/* eslint-disable max-depth, max-params, no-warning-comments, complexity */ const {v4: uuid} = require('uuid'); const moment = require('moment-timezone'); const rrule = require('rrule').RRule; /** ************** * A tolerant, minimal icalendar parser * (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545) * * * ************* */ // Unescape Text re RFC 4.3.11 const text = function (t = '') { return t .replace(/\\,/g, ',') .replace(/\\;/g, ';') .replace(/\\[nN]/g, '\n') .replace(/\\\\/g, '\\'); }; const parseValue = function (value) { if (value === 'TRUE') { return true; } if (value === 'FALSE') { return false; } const number = Number(value); if (!Number.isNaN(number)) { return number; } return value; }; const parseParameters = function (p) { const out = {}; for (const element of p) { if (element.includes('=')) { const segs = element.split('='); out[segs[0]] = parseValue(segs.slice(1).join('=')); } } // Sp is not defined in this scope, typo? // original code from peterbraden // return out || sp; return out; }; const storeValueParameter = function (name) { return function (value, curr) { const current = curr[name]; if (Array.isArray(current)) { current.push(value); return curr; } if (typeof current === 'undefined') { curr[name] = value; } else { curr[name] = [current, value]; } return curr; }; }; const storeParameter = function (name) { return function (value, parameters, curr) { const data = parameters && parameters.length > 0 && !(parameters.length === 1 && parameters[0] === 'CHARSET=utf-8') ? {params: parseParameters(parameters), val: text(value)} : text(value); return storeValueParameter(name)(data, curr); }; }; const addTZ = function (dt, parameters) { const p = parseParameters(parameters); if (dt.tz) { // Date already has a timezone property return dt; } if (parameters && p && dt) { dt.tz = p.TZID; if (dt.tz !== undefined) { // Remove surrouding quotes if found at the begining and at the end of the string // (Occurs when parsing Microsoft Exchange events containing TZID with Windows standard format instead IANA) dt.tz = dt.tz.replace(/^"(.*)"$/, '$1'); } } return dt; }; let zoneTable = null; function getIanaTZFromMS(msTZName) { if (!zoneTable) { const p = require('path'); zoneTable = require(p.join(__dirname, 'windowsZones.json')); } // Get hash entry const he = zoneTable[msTZName]; // If found return iana name, else null return he ? he.iana[0] : null; } function isDateOnly(value, parameters) { const dateOnly = ((parameters && parameters.includes('VALUE=DATE') && !parameters.includes('VALUE=DATE-TIME')) || /^\d{8}$/.test(value) === true); return dateOnly; } const typeParameter = function (name) { // Typename is not used in this function? return function (value, parameters, curr) { const returnValue = isDateOnly(value, parameters) ? 'date' : 'date-time'; return storeValueParameter(name)(returnValue, curr); }; }; const dateParameter = function (name) { return function (value, parameters, curr) { // The regex from main gets confued by extra : const pi = parameters.indexOf('TZID=tzone'); if (pi >= 0) { // Correct the parameters with the part on the value parameters[pi] = parameters[pi] + ':' + value.split(':')[0]; // Get the date from the field, other code uses the value parameter value = value.split(':')[1]; } let newDate = text(value); // Process 'VALUE=DATE' and EXDATE if (isDateOnly(value, parameters)) { // Just Date const comps = /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2}).*$/.exec(value); if (comps !== null) { // No TZ info - assume same timezone as this computer newDate = new Date(comps[1], Number.parseInt(comps[2], 10) - 1, comps[3]); newDate.dateOnly = true; // Store as string - worst case scenario return storeValueParameter(name)(newDate, curr); } } // Typical RFC date-time format const comps = /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})T(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(Z)?$/.exec(value); if (comps !== null) { if (comps[7] === 'Z') { // GMT newDate = new Date( Date.UTC( Number.parseInt(comps[1], 10), Number.parseInt(comps[2], 10) - 1, Number.parseInt(comps[3], 10), Number.parseInt(comps[4], 10), Number.parseInt(comps[5], 10), Number.parseInt(comps[6], 10) ) ); newDate.tz = 'Etc/UTC'; } else if (parameters && parameters[0] && parameters[0].includes('TZID=') && parameters[0].split('=')[1]) { // Get the timeozone from trhe parameters TZID value let tz = parameters[0].split('=')[1]; let found = ''; let offset = ''; // If this is the custom timezone from MS Outlook if (tz === 'tzone://Microsoft/Custom') { // Set it to the local timezone, cause we can't tell tz = moment.tz.guess(); parameters[0] = 'TZID=' + tz; } // Remove quotes if found tz = tz.replace(/^"(.*)"$/, '$1'); // Watch out for windows timezones if (tz && tz.includes(' ')) { const tz1 = getIanaTZFromMS(tz); if (tz1) { tz = tz1; // We have a confirmed timezone, dont use offset, may confuse DST/STD time offset = ''; } } // Watch out for offset timezones // If the conversion above didn't find any matching IANA tz // And oiffset is still present if (tz && tz.startsWith('(')) { // Extract just the offset const regex = /[+|-]\d*:\d*/; offset = tz.match(regex); tz = null; found = offset; } // Timezone not confirmed yet if (found === '') { // Lookup tz found = moment.tz.names().find(zone => { return zone === tz; }); } // Timezone confirmed or forced to offset newDate = found ? moment.tz(value, 'YYYYMMDDTHHmmss' + offset, tz).toDate() : new Date( Number.parseInt(comps[1], 10), Number.parseInt(comps[2], 10) - 1, Number.parseInt(comps[3], 10), Number.parseInt(comps[4], 10), Number.parseInt(comps[5], 10), Number.parseInt(comps[6], 10) ); newDate = addTZ(newDate, parameters); } else { newDate = new Date( Number.parseInt(comps[1], 10), Number.parseInt(comps[2], 10) - 1, Number.parseInt(comps[3], 10), Number.parseInt(comps[4], 10), Number.parseInt(comps[5], 10), Number.parseInt(comps[6], 10) ); } } // Store as string - worst case scenario return storeValueParameter(name)(newDate, curr); }; }; const geoParameter = function (name) { return function (value, parameters, curr) { storeParameter(value, parameters, curr); const parts = value.split(';'); curr[name] = {lat: Number(parts[0]), lon: Number(parts[1])}; return curr; }; }; const categoriesParameter = function (name) { const separatorPattern = /\s*,\s*/g; return function (value, parameters, curr) { storeParameter(value, parameters, curr); if (curr[name] === undefined) { curr[name] = value ? value.split(separatorPattern) : []; } else if (value) { curr[name] = curr[name].concat(value.split(separatorPattern)); } return curr; }; }; // EXDATE is an entry that represents exceptions to a recurrence rule (ex: "repeat every day except on 7/4"). // The EXDATE entry itself can also contain a comma-separated list, so we make sure to parse each date out separately. // There can also be more than one EXDATE entries in a calendar record. // Since there can be multiple dates, we create an array of them. The index into the array is the ISO string of the date itself, for ease of use. // i.e. You can check if ((curr.exdate != undefined) && (curr.exdate[date iso string] != undefined)) to see if a date is an exception. // NOTE: This specifically uses date only, and not time. This is to avoid a few problems: // 1. The ISO string with time wouldn't work for "floating dates" (dates without timezones). // ex: "20171225T060000" - this is supposed to mean 6 AM in whatever timezone you're currently in // 2. Daylight savings time potentially affects the time you would need to look up // 3. Some EXDATE entries in the wild seem to have times different from the recurrence rule, but are still excluded by calendar programs. Not sure how or why. // These would fail any sort of sane time lookup, because the time literally doesn't match the event. So we'll ignore time and just use date. // ex: DTSTART:20170814T140000Z // RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;INTERVAL=2;BYDAY=MO,TU // EXDATE:20171219T060000 // Even though "T060000" doesn't match or overlap "T1400000Z", it's still supposed to be excluded? Odd. :( // TODO: See if this causes any problems with events that recur multiple times a day. const exdateParameter = function (name) { return function (value, parameters, curr) { const separatorPattern = /\s*,\s*/g; curr[name] = curr[name] || []; const dates = value ? value.split(separatorPattern) : []; for (const entry of dates) { const exdate = []; dateParameter(name)(entry, parameters, exdate); if (exdate[name]) { if (typeof exdate[name].toISOString === 'function') { curr[name][exdate[name].toISOString().slice(0, 10)] = exdate[name]; } else { throw new TypeError('No toISOString function in exdate[name]', exdate[name]); } } } return curr; }; }; // RECURRENCE-ID is the ID of a specific recurrence within a recurrence rule. // TODO: It's also possible for it to have a range, like "THISANDPRIOR", "THISANDFUTURE". This isn't currently handled. const recurrenceParameter = function (name) { return dateParameter(name); }; const addFBType = function (fb, parameters) { const p = parseParameters(parameters); if (parameters && p) { fb.type = p.FBTYPE || 'BUSY'; } return fb; }; const freebusyParameter = function (name) { return function (value, parameters, curr) { const fb = addFBType({}, parameters); curr[name] = curr[name] || []; curr[name].push(fb); storeParameter(value, parameters, fb); const parts = value.split('/'); for (const [index, name] of ['start', 'end'].entries()) { dateParameter(name)(parts[index], parameters, fb); } return curr; }; }; module.exports = { objectHandlers: { BEGIN(component, parameters, curr, stack) { stack.push(curr); return {type: component, params: parameters}; }, END(value, parameters, curr, stack) { // Original end function const originalEnd = function (component, parameters_, curr, stack) { // Prevents the need to search the root of the tree for the VCALENDAR object if (component === 'VCALENDAR') { // Scan all high level object in curr and drop all strings let key; let object; for (key in curr) { if (!{}.hasOwnProperty.call(curr, key)) { continue; } object = curr[key]; if (typeof object === 'string') { delete curr[key]; } } return curr; } const par = stack.pop(); if (!curr.end) { // RFC5545, 3.6.1 if (curr.datetype === 'date-time') { curr.end = curr.start; // If the duration is not set } else if (curr.duration === undefined) { // Set the end to the start plus one day RFC5545, 3.6.1 curr.end = moment.utc(curr.start).add(1, 'days').toDate(); // New Date(moment(curr.start).add(1, 'days')); } else { const durationUnits = { // Y: 'years', // M: 'months', W: 'weeks', D: 'days', H: 'hours', M: 'minutes', S: 'seconds' }; // Get the list of duration elements const r = curr.duration.match(/-?\d+[YMWDHS]/g); let newend = moment.utc(curr.start); // Is the 1st character a negative sign? const indicator = curr.duration.startsWith('-') ? -1 : 1; // Process each element for (const d of r) { newend = newend.add(Number.parseInt(d, 10) * indicator, durationUnits[d.slice(-1)]); } curr.end = newend.toDate(); } } if (curr.uid) { // If this is the first time we run into this UID, just save it. if (par[curr.uid] === undefined) { par[curr.uid] = curr; } else if (curr.recurrenceid === undefined) { // If we have multiple ical entries with the same UID, it's either going to be a // modification to a recurrence (RECURRENCE-ID), and/or a significant modification // to the entry (SEQUENCE). // TODO: Look into proper sequence logic. // If we have the same UID as an existing record, and it *isn't* a specific recurrence ID, // not quite sure what the correct behaviour should be. For now, just take the new information // and merge it with the old record by overwriting only the fields that appear in the new record. let key; for (key in curr) { if (key !== null) { par[curr.uid][key] = curr[key]; } } } // If we have recurrence-id entries, list them as an array of recurrences keyed off of recurrence-id. // To use - as you're running through the dates of an rrule, you can try looking it up in the recurrences // array. If it exists, then use the data from the calendar object in the recurrence instead of the parent // for that day. // NOTE: Sometimes the RECURRENCE-ID record will show up *before* the record with the RRULE entry. In that // case, what happens is that the RECURRENCE-ID record ends up becoming both the parent record and an entry // in the recurrences array, and then when we process the RRULE entry later it overwrites the appropriate // fields in the parent record. if (typeof curr.recurrenceid !== 'undefined') { // TODO: Is there ever a case where we have to worry about overwriting an existing entry here? // Create a copy of the current object to save in our recurrences array. (We *could* just do par = curr, // except for the case that we get the RECURRENCE-ID record before the RRULE record. In that case, we // would end up with a shared reference that would cause us to overwrite *both* records at the point // that we try and fix up the parent record.) const recurrenceObject = {}; let key; for (key in curr) { if (key !== null) { recurrenceObject[key] = curr[key]; } } if (typeof recurrenceObject.recurrences !== 'undefined') { delete recurrenceObject.recurrences; } // If we don't have an array to store recurrences in yet, create it. if (par[curr.uid].recurrences === undefined) { par[curr.uid].recurrences = {}; } // Save off our cloned recurrence object into the array, keyed by date but not time. // We key by date only to avoid timezone and "floating time" problems (where the time isn't associated with a timezone). // TODO: See if this causes a problem with events that have multiple recurrences per day. if (typeof curr.recurrenceid.toISOString === 'function') { par[curr.uid].recurrences[curr.recurrenceid.toISOString().slice(0, 10)] = recurrenceObject; } else { // Removed issue 56 throw new TypeError('No toISOString function in curr.recurrenceid', curr.recurrenceid); } } // One more specific fix - in the case that an RRULE entry shows up after a RECURRENCE-ID entry, // let's make sure to clear the recurrenceid off the parent field. if (typeof par[curr.uid].rrule !== 'undefined' && typeof par[curr.uid].recurrenceid !== 'undefined') { delete par[curr.uid].recurrenceid; } } else { par[uuid()] = curr; } return par; }; // Recurrence rules are only valid for VEVENT, VTODO, and VJOURNAL. // More specifically, we need to filter the VCALENDAR type because we might end up with a defined rrule // due to the subtypes. if ((value === 'VEVENT' || value === 'VTODO' || value === 'VJOURNAL') && curr.rrule) { let rule = curr.rrule.replace('RRULE:', ''); // Make sure the rrule starts with FREQ= rule = rule.slice(rule.lastIndexOf('FREQ=')); // If no rule start date if (rule.includes('DTSTART') === false) { // Get date/time into a specific format for comapare let x = moment(curr.start).format('MMMM/Do/YYYY, h:mm:ss a'); // If the local time value is midnight // This a whole day event if (x.slice(-11) === '12:00:00 am') { // Get the timezone offset // The internal date is stored in UTC format const offset = curr.start.getTimezoneOffset(); // Only east of gmt is a problem if (offset < 0) { // Calculate the new startdate with the offset applied, bypass RRULE/Luxon confusion // Make the internally stored DATE the actual date (not UTC offseted) // Luxon expects local time, not utc, so gets start date wrong if not adjusted curr.start = new Date(curr.start.getTime() + (Math.abs(offset) * 60000)); } else { // Get rid of any time (shouldn't be any, but be sure) x = moment(curr.start).format('MMMM/Do/YYYY'); const comps = /^(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{4})/.exec(x); if (comps) { curr.start = new Date(comps[3], comps[1] - 1, comps[2]); } } } // If the date has an toISOString function if (curr.start && typeof curr.start.toISOString === 'function') { try { rule += `;DTSTART=${curr.start.toISOString().replace(/[-:]/g, '')}`; rule = rule.replace(/\.\d{3}/, ''); } catch (error) { // This should not happen, issue 56 throw new Error('ERROR when trying to convert to ISOString', error); } } else { throw new Error('No toISOString function in curr.start', curr.start); } } // Make sure to catch error from rrule.fromString() try { curr.rrule = rrule.fromString(rule); } catch (error) { throw error; } } return originalEnd.call(this, value, parameters, curr, stack); }, SUMMARY: storeParameter('summary'), DESCRIPTION: storeParameter('description'), URL: storeParameter('url'), UID: storeParameter('uid'), LOCATION: storeParameter('location'), DTSTART(value, parameters, curr) { curr = dateParameter('start')(value, parameters, curr); return typeParameter('datetype')(value, parameters, curr); }, DTEND: dateParameter('end'), EXDATE: exdateParameter('exdate'), ' CLASS': storeParameter('class'), // Should there be a space in this property? TRANSP: storeParameter('transparency'), GEO: geoParameter('geo'), 'PERCENT-COMPLETE': storeParameter('completion'), COMPLETED: dateParameter('completed'), CATEGORIES: categoriesParameter('categories'), FREEBUSY: freebusyParameter('freebusy'), DTSTAMP: dateParameter('dtstamp'), CREATED: dateParameter('created'), 'LAST-MODIFIED': dateParameter('lastmodified'), 'RECURRENCE-ID': recurrenceParameter('recurrenceid'), RRULE(value, parameters, curr, stack, line) { curr.rrule = line; return curr; } }, handleObject(name, value, parameters, ctx, stack, line) { if (this.objectHandlers[name]) { return this.objectHandlers[name](value, parameters, ctx, stack, line); } // Handling custom properties if (/X-[\w-]+/.test(name) && stack.length > 0) { // Trimming the leading and perform storeParam name = name.slice(2); return storeParameter(name)(value, parameters, ctx, stack, line); } return storeParameter(name.toLowerCase())(value, parameters, ctx); }, parseLines(lines, limit, ctx, stack, lastIndex, cb) { if (!cb && typeof ctx === 'function') { cb = ctx; ctx = undefined; } ctx = ctx || {}; stack = stack || []; let limitCounter = 0; let i = lastIndex || 0; for (let ii = lines.length; i < ii; i++) { let l = lines[i]; // Unfold : RFC#3.1 while (lines[i + 1] && /[ \t]/.test(lines[i + 1][0])) { l += lines[i + 1].slice(1); i++; } // Remove any double quotes in any tzid statement// except around (utc+hh:mm if (l.indexOf('TZID=') && !l.includes('"(')) { l = l.replace(/"/g, ''); } const exp = /([^":;]+)((?:;[^":;]+=(?:(?:"[^"]*")|[^":;]+))*):(.*)/; let kv = l.match(exp); if (kv === null) { // Invalid line - must have k&v continue; } kv = kv.slice(1); const value = kv[kv.length - 1]; const name = kv[0]; const parameters = kv[1] ? kv[1].split(';').slice(1) : []; ctx = this.handleObject(name, value, parameters, ctx, stack, l) || {}; if (++limitCounter > limit) { break; } } if (i >= lines.length) { // Type and params are added to the list of items, get rid of them. delete ctx.type; delete ctx.params; } if (cb) { if (i < lines.length) { setImmediate(() => { this.parseLines(lines, limit, ctx, stack, i + 1, cb); }); } else { setImmediate(() => { cb(null, ctx); }); } } else { return ctx; } }, getLineBreakChar(string) { const indexOfLF = string.indexOf('\n', 1); // No need to check first-character if (indexOfLF === -1) { if (string.includes('\r')) { return '\r'; } return '\n'; } if (string[indexOfLF - 1] === '\r') { return '\r?\n'; } return '\n'; }, parseICS(string, cb) { const lineEndType = this.getLineBreakChar(string); const lines = string.split(lineEndType === '\n' ? /\n/ : /\r?\n/); let ctx; if (cb) { // Asynchronous execution this.parseLines(lines, 2000, cb); } else { // Synchronous execution ctx = this.parseLines(lines, lines.length); return ctx; } } };