'use strict' var decodeEntity = require('parse-entities/decode-entity.js') var assign = require('../constant/assign.js') var hasOwnProperty = require('../constant/has-own-property.js') var combineHtmlExtensions = require('../util/combine-html-extensions.js') var chunkedPush = require('../util/chunked-push.js') var miniflat = require('../util/miniflat.js') var normalizeIdentifier = require('../util/normalize-identifier.js') var normalizeUri = require('../util/normalize-uri.js') var safeFromInt = require('../util/safe-from-int.js') function _interopDefaultLegacy(e) { return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e : {default: e} } var decodeEntity__default = /*#__PURE__*/ _interopDefaultLegacy(decodeEntity) // While micromark is a lexer/tokenizer, the common case of going from markdown // dealt with. // Technically, we can skip `>` and `"` in many cases, but CM includes them. var characterReferences = { '"': 'quot', '&': 'amp', '<': 'lt', '>': 'gt' } // These two are allowlists of essentially safe protocols for full URLs in // respectively the `href` (on ``) and `src` (on ``) attributes. // They are based on what is allowed on GitHub, // var protocolHref = /^(https?|ircs?|mailto|xmpp)$/i var protocolSrc = /^https?$/i function compileHtml(options) { // Configuration. // Includes `htmlExtensions` (an array of extensions), `defaultLineEnding` (a // preferred EOL), `allowDangerousProtocol` (whether to allow potential // dangerous protocols), and `allowDangerousHtml` (whether to allow potential // dangerous HTML). var settings = options || {} // Tags is needed because according to markdown, links and emphasis and // whatnot can exist in images, however, as HTML doesn’t allow content in // images, the tags are ignored in the `alt` attribute, but the content // remains. var tags = true // An object to track identifiers to media (URLs and titles) defined with // definitions. var definitions = {} // A lot of the handlers need to capture some of the output data, modify it // somehow, and then deal with it. // We do that by tracking a stack of buffers, that can be opened (with // `buffer`) and closed (with `resume`) to access them. var buffers = [[]] // As we can have links in images and the other way around, where the deepest // ones are closed first, we need to track which one we’re in. var mediaStack = [] // Same for tightness, which is specific to lists. // We need to track if we’re currently in a tight or loose container. var tightStack = [] var defaultHandlers = { enter: { blockQuote: onenterblockquote, codeFenced: onentercodefenced, codeFencedFenceInfo: buffer, codeFencedFenceMeta: buffer, codeIndented: onentercodeindented, codeText: onentercodetext, content: onentercontent, definition: onenterdefinition, definitionDestinationString: onenterdefinitiondestinationstring, definitionLabelString: buffer, definitionTitleString: buffer, emphasis: onenteremphasis, htmlFlow: onenterhtmlflow, htmlText: onenterhtml, image: onenterimage, label: buffer, link: onenterlink, listItemMarker: onenterlistitemmarker, listItemValue: onenterlistitemvalue, listOrdered: onenterlistordered, listUnordered: onenterlistunordered, paragraph: onenterparagraph, reference: buffer, resource: onenterresource, resourceDestinationString: onenterresourcedestinationstring, resourceTitleString: buffer, setextHeading: onentersetextheading, strong: onenterstrong }, exit: { atxHeading: onexitatxheading, atxHeadingSequence: onexitatxheadingsequence, autolinkEmail: onexitautolinkemail, autolinkProtocol: onexitautolinkprotocol, blockQuote: onexitblockquote, characterEscapeValue: onexitdata, characterReferenceMarkerHexadecimal: onexitcharacterreferencemarker, characterReferenceMarkerNumeric: onexitcharacterreferencemarker, characterReferenceValue: onexitcharacterreferencevalue, codeFenced: onexitflowcode, codeFencedFence: onexitcodefencedfence, codeFencedFenceInfo: onexitcodefencedfenceinfo, codeFencedFenceMeta: resume, codeFlowValue: onexitcodeflowvalue, codeIndented: onexitflowcode, codeText: onexitcodetext, codeTextData: onexitdata, data: onexitdata, definition: onexitdefinition, definitionDestinationString: onexitdefinitiondestinationstring, definitionLabelString: onexitdefinitionlabelstring, definitionTitleString: onexitdefinitiontitlestring, emphasis: onexitemphasis, hardBreakEscape: onexithardbreak, hardBreakTrailing: onexithardbreak, htmlFlow: onexithtml, htmlFlowData: onexitdata, htmlText: onexithtml, htmlTextData: onexitdata, image: onexitmedia, label: onexitlabel, labelText: onexitlabeltext, lineEnding: onexitlineending, link: onexitmedia, listOrdered: onexitlistordered, listUnordered: onexitlistunordered, paragraph: onexitparagraph, reference: resume, referenceString: onexitreferencestring, resource: resume, resourceDestinationString: onexitresourcedestinationstring, resourceTitleString: onexitresourcetitlestring, setextHeading: onexitsetextheading, setextHeadingLineSequence: onexitsetextheadinglinesequence, setextHeadingText: onexitsetextheadingtext, strong: onexitstrong, thematicBreak: onexitthematicbreak } } // Combine the HTML extensions with the default handlers. // An HTML extension is an object whose fields are either `enter` or `exit` // (reflecting whether a token is entered or exited). // The values at such objects are names of tokens mapping to handlers. // Handlers are called, respectively when a token is opener or closed, with // that token, and a context as `this`. var handlers = combineHtmlExtensions( [defaultHandlers].concat(miniflat(settings.htmlExtensions)) ) // Handlers do often need to keep track of some state. // That state is provided here as a key-value store (an object). var data = { tightStack: tightStack } // The context for handlers references a couple of useful functions. // In handlers from extensions, those can be accessed at `this`. // For the handlers here, they can be accessed directly. var context = { lineEndingIfNeeded: lineEndingIfNeeded, options: settings, encode: encode, raw: raw, tag: tag, buffer: buffer, resume: resume, setData: setData, getData: getData } // Generally, micromark copies line endings (`'\r'`, `'\n'`, `'\r\n'`) in the // markdown document over to the compiled HTML. // In some cases, such as `> a`, CommonMark requires that extra line endings // are added: `


`. // This variable hold the default line ending when given (or `undefined`), // and in the latter case will be updated to the first found line ending if // there is one. var lineEndingStyle = settings.defaultLineEnding // Return the function that handles a slice of events. return compile // Deal w/ a slice of events. // Return either the empty string if there’s nothing of note to return, or the // result when done. function compile(events) { // As definitions can come after references, we need to figure out the media // (urls and titles) defined by them before handling the references. // So, we do sort of what HTML does: put metadata at the start (in head), and // then put content after (`body`). var head = [] var body = [] var index var start var listStack var handler var result index = -1 start = 0 listStack = [] while (++index < events.length) { // Figure out the line ending style used in the document. if ( !lineEndingStyle && (events[index][1].type === 'lineEnding' || events[index][1].type === 'lineEndingBlank') ) { lineEndingStyle = events[index][2].sliceSerialize(events[index][1]) } // Preprocess lists to infer whether the list is loose or not. if ( events[index][1].type === 'listOrdered' || events[index][1].type === 'listUnordered' ) { if (events[index][0] === 'enter') { listStack.push(index) } else { prepareList(events.slice(listStack.pop(), index)) } } // Move definitions to the front. if (events[index][1].type === 'definition') { if (events[index][0] === 'enter') { body = chunkedPush(body, events.slice(start, index)) start = index } else { head = chunkedPush(head, events.slice(start, index + 1)) start = index + 1 } } } head = chunkedPush(head, body) head = chunkedPush(head, events.slice(start)) result = head index = -1 // Handle the start of the document, if defined. if (handlers.enter.null) { handlers.enter.null.call(context) } // Handle all events. while (++index < events.length) { handler = handlers[result[index][0]] if (hasOwnProperty.call(handler, result[index][1].type)) { handler[result[index][1].type].call( assign( { sliceSerialize: result[index][2].sliceSerialize }, context ), result[index][1] ) } } // Handle the end of the document, if defined. if (handlers.exit.null) { handlers.exit.null.call(context) } return buffers[0].join('') } // Figure out whether lists are loose or not. function prepareList(slice) { var length = slice.length - 1 // Skip close. var index = 0 // Skip open. var containerBalance = 0 var loose var atMarker var event while (++index < length) { event = slice[index] if (event[1]._container) { atMarker = undefined if (event[0] === 'enter') { containerBalance++ } else { containerBalance-- } } else if (event[1].type === 'listItemPrefix') { if (event[0] === 'exit') { atMarker = true } } else if (event[1].type === 'linePrefix'); else if (event[1].type === 'lineEndingBlank') { if (event[0] === 'enter' && !containerBalance) { if (atMarker) { atMarker = undefined } else { loose = true } } } else { atMarker = undefined } } slice[0][1]._loose = loose } // Set data into the key-value store. function setData(key, value) { data[key] = value } // Get data from the key-value store. function getData(key) { return data[key] } // Capture some of the output data. function buffer() { buffers.push([]) } // Stop capturing and access the output data. function resume() { return buffers.pop().join('') } // Output (parts of) HTML tags. function tag(value) { if (!tags) return setData('lastWasTag', true) buffers[buffers.length - 1].push(value) } // Output raw data. function raw(value) { setData('lastWasTag') buffers[buffers.length - 1].push(value) } // Output an extra line ending. function lineEnding() { raw(lineEndingStyle || '\n') } // Output an extra line ending if the previous value wasn’t EOF/EOL. function lineEndingIfNeeded() { var buffer = buffers[buffers.length - 1] var slice = buffer[buffer.length - 1] var previous = slice ? slice.charCodeAt(slice.length - 1) : null if (previous === 10 || previous === 13 || previous === null) { return } lineEnding() } // Make a value safe for injection in HTML (except w/ `ignoreEncode`). function encode(value) { return getData('ignoreEncode') ? value : value.replace(/["&<>]/g, replace) function replace(value) { return '&' + characterReferences[value] + ';' } } // Make a value safe for injection as a URL. // This does encode unsafe characters with percent-encoding, skipping already // encoded sequences (`normalizeUri`). // Further unsafe characters are encoded as character references (`encode`). // Finally, if the URL includes an unknown protocol (such as a dangerous // example, `javascript:`), the value is ignored. function url(url, protocol) { var value = encode(normalizeUri(url || '')) var colon = value.indexOf(':') var questionMark = value.indexOf('?') var numberSign = value.indexOf('#') var slash = value.indexOf('/') if ( settings.allowDangerousProtocol || // If there is no protocol, it’s relative. colon < 0 || // If the first colon is after a `?`, `#`, or `/`, it’s not a protocol. (slash > -1 && colon > slash) || (questionMark > -1 && colon > questionMark) || (numberSign > -1 && colon > numberSign) || // It is a protocol, it should be allowed. protocol.test(value.slice(0, colon)) ) { return value } return '' } // // Handlers. // function onenterlistordered(token) { tightStack.push(!token._loose) lineEndingIfNeeded() tag('') } else { onexitlistitem() } lineEndingIfNeeded() tag('
  • ') setData('expectFirstItem') // “Hack” to prevent a line ending from showing up if the item is empty. setData('lastWasTag') } function onexitlistordered() { onexitlistitem() tightStack.pop() lineEnding() tag('') } function onexitlistunordered() { onexitlistitem() tightStack.pop() lineEnding() tag('') } function onexitlistitem() { if (getData('lastWasTag') && !getData('slurpAllLineEndings')) { lineEndingIfNeeded() } tag('
  • ') setData('slurpAllLineEndings') } function onenterblockquote() { tightStack.push(false) lineEndingIfNeeded() tag('
    ') } function onexitblockquote() { tightStack.pop() lineEndingIfNeeded() tag('
    ') setData('slurpAllLineEndings') } function onenterparagraph() { if (!tightStack[tightStack.length - 1]) { lineEndingIfNeeded() tag('

    ') } setData('slurpAllLineEndings') } function onexitparagraph() { if (tightStack[tightStack.length - 1]) { setData('slurpAllLineEndings', true) } else { tag('

    ') } } function onentercodefenced() { lineEndingIfNeeded() tag('
          setData('fencedCodeInside', true)
          setData('slurpOneLineEnding', true)
        setData('fencesCount', getData('fencesCount') + 1)
      function onentercodeindented() {
      function onexitflowcode() {
        // Send an extra line feed if we saw data.
        if (getData('flowCodeSeenData')) lineEndingIfNeeded()
    ') if (getData('fencesCount') < 2) lineEndingIfNeeded() setData('flowCodeSeenData') setData('fencesCount') setData('slurpOneLineEnding') } function onenterimage() { mediaStack.push({ image: true }) tags = undefined // Disallow tags. } function onenterlink() { mediaStack.push({}) } function onexitlabeltext(token) { mediaStack[mediaStack.length - 1].labelId = this.sliceSerialize(token) } function onexitlabel() { mediaStack[mediaStack.length - 1].label = resume() } function onexitreferencestring(token) { mediaStack[mediaStack.length - 1].referenceId = this.sliceSerialize(token) } function onenterresource() { buffer() // We can have line endings in the resource, ignore them. mediaStack[mediaStack.length - 1].destination = '' } function onenterresourcedestinationstring() { buffer() // Ignore encoding the result, as we’ll first percent encode the url and // encode manually after. setData('ignoreEncode', true) } function onexitresourcedestinationstring() { mediaStack[mediaStack.length - 1].destination = resume() setData('ignoreEncode') } function onexitresourcetitlestring() { mediaStack[mediaStack.length - 1].title = resume() } function onexitmedia() { var index = mediaStack.length - 1 // Skip current. var media = mediaStack[index] var context = media.destination === undefined ? definitions[normalizeIdentifier(media.referenceId || media.labelId)] : media tags = true while (index--) { if (mediaStack[index].image) { tags = undefined break } } if (media.image) { tag('')
      tag('') } else { tag('>') raw(media.label) tag('
    ') } mediaStack.pop() } function onenterdefinition() { buffer() mediaStack.push({}) } function onexitdefinitionlabelstring(token) { // Discard label, use the source content instead. resume() mediaStack[mediaStack.length - 1].labelId = this.sliceSerialize(token) } function onenterdefinitiondestinationstring() { buffer() setData('ignoreEncode', true) } function onexitdefinitiondestinationstring() { mediaStack[mediaStack.length - 1].destination = resume() setData('ignoreEncode') } function onexitdefinitiontitlestring() { mediaStack[mediaStack.length - 1].title = resume() } function onexitdefinition() { var id = normalizeIdentifier(mediaStack[mediaStack.length - 1].labelId) resume() if (!hasOwnProperty.call(definitions, id)) { definitions[id] = mediaStack[mediaStack.length - 1] } mediaStack.pop() } function onentercontent() { setData('slurpAllLineEndings', true) } function onexitatxheadingsequence(token) { // Exit for further sequences. if (getData('headingRank')) return setData('headingRank', this.sliceSerialize(token).length) lineEndingIfNeeded() tag('') } function onentersetextheading() { buffer() setData('slurpAllLineEndings') } function onexitsetextheadingtext() { setData('slurpAllLineEndings', true) } function onexitatxheading() { tag('') setData('headingRank') } function onexitsetextheadinglinesequence(token) { setData( 'headingRank', this.sliceSerialize(token).charCodeAt(0) === 61 ? 1 : 2 ) } function onexitsetextheading() { var value = resume() lineEndingIfNeeded() tag('') raw(value) tag('') setData('slurpAllLineEndings') setData('headingRank') } function onexitdata(token) { raw(encode(this.sliceSerialize(token))) } function onexitlineending(token) { if (getData('slurpAllLineEndings')) { return } if (getData('slurpOneLineEnding')) { setData('slurpOneLineEnding') return } if (getData('inCodeText')) { raw(' ') return } raw(encode(this.sliceSerialize(token))) } function onexitcodeflowvalue(token) { raw(encode(this.sliceSerialize(token))) setData('flowCodeSeenData', true) } function onexithardbreak() { tag('
    ') } function onenterhtmlflow() { lineEndingIfNeeded() onenterhtml() } function onexithtml() { setData('ignoreEncode') } function onenterhtml() { if (settings.allowDangerousHtml) { setData('ignoreEncode', true) } } function onenteremphasis() { tag('') } function onenterstrong() { tag('') } function onentercodetext() { setData('inCodeText', true) tag('') } function onexitcodetext() { setData('inCodeText') tag('') } function onexitemphasis() { tag('') } function onexitstrong() { tag('') } function onexitthematicbreak() { lineEndingIfNeeded() tag('
    ') } function onexitcharacterreferencemarker(token) { setData('characterReferenceType', token.type) } function onexitcharacterreferencevalue(token) { var value = this.sliceSerialize(token) value = getData('characterReferenceType') ? safeFromInt( value, getData('characterReferenceType') === 'characterReferenceMarkerNumeric' ? 10 : 16 ) : decodeEntity__default['default'](value) raw(encode(value)) setData('characterReferenceType') } function onexitautolinkprotocol(token) { var uri = this.sliceSerialize(token) tag('') raw(encode(uri)) tag('') } function onexitautolinkemail(token) { var uri = this.sliceSerialize(token) tag('') raw(encode(uri)) tag('') } } module.exports = compileHtml