'use strict' Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {value: true}) var assert = require('assert') var codes = require('../character/codes.js') var markdownLineEnding = require('../character/markdown-line-ending.js') var types = require('../constant/types.js') var content = require('../tokenize/content.js') var factorySpace = require('../tokenize/factory-space.js') var partialBlankLine = require('../tokenize/partial-blank-line.js') function _interopDefaultLegacy(e) { return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e : {default: e} } var assert__default = /*#__PURE__*/ _interopDefaultLegacy(assert) var tokenize = initializeFlow function initializeFlow(effects) { var self = this var initial = effects.attempt( // Try to parse a blank line. partialBlankLine, atBlankEnding, // Try to parse initial flow (essentially, only code). effects.attempt( this.parser.constructs.flowInitial, afterConstruct, factorySpace( effects, effects.attempt( this.parser.constructs.flow, afterConstruct, effects.attempt(content, afterConstruct) ), types.linePrefix ) ) ) return initial function atBlankEnding(code) { assert__default['default']( code === codes.eof || markdownLineEnding(code), 'expected eol or eof' ) if (code === codes.eof) { effects.consume(code) return } effects.enter(types.lineEndingBlank) effects.consume(code) effects.exit(types.lineEndingBlank) self.currentConstruct = undefined return initial } function afterConstruct(code) { assert__default['default']( code === codes.eof || markdownLineEnding(code), 'expected eol or eof' ) if (code === codes.eof) { effects.consume(code) return } effects.enter(types.lineEnding) effects.consume(code) effects.exit(types.lineEnding) self.currentConstruct = undefined return initial } } exports.tokenize = tokenize