUrl` and `styleUrls` in angular modules. # 0.12.2 - Add `:build:copy` task. It copies user-defined files. # 0.12.1 - Fix `:watch` task. # 0.12.0 - **[Breaking]**: Change naming convention for tasks. The names primary part is the target, then the action (`lib:build` instead of `build:lib`) to group the tasks per target. - **[Breaking]**: Use `typeRoots` instead of `definitions` in configuration to specify Typescript definition files. - Generate `tsconfig.json` file (mainly for editors) - Implement the `test` target to run unit-tests with `mocha`. # 0.11.2 - Target `angular`: Add `build::assets:sass` for `.scss` files (Sassy CSS) # 0.11.1 - Rename project to `web-build-tools` (`demurgos-web-build-tools` on _npm_) - Target `angular`: Add `build::assets`, `build::pug` and `build::static`. - Update `gulp-typescript`: solve error message during compilation - Targets `node` and `angular`: `build::scripts` now include in-lined source maps - Target `node`: `watch:` to support incremental builds