import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
import { ChildProcess, SpawnOptions } from 'child_process';
import { Readable, Writable } from 'stream';
export interface Options extends SpawnOptions {
mode?: 'text' | 'json' | 'binary';
formatter?: (param: string) => any;
parser?: (param: string) => any;
stderrParser?: (param: string) => any;
encoding?: string;
pythonPath?: string;
* see https://docs.python.org/3.7/using/cmdline.html
pythonOptions?: string[];
* overrides scriptPath passed into PythonShell constructor
scriptPath?: string;
* arguments to your program
args?: string[];
export declare class PythonShellError extends Error {
traceback: string | Buffer;
exitCode?: number;
* An interactive Python shell exchanging data through stdio
* @param {string} script The python script to execute
* @param {object} [options] The launch options (also passed to child_process.spawn)
* @constructor
export declare class PythonShell extends EventEmitter {
scriptPath: string;
command: string[];
mode: string;
formatter: (param: string | Object) => any;
parser: (param: string) => any;
stderrParser: (param: string) => any;
terminated: boolean;
childProcess: ChildProcess;
stdin: Writable;
stdout: Readable;
stderr: Readable;
exitSignal: string;
exitCode: number;
private stderrHasEnded;
private stdoutHasEnded;
private _remaining;
private _endCallback;
static defaultPythonPath: string;
static defaultOptions: Options;
* spawns a python process
* @param scriptPath path to script. Relative to current directory or options.scriptFolder if specified
* @param options
constructor(scriptPath: string, options?: Options);
static format: {
text: (data: any) => string;
json: (data: any) => string;
static parse: {
text: (data: any) => string;
json: (data: string) => any;
* checks syntax without executing code
* @param {string} code
* @returns {Promise} rejects w/ stderr if syntax failure
static checkSyntax(code: string): Promise<{}>;
static getPythonPath(): string;
* checks syntax without executing code
* @param {string} filePath
* @returns {Promise} rejects w/ stderr if syntax failure
static checkSyntaxFile(filePath: string): Promise;
* Runs a Python script and returns collected messages
* @param {string} scriptPath The path to the script to execute
* @param {Options} options The execution options
* @param {Function} callback The callback function to invoke with the script results
* @return {PythonShell} The PythonShell instance
static run(scriptPath: string, options?: Options, callback?: (err?: PythonShellError, output?: any[]) => any): PythonShell;
* Runs the inputted string of python code and returns collected messages. DO NOT ALLOW UNTRUSTED USER INPUT HERE!
* @param {string} code The python code to execute
* @param {Options} options The execution options
* @param {Function} callback The callback function to invoke with the script results
* @return {PythonShell} The PythonShell instance
static runString(code: string, options?: Options, callback?: (err: PythonShellError, output?: any[]) => any): PythonShell;
static getVersion(pythonPath?: string): Promise<{
stdout: string;
stderr: string;
static getVersionSync(pythonPath?: string): string;
* Parses an error thrown from the Python process through stderr
* @param {string|Buffer} data The stderr contents to parse
* @return {Error} The parsed error with extended stack trace when traceback is available
private parseError;
* Sends a message to the Python shell through stdin
* Override this method to format data to be sent to the Python process
* @param {string|Object} data The message to send
* @returns {PythonShell} The same instance for chaining calls
send(message: string | Object): this;
* Parses data received from the Python shell stdout stream and emits "message" events
* This method is not used in binary mode
* Override this method to parse incoming data from the Python process into messages
* @param {string|Buffer} data The data to parse into messages
receive(data: string | Buffer): this;
* Parses data received from the Python shell stderr stream and emits "stderr" events
* This method is not used in binary mode
* Override this method to parse incoming logs from the Python process into messages
* @param {string|Buffer} data The data to parse into messages
receiveStderr(data: string | Buffer): this;
private receiveInternal;
* Closes the stdin stream, which should cause the process to finish its work and close
* @returns {PythonShell} The same instance for chaining calls
end(callback: (err: PythonShellError, exitCode: number, exitSignal: string) => any): this;
* Closes the stdin stream, which should cause the process to finish its work and close
* @returns {PythonShell} The same instance for chaining calls
terminate(signal?: string): this;