{% if current %} {% if not config.onlyTemp %}
{% if config.useBeaufort %} {{ current.beaufortWindSpeed() | round }} {% else %} {% if config.useKmh %} {{ current.kmhWindSpeed() | round }} {% else %} {{ current.windSpeed | round }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if config.showWindDirection %} {% if config.showWindDirectionAsArrow %} {% else %} {{ current.cardinalWindDirection() | translate }} {% endif %}   {% endif %} {% if config.showHumidity and current.humidity %} {{ current.humidity | decimalSymbol }}  {% endif %} {% if config.showSun %} {% if current.nextSunAction() === "sunset" %} {{ current.sunset | formatTime }} {% else %} {{ current.sunrise | formatTime }} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{{ current.temperature | roundValue | unit("temperature") | decimalSymbol }}
{% if config.showIndoorTemperature and indoor.temperature %}
{{ indoor.temperature | roundValue | unit("temperature") | decimalSymbol }}
{% endif %} {% if config.showIndoorHumidity and indoor.humidity %}
{{ indoor.humidity | roundValue | unit("humidity") | decimalSymbol }}
{% endif %}
{% if (config.showFeelsLike or config.showPrecipitationAmount) and not config.onlyTemp %}
{% if config.showFeelsLike %} {{ "FEELS" | translate({DEGREE: current.feelsLike() | roundValue | unit("temperature") | decimalSymbol }) }} {% endif %} {% if config.showPrecipitationAmount %} {{ "PRECIP" | translate }} {{ current.precipitation | unit("precip") }} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% else %}
{{ "LOADING" | translate }}
{% endif %}