# selector-pseudo-element-whitelist **_Deprecated: Instead use the [`selector-pseudo-element-allowed-list`](../selector-pseudo-element-allowed-list/README.md) rule._** Specify a list of allowed pseudo-element selectors. ```css a::before {} /** ↑ * This pseudo-element selector */ ``` This rule ignores: - CSS2 pseudo-elements i.e. those prefixed with a single colon - selectors that use variable interpolation e.g. `::#{$variable} {}` ## Options `array|string|regex`: `["array", "of", "unprefixed", "pseudo-elements" or "regex"]|"pseudo-element"|/regex/` Given: ``` ["before", "/^my-/i"] ``` The following patterns are considered violations: ```css a::after {} ``` ```css a::not-my-pseudo-element {} ``` The following patterns are _not_ considered violations: ```css a::before {} ``` ```css a::my-pseudo-element {} ``` ```css a::MY-OTHER-pseudo-element {} ```