/** * rgb2hex * * @author Christian Bromann * @description converts rgba color to HEX * * @param {String} color rgb or rgba color * @return {Object} object with hex and alpha value */ var rgb2hex = module.exports = function rgb2hex(color) { if(typeof color !== 'string') { // throw error of input isn't typeof string throw new Error('color has to be type of `string`'); } else if (color.substr(0, 1) === '#') { // or return if already rgb color return { hex: color, alpha: 1 }; } /** * strip spaces */ var strippedColor = color.replace(/\s+/g,''); /** * parse input */ var digits = /(.*?)rgb(a)??\((\d{1,3}),(\d{1,3}),(\d{1,3})(,([01]|1.0*|0??\.([0-9]{0,})))??\)/.exec(strippedColor); if(!digits) { // or throw error if input isn't a valid rgb(a) color throw new Error('given color (' + color + ') isn\'t a valid rgb or rgba color'); } var red = parseInt(digits[3], 10); var green = parseInt(digits[4], 10); var blue = parseInt(digits[5], 10); var alpha = digits[6] ? /([0-9\.]+)/.exec(digits[6])[0] : '1'; var rgb = ((blue | green << 8 | red << 16) | 1 << 24).toString(16).slice(1); // parse alpha value into float if(alpha.substr(0,1) === '.') { alpha = parseFloat('0' + alpha); } // cut alpha value after 2 digits after comma alpha = parseFloat(Math.round(alpha * 100)) / 100; return { hex: '#' + rgb.toString(16), alpha: alpha }; };