// @ts-nocheck 'use strict'; const _ = require('lodash'); const isContextFunctionalPseudoClass = require('../../utils/isContextFunctionalPseudoClass'); const isKeyframeSelector = require('../../utils/isKeyframeSelector'); const isNonNegativeInteger = require('../../utils/isNonNegativeInteger'); const isOnlyWhitespace = require('../../utils/isOnlyWhitespace'); const isStandardSyntaxRule = require('../../utils/isStandardSyntaxRule'); const isStandardSyntaxSelector = require('../../utils/isStandardSyntaxSelector'); const isStandardSyntaxTypeSelector = require('../../utils/isStandardSyntaxTypeSelector'); const optionsMatches = require('../../utils/optionsMatches'); const parseSelector = require('../../utils/parseSelector'); const report = require('../../utils/report'); const resolvedNestedSelector = require('postcss-resolve-nested-selector'); const ruleMessages = require('../../utils/ruleMessages'); const validateOptions = require('../../utils/validateOptions'); const ruleName = 'selector-max-type'; const messages = ruleMessages(ruleName, { expected: (selector, max) => `Expected "${selector}" to have no more than ${max} type ${ max === 1 ? 'selector' : 'selectors' }`, }); function rule(max, options) { return (root, result) => { const validOptions = validateOptions( result, ruleName, { actual: max, possible: isNonNegativeInteger, }, { actual: options, possible: { ignore: ['descendant', 'child', 'compounded', 'next-sibling'], ignoreTypes: [_.isString, _.isRegExp], }, optional: true, }, ); if (!validOptions) { return; } const ignoreDescendant = optionsMatches(options, 'ignore', 'descendant'); const ignoreChild = optionsMatches(options, 'ignore', 'child'); const ignoreCompounded = optionsMatches(options, 'ignore', 'compounded'); const ignoreNextSibling = optionsMatches(options, 'ignore', 'next-sibling'); function checkSelector(selectorNode, ruleNode) { const count = selectorNode.reduce((total, childNode) => { // Only traverse inside actual selectors and context functional pseudo-classes if (childNode.type === 'selector' || isContextFunctionalPseudoClass(childNode)) { checkSelector(childNode, ruleNode); } if (optionsMatches(options, 'ignoreTypes', childNode.value)) { return total; } if (ignoreDescendant && hasDescendantCombinatorBefore(childNode)) { return total; } if (ignoreChild && hasChildCombinatorBefore(childNode)) { return total; } if (ignoreCompounded && hasCompoundSelector(childNode)) { return total; } if (ignoreNextSibling && hasNextSiblingCombinator(childNode)) { return total; } if (childNode.type === 'tag' && !isStandardSyntaxTypeSelector(childNode)) { return total; } return total + (childNode.type === 'tag'); }, 0); if (selectorNode.type !== 'root' && selectorNode.type !== 'pseudo' && count > max) { report({ ruleName, result, node: ruleNode, message: messages.expected(selectorNode, max), word: selectorNode, }); } } root.walkRules((ruleNode) => { const selectors = ruleNode.selectors; if (!isStandardSyntaxRule(ruleNode)) { return; } if (selectors.some((s) => isKeyframeSelector(s))) { return; } ruleNode.selectors.forEach((selector) => { resolvedNestedSelector(selector, ruleNode).forEach((resolvedSelector) => { if (!isStandardSyntaxSelector(resolvedSelector)) { return; } parseSelector(resolvedSelector, result, ruleNode, (container) => checkSelector(container, ruleNode), ); }); }); }); }; } function hasDescendantCombinatorBefore(node) { const nodeIndex = node.parent.nodes.indexOf(node); return node.parent.nodes.slice(0, nodeIndex).some(isDescendantCombinator); } function hasChildCombinatorBefore(node) { const nodeIndex = node.parent.nodes.indexOf(node); return node.parent.nodes.slice(0, nodeIndex).some(isChildCombinator); } function hasCompoundSelector(node) { if (node.prev() && !isCombinator(node.prev())) { return true; } return node.next() && !isCombinator(node.next()); } function hasNextSiblingCombinator(node) { return node.prev() && isNextSiblingCombinator(node.prev()); } function isCombinator(node) { if (!node) return false; return _.get(node, 'type') === 'combinator'; } function isDescendantCombinator(node) { if (!node) return false; return isCombinator(node) && isOnlyWhitespace(node.value); } function isChildCombinator(node) { if (!node) return false; return isCombinator(node) && node.value === '>'; } function isNextSiblingCombinator(node) { return isCombinator(node) && node.value === '+'; } rule.ruleName = ruleName; rule.messages = messages; module.exports = rule;