# PostCSS plugin As with any other [PostCSS plugin](https://github.com/postcss/postcss#plugins), you can use stylelint's PostCSS plugin either with a [PostCSS runner](https://github.com/postcss/postcss#runners) or with the PostCSS JS API directly. _However, if a dedicated stylelint task runner plugin [is available](../integrations/task-runner.md) (e.g. [gulp-stylelint](https://github.com/olegskl/gulp-stylelint)) we recommend you use that rather than this plugin, as they provide better reporting._ ## Options The PostCSS plugin uses the [standard options](options.md), _except the `syntax` and `customSyntax` options_. Instead, the syntax must be set within the [PostCSS options](https://github.com/postcss/postcss#options) as there can only be one parser/syntax in a pipeline. ## Usage examples We recommend you lint your CSS before applying any transformations. You can do this by either: - creating a separate lint task that is independent of your build one. - using the [`plugins` option](https://github.com/postcss/postcss-import#plugins) of [`postcss-import`](https://github.com/postcss/postcss-import) or [`postcss-easy-import`](https://github.com/TrySound/postcss-easy-import) to lint your files before any transformations. - placing stylelint at the beginning of your plugin pipeline. You'll also need to use a reporter. _The stylelint plugin registers warnings via PostCSS_. Therefore, you'll want to use it with a PostCSS runner that prints warnings or another PostCSS plugin whose purpose is to format and print warnings (e.g. [`postcss-reporter`](https://github.com/postcss/postcss-reporter)). ### Example A A separate lint task that uses the plugin via the PostCSS JS API to lint Less using [`postcss-less`](https://github.com/shellscape/postcss-less). ```js const fs = require("fs"); const less = require("postcss-less"); const postcss = require("postcss"); // Code to be processed const code = fs.readFileSync("input.less", "utf8"); postcss([ require("stylelint")({ /* your options */ }), require("postcss-reporter")({ clearReportedMessages: true }) ]) .process(code, { from: "input.less", syntax: less }) .then(() => {}) .catch((err) => console.error(err.stack)); ``` The same pattern can be used to lint Less, SCSS or [SugarSS](https://github.com/postcss/sugarss) syntax. ### Example B A combined lint and build task where the plugin is used via the PostCSS JS API, but within [`postcss-import`](https://github.com/postcss/postcss-import) (using the its `plugins` option) so that the source files are linted before any transformations. ```js const fs = require("fs"); const postcss = require("postcss"); const stylelint = require("stylelint"); // CSS to be processed const css = fs.readFileSync("lib/app.css", "utf8"); postcss([ require("postcss-import")({ plugins: [ require("stylelint")({ /* your options */ }) ] }), require("postcss-preset-env"), require("postcss-reporter")({ clearReportedMessages: true }) ]) .process(css, { from: "lib/app.css", to: "app.css" }) .then((result) => { fs.writeFileSync("app.css", result.css); if (result.map) { fs.writeFileSync("app.css.map", result.map); } }) .catch((err) => console.error(err.stack)); ```