# font-weight-notation Require numeric or named (where possible) `font-weight` values. Also, when named values are expected, require only valid names. ```css a { font-weight: bold } /** ↑ * This notation */ a { font: italic small-caps 600 16px/3 cursive; } /** ↑ * And this notation, too */ ``` Valid font-weight names are `normal`, `bold`, `bolder`, and `lighter`. This rule ignores `$sass`, `@less`, and `var(--custom-property)` variable syntaxes. ## Options `string`: `"numeric"|"named-where-possible"` ### `"numeric"` `font-weight` values _must always_ be numbers. The following patterns are considered violations: ```css a { font-weight: bold; } ``` ```css a { font: italic normal 20px sans-serif; } ``` The following patterns are _not_ considered violations: ```css a { font-weight: 700; } ``` ```css a { font: italic 400 20px; } ``` ### `"named-where-possible"` `font-weight` values _must always_ be keywords when an appropriate keyword is available. This means that only `400` and `700` will be rejected, because those are the only numbers with keyword equivalents (`normal` and `bold`). The following patterns are considered violations: ```css a { font-weight: 700; } ``` ```css a { font: italic 400 20px sans-serif; } ``` The following patterns are _not_ considered violations: ```css a { font-weight: bold; } ``` ```css a { font: italic normal 20px sans-serif; } ``` ## Optional secondary options ### `ignore: ["relative"]` Ignore the [_relative_](https://drafts.csswg.org/css-fonts/#font-weight-prop) keyword names of `bolder` and `lighter`. The following patterns are _not_ considered violations: ```css a { font-weight: 400; } a b { font-weight: lighter; } ```