const fs = require("fs"); const moment = require("moment"); const path = require("path"); const wdajaxstub = require("webdriverajaxstub"); const helpers = require("../global-setup"); const { generateWeather, generateWeatherForecast } = require("./mocks"); describe("Weather module", function () { let app; helpers.setupTimeout(this); /** * * @param {object} responses mocked data to be returned * @returns {Promise} Resolved once the electron app is started */ async function setup(responses) { app = await helpers.startApplication({ args: ["js/electron.js"], waitTimeout: 100000 }); wdajaxstub.init(app.client, responses); app.client.setupStub(); } /** * * @param {string} element css selector * @returns {Promise} Promise with the element once it is rendered */ async function getElement(element) { return await app.client.$(element); } /** * @param {string} element css selector * @param {string} result Expected text in given selector * @returns {Promise} Promise with True if the text matches */ async function getText(element, result) { const elem = await getElement(element); return await elem.getText(element).then(function (text) { expect(text.trim()).toBe(result); }); } afterEach(function () { return helpers.stopApplication(app); }); describe("Current weather", function () { let template; beforeAll(function () { template = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "..", "..", "..", "modules", "default", "weather", "current.njk"), "utf8"); }); describe("Default configuration", function () { beforeAll(function () { process.env.MM_CONFIG_FILE = "tests/configs/modules/weather/currentweather_default.js"; }); it("should render wind speed and wind direction", async function () { const weather = generateWeather(); await setup({ template, data: weather }); return getText(".weather .normal.medium span:nth-child(2)", "6 WSW"); }); it("should render sunrise", async function () { const sunrise = moment().startOf("day").unix(); const sunset = moment().startOf("day").unix(); const weather = generateWeather({ sys: { sunrise, sunset } }); await setup({ template, data: weather }); return getText(".weather .normal.medium span:nth-child(4)", "12:00 am"); }); it("should render sunset", async function () { const sunrise = moment().startOf("day").unix(); const sunset = moment().endOf("day").unix(); const weather = generateWeather({ sys: { sunrise, sunset } }); await setup({ template, data: weather }); return getText(".weather .normal.medium span:nth-child(4)", "11:59 pm"); }); it("should render temperature with icon", async function () { const weather = generateWeather(); await setup({ template, data: weather }); return getText(".weather .large.light span.bright", "1.5°"); }); it("should render feels like temperature", async function () { const weather = generateWeather(); await setup({ template, data: weather }); return getText(".weather .normal.medium.feelslike span.dimmed", "Feels like -5.6°"); }); }); describe("Compliments Integration", function () { beforeAll(function () { process.env.MM_CONFIG_FILE = "tests/configs/modules/weather/currentweather_compliments.js"; }); it("should render a compliment based on the current weather", async function () { const weather = generateWeather(); await setup({ template, data: weather }); return app.client.waitUntilTextExists(".compliments .module-content span", "snow"); }); }); describe("Configuration Options", function () { beforeAll(function () { process.env.MM_CONFIG_FILE = "tests/configs/modules/weather/currentweather_options.js"; }); it("should render useBeaufort = false", async function () { const weather = generateWeather(); await setup({ template, data: weather }); return getText(".weather .normal.medium span:nth-child(2)", "12"); }); it("should render showWindDirectionAsArrow = true", async function () { const weather = generateWeather(); await setup({ template, data: weather }); const elem = await getElement(".weather .normal.medium sup i.fa-long-arrow-up"); return elem.getHTML(".weather .normal.medium sup i.fa-long-arrow-up").then(function (text) { expect(text).toContain("transform:rotate(250deg);"); }); }); it("should render showHumidity = true", async function () { const weather = generateWeather(); await setup({ template, data: weather }); return getText(".weather .normal.medium span:nth-child(3)", "93.7"); }); it("should render degreeLabel = true", async function () { const weather = generateWeather(); await setup({ template, data: weather }); return (await getText(".weather .large.light span.bright", "1°C")) && (await getText(".weather .normal.medium.feelslike span.dimmed", "Feels like -6°C")); }); }); describe("Current weather units", function () { beforeAll(function () { process.env.MM_CONFIG_FILE = "tests/configs/modules/weather/currentweather_units.js"; }); it("should render imperial units", async function () { const weather = generateWeather({ main: { temp: (1.49 * 9) / 5 + 32, temp_min: (1 * 9) / 5 + 32, temp_max: (2 * 9) / 5 + 32 }, wind: { speed: 11.8 * 2.23694 } }); await setup({ template, data: weather }); return (await getText(".weather .normal.medium span:nth-child(2)", "6 WSW")) && (await getText(".weather .large.light span.bright", "34,7°")) && getText(".weather .normal.medium.feelslike span.dimmed", "Feels like 22,0°"); }); it("should render custom decimalSymbol = ','", async function () { const weather = generateWeather({ main: { temp: (1.49 * 9) / 5 + 32, temp_min: (1 * 9) / 5 + 32, temp_max: (2 * 9) / 5 + 32 }, wind: { speed: 11.8 * 2.23694 } }); await setup({ template, data: weather }); return (await getText(".weather .normal.medium span:nth-child(3)", "93,7")) && (await getText(".weather .large.light span.bright", "34,7°")) && getText(".weather .normal.medium.feelslike span.dimmed", "Feels like 22,0°"); }); }); }); describe("Weather Forecast", function () { let template; beforeAll(function () { template = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "..", "..", "..", "modules", "default", "weather", "forecast.njk"), "utf8"); }); describe("Default configuration", function () { beforeAll(function () { process.env.MM_CONFIG_FILE = "tests/configs/modules/weather/forecastweather_default.js"; }); it("should render days", async function () { const weather = generateWeatherForecast(); await setup({ template, data: weather }); const days = ["Today", "Tomorrow", "Sun", "Mon", "Tue"]; for (const [index, day] of days.entries()) { await getText(`.weather table.small tr:nth-child(${index + 1}) td:nth-child(1)`, day); } }); it("should render icons", async function () { const weather = generateWeatherForecast(); await setup({ template, data: weather }); const icons = ["day-cloudy", "rain", "day-sunny", "day-sunny", "day-sunny"]; for (const [index, icon] of icons.entries()) { await getElement(`.weather table.small tr:nth-child(${index + 1}) td:nth-child(2) span.wi-${icon}`); } }); it("should render max temperatures", async function () { const weather = generateWeatherForecast(); await setup({ template, data: weather }); const temperatures = ["24.4°", "21.0°", "22.9°", "23.4°", "20.6°"]; for (const [index, temp] of temperatures.entries()) { await getText(`.weather table.small tr:nth-child(${index + 1}) td:nth-child(3)`, temp); } }); it("should render min temperatures", async function () { const weather = generateWeatherForecast(); await setup({ template, data: weather }); const temperatures = ["15.3°", "13.6°", "13.8°", "13.9°", "10.9°"]; for (const [index, temp] of temperatures.entries()) { await getText(`.weather table.small tr:nth-child(${index + 1}) td:nth-child(4)`, temp); } }); it("should render fading of rows", async function () { const weather = generateWeatherForecast(); await setup({ template, data: weather }); const opacities = [1, 1, 0.8, 0.5333333333333333, 0.2666666666666667]; const elem = await getElement(".weather table.small"); for (const [index, opacity] of opacities.entries()) { const html = await elem.getHTML(`.weather table.small tr:nth-child(${index + 1})`); expect(html).toContain(``); } }); }); describe("Configuration Options", function () { beforeAll(function () { process.env.MM_CONFIG_FILE = "tests/configs/modules/weather/forecastweather_options.js"; }); it("should render custom table class", async function () { const weather = generateWeatherForecast(); await setup({ template, data: weather }); await getElement(".weather table.myTableClass"); }); it("should render colored rows", async function () { const weather = generateWeatherForecast(); await setup({ template, data: weather }); const rows = await app.client.$$(".weather table.myTableClass tr.colored"); expect(rows.length).toBe(5); }); }); describe("Forecast weather units", function () { beforeAll(function () { process.env.MM_CONFIG_FILE = "tests/configs/modules/weather/forecastweather_units.js"; }); it("should render custom decimalSymbol = '_'", async function () { const weather = generateWeatherForecast(); await setup({ template, data: weather }); const temperatures = ["24_4°", "21_0°", "22_9°", "23_4°", "20_6°"]; for (const [index, temp] of temperatures.entries()) { await getText(`.weather table.small tr:nth-child(${index + 1}) td:nth-child(3)`, temp); } }); }); }); });