const _ = require("lodash"); /** * @param {object} extendedData extra data to add to the default mock data * @returns {string} mocked current weather data */ function generateWeather(extendedData = {}) { return JSON.stringify( _.merge( {}, { coord: { lon: 11.58, lat: 48.14 }, weather: [ { id: 615, main: "Snow", description: "light rain and snow", icon: "13d" }, { id: 500, main: "Rain", description: "light rain", icon: "10d" } ], base: "stations", main: { temp: 1.49, pressure: 1005, humidity: 93.7, temp_min: 1, temp_max: 2 }, visibility: 7000, wind: { speed: 11.8, deg: 250 }, clouds: { all: 75 }, dt: 1547387400, sys: { type: 1, id: 1267, message: 0.0031, country: "DE", sunrise: 1547362817, sunset: 1547394301 }, id: 2867714, name: "Munich", cod: 200 }, extendedData ) ); } module.exports = generateWeather;