import { isSpace } from '../util.js'; const zeroWidth = { line: 0, start: 0, delimiter: 0, postDelimiter: 0, tag: 0, postTag: 0, name: 0, postName: 0, type: 0, postType: 0, description: 0, end: 0, lineEnd: 0, }; const headers = { lineEnd: 'CR' }; const fields = Object.keys(zeroWidth); const repr = (x) => (isSpace(x) ? `{${x.length}}` : x); const frame = (line) => '|' + line.join('|') + '|'; const align = (width, tokens) => Object.keys(tokens).map((k) => repr(tokens[k]).padEnd(width[k])); export default function inspect({ source }) { var _a, _b; if (source.length === 0) return ''; const width = Object.assign({}, zeroWidth); for (const f of fields) width[f] = ((_a = headers[f]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : f).length; for (const { number, tokens } of source) { width.line = Math.max(width.line, number.toString().length); for (const k in tokens) width[k] = Math.max(width[k], repr(tokens[k]).length); } const lines = [[], []]; for (const f of fields) lines[0].push(((_b = headers[f]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : f).padEnd(width[f])); for (const f of fields) lines[1].push('-'.padEnd(width[f], '-')); for (const { number, tokens } of source) { const line = number.toString().padStart(width.line); lines.push([line, ...align(width, tokens)]); } return'\n'); }