declare namespace cloneRegexp { interface Options { /** Modifies the [`source`]( property of the cloned `RegExp` instance. */ source?: string; /** Modifies the [`global`]( property of the cloned `RegExp` instance. */ global?: boolean; /** Modifies the [`ignoreCase`]( property of the cloned `RegExp` instance. */ ignoreCase?: boolean; /** Modifies the [`multiline`]( property of the cloned `RegExp` instance. */ multiline?: boolean; /** Modifies the [`dotAll`]( property of the cloned `RegExp` instance. */ dotAll?: boolean; /** Modifies the [`sticky`]( property of the cloned `RegExp` instance. */ sticky?: boolean; /** Modifies the [`unicode`]( property of the cloned `RegExp` instance. */ unicode?: boolean; /** Modifies the [`lastIndex`]( property of the cloned `RegExp` instance. */ lastIndex?: number; } } /** Clone and modify a [RegExp]( instance. @param regexp - Regex to clone. @example ``` import cloneRegexp = require('clone-regexp'); const regex = /[a-z]/gi; cloneRegexp(regex); //=> /[a-z]/gi cloneRegexp(regex) === regex; //=> false cloneRegexp(regex, {global: false}); //=> /[a-z]/i cloneRegexp(regex, {multiline: true}); //=> /[a-z]/gim cloneRegexp(regex, {source: 'unicorn'}); //=> /unicorn/gi ``` */ declare function cloneRegexp( regexp: RegExp, options?: cloneRegexp.Options ): RegExp; export = cloneRegexp;