"use strict"; // Use separate scope to prevent global scope pollution (function () { const config = {}; /** * Helper function to get server address/hostname from either the commandline or env */ function getServerAddress() { /** * Get command line parameters * Assumes that a cmdline parameter is defined with `--key [value]` * * @param {string} key key to look for at the command line * @param {string} defaultValue value if no key is given at the command line * @returns {string} the value of the parameter */ function getCommandLineParameter(key, defaultValue = undefined) { const index = process.argv.indexOf(`--${key}`); const value = index > -1 ? process.argv[index + 1] : undefined; return value !== undefined ? String(value) : defaultValue; } // Prefer command line arguments over environment variables ["address", "port"].forEach((key) => { config[key] = getCommandLineParameter(key, process.env[key.toUpperCase()]); }); // determine if "--use-tls"-flag was provided config["tls"] = process.argv.indexOf("--use-tls") > 0; } /** * Gets the config from the specified server url * * @param {string} url location where the server is running. * @returns {Promise} the config */ function getServerConfig(url) { // Return new pending promise return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Select http or https module, depending on requested url const lib = url.startsWith("https") ? require("https") : require("http"); const request = lib.get(url, (response) => { let configData = ""; // Gather incoming data response.on("data", function (chunk) { configData += chunk; }); // Resolve promise at the end of the HTTP/HTTPS stream response.on("end", function () { resolve(JSON.parse(configData)); }); }); request.on("error", function (error) { reject(new Error(`Unable to read config from server (${url} (${error.message}`)); }); }); } /** * Print a message to the console in case of errors * * @param {string} message error message to print * @param {number} code error code for the exit call */ function fail(message, code = 1) { if (message !== undefined && typeof message === "string") { console.log(message); } else { console.log("Usage: 'node clientonly --address --port 8080 [--use-tls]'"); } process.exit(code); } getServerAddress(); (config.address && config.port) || fail(); const prefix = config.tls ? "https://" : "http://"; // Only start the client if a non-local server was provided if (["localhost", "", "::1", "::ffff:", undefined].indexOf(config.address) === -1) { getServerConfig(`${prefix}${config.address}:${config.port}/config/`) .then(function (configReturn) { // Pass along the server config via an environment variable const env = Object.create(process.env); const options = { env: env }; configReturn.address = config.address; configReturn.port = config.port; configReturn.tls = config.tls; env.config = JSON.stringify(configReturn); // Spawn electron application const electron = require("electron"); const child = require("child_process").spawn(electron, ["js/electron.js"], options); // Pipe all child process output to current stdout child.stdout.on("data", function (buf) { process.stdout.write(`Client: ${buf}`); }); // Pipe all child process errors to current stderr child.stderr.on("data", function (buf) { process.stderr.write(`Client: ${buf}`); }); child.on("error", function (err) { process.stdout.write(`Client: ${err}`); }); child.on("close", (code) => { if (code !== 0) { console.log(`There something wrong. The clientonly is not running code ${code}`); } }); }) .catch(function (reason) { fail(`Unable to connect to server: (${reason})`); }); } else { fail(); } })();