# Suggest using `toContain()` (`prefer-to-contain`) In order to have a better failure message, `toContain()` should be used upon asserting expectations on an array containing an object. ## Rule details This rule triggers a warning if `toBe()`, `toEqual()` or `toStrictEqual()` is used to assert object inclusion in an array ```js expect(a.includes(b)).toBe(true); ``` ```js expect(a.includes(b)).not.toBe(true); ``` ```js expect(a.includes(b)).toBe(false); ``` ### Default configuration The following patterns are considered warnings: ```js expect(a.includes(b)).toBe(true); expect(a.includes(b)).not.toBe(true); expect(a.includes(b)).toBe(false); expect(a.includes(b)).toEqual(true); expect(a.includes(b)).toStrictEqual(true); ``` The following patterns are not considered warnings: ```js expect(a).toContain(b); expect(a).not.toContain(b); ```