"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; var _eslint = require("eslint"); var _iterateJsdoc = _interopRequireDefault(require("../iterateJsdoc")); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } // Todo: When peerDeps bump to ESLint 7, see about replacing `CLIEngine` // with non-deprecated `ESLint` class: // https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/master/docs/user-guide/migrating-to-7.0.0.md#-the-cliengine-class-has-been-deprecated const zeroBasedLineIndexAdjust = -1; const likelyNestedJSDocIndentSpace = 1; const preTagSpaceLength = 1; // If a space is present, we should ignore it const firstLinePrefixLength = preTagSpaceLength; const hasCaptionRegex = /^\s*([\s\S]*?)<\/caption>/u; const escapeStringRegexp = str => { return str.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/gu, '\\$&'); }; const countChars = (str, ch) => { return (str.match(new RegExp(escapeStringRegexp(ch), 'gu')) || []).length; }; const defaultMdRules = { // "always" newline rule at end unlikely in sample code 'eol-last': 0, // Wouldn't generally expect example paths to resolve relative to JS file 'import/no-unresolved': 0, // Snippets likely too short to always include import/export info 'import/unambiguous': 0, 'jsdoc/require-file-overview': 0, // The end of a multiline comment would end the comment the example is in. 'jsdoc/require-jsdoc': 0, // Unlikely to have inadvertent debugging within examples 'no-console': 0, // Often wish to start `@example` code after newline; also may use // empty lines for spacing 'no-multiple-empty-lines': 0, // Many variables in examples will be `undefined` 'no-undef': 0, // Common to define variables for clarity without always using them 'no-unused-vars': 0, // See import/no-unresolved 'node/no-missing-import': 0, 'node/no-missing-require': 0, // Can generally look nicer to pad a little even if code imposes more stringency 'padded-blocks': 0 }; const defaultExpressionRules = { ...defaultMdRules, 'chai-friendly/no-unused-expressions': 'off', 'no-empty-function': 'off', 'no-new': 'off', 'no-unused-expressions': 'off', quotes: ['error', 'double'], semi: ['error', 'never'], strict: 'off' }; const getLinesCols = text => { const matchLines = countChars(text, '\n'); const colDelta = matchLines ? text.slice(text.lastIndexOf('\n') + 1).length : text.length; return [matchLines, colDelta]; }; var _default = (0, _iterateJsdoc.default)(({ report, utils, context, globalState }) => { if (!globalState.has('checkExamples-matchingFileName')) { globalState.set('checkExamples-matchingFileName', new Map()); } const matchingFileNameMap = globalState.get('checkExamples-matchingFileName'); const options = context.options[0] || {}; let { exampleCodeRegex = null, rejectExampleCodeRegex = null } = options; const { checkDefaults = false, checkParams = false, checkProperties = false, noDefaultExampleRules = false, checkEslintrc = true, matchingFileName = null, matchingFileNameDefaults = null, matchingFileNameParams = null, matchingFileNameProperties = null, paddedIndent = 0, baseConfig = {}, configFile, allowInlineConfig = true, reportUnusedDisableDirectives = true, captionRequired = false } = options; // Make this configurable? const rulePaths = []; const mdRules = noDefaultExampleRules ? undefined : defaultMdRules; const expressionRules = noDefaultExampleRules ? undefined : defaultExpressionRules; if (exampleCodeRegex) { exampleCodeRegex = utils.getRegexFromString(exampleCodeRegex); } if (rejectExampleCodeRegex) { rejectExampleCodeRegex = utils.getRegexFromString(rejectExampleCodeRegex); } const checkSource = ({ filename, defaultFileName, rules = expressionRules, lines = 0, cols = 0, skipInit, source, targetTagName, sources = [], tag = { line: 0 } }) => { if (!skipInit) { sources.push({ nonJSPrefacingCols: cols, nonJSPrefacingLines: lines, string: source }); } // Todo: Make fixable const checkRules = function ({ nonJSPrefacingCols, nonJSPrefacingLines, string }) { const cliConfig = { allowInlineConfig, baseConfig, configFile, reportUnusedDisableDirectives, rulePaths, rules, useEslintrc: checkEslintrc }; const cliConfigStr = JSON.stringify(cliConfig); const src = paddedIndent ? string.replace(new RegExp(`(^|\n) {${paddedIndent}}(?!$)`, 'gu'), '\n') : string; // Programmatic ESLint API: https://eslint.org/docs/developer-guide/nodejs-api const fileNameMapKey = filename ? 'a' + cliConfigStr + filename : 'b' + cliConfigStr + defaultFileName; const file = filename || defaultFileName; let cliFile; if (matchingFileNameMap.has(fileNameMapKey)) { cliFile = matchingFileNameMap.get(fileNameMapKey); } else { const cli = new _eslint.CLIEngine(cliConfig); let config; if (filename || checkEslintrc) { config = cli.getConfigForFile(file); } // We need a new instance to ensure that the rules that may only // be available to `file` (if it has its own `.eslintrc`), // will be defined. cliFile = new _eslint.CLIEngine({ allowInlineConfig, baseConfig: { ...baseConfig, ...config }, configFile, reportUnusedDisableDirectives, rulePaths, rules, useEslintrc: false }); matchingFileNameMap.set(fileNameMapKey, cliFile); } const { results: [{ messages }] } = cliFile.executeOnText(src); if (!('line' in tag)) { tag.line = tag.source[0].number; } // NOTE: `tag.line` can be 0 if of form `/** @tag ... */` const codeStartLine = tag.line + nonJSPrefacingLines; const codeStartCol = likelyNestedJSDocIndentSpace; messages.forEach(({ message, line, column, severity, ruleId }) => { const startLine = codeStartLine + line + zeroBasedLineIndexAdjust; const startCol = codeStartCol + ( // This might not work for line 0, but line 0 is unlikely for examples line <= 1 ? nonJSPrefacingCols + firstLinePrefixLength : preTagSpaceLength) + column; report('@' + targetTagName + ' ' + (severity === 2 ? 'error' : 'warning') + (ruleId ? ' (' + ruleId + ')' : '') + ': ' + message, null, { column: startCol, line: startLine }); }); }; sources.forEach(checkRules); }; /** * * @param {string} filename * @param {string} [ext="md/*.js"] Since `eslint-plugin-markdown` v2, and * ESLint 7, this is the default which other JS-fenced rules will used. * Formerly "md" was the default. * @returns {{defaultFileName: string, fileName: string}} */ const getFilenameInfo = (filename, ext = 'md/*.js') => { let defaultFileName; if (!filename) { const jsFileName = context.getFilename(); if (typeof jsFileName === 'string' && jsFileName.includes('.')) { defaultFileName = jsFileName.replace(/\..*?$/, `.${ext}`); } else { defaultFileName = `dummy.${ext}`; } } return { defaultFileName, filename }; }; if (checkDefaults) { const filenameInfo = getFilenameInfo(matchingFileNameDefaults, 'jsdoc-defaults'); utils.forEachPreferredTag('default', (tag, targetTagName) => { if (!tag.description.trim()) { return; } checkSource({ source: `(${utils.getTagDescription(tag)})`, targetTagName, ...filenameInfo }); }); } if (checkParams) { const filenameInfo = getFilenameInfo(matchingFileNameParams, 'jsdoc-params'); utils.forEachPreferredTag('param', (tag, targetTagName) => { if (!tag.default || !tag.default.trim()) { return; } checkSource({ source: `(${tag.default})`, targetTagName, ...filenameInfo }); }); } if (checkProperties) { const filenameInfo = getFilenameInfo(matchingFileNameProperties, 'jsdoc-properties'); utils.forEachPreferredTag('property', (tag, targetTagName) => { if (!tag.default || !tag.default.trim()) { return; } checkSource({ source: `(${tag.default})`, targetTagName, ...filenameInfo }); }); } const tagName = utils.getPreferredTagName({ tagName: 'example' }); if (!utils.hasTag(tagName)) { return; } const matchingFilenameInfo = getFilenameInfo(matchingFileName); utils.forEachPreferredTag('example', (tag, targetTagName) => { let source = utils.getTagDescription(tag); const match = source.match(hasCaptionRegex); if (captionRequired && (!match || !match[1].trim())) { report('Caption is expected for examples.', null, tag); } source = source.replace(hasCaptionRegex, ''); const [lines, cols] = match ? getLinesCols(match[0]) : [0, 0]; if (exampleCodeRegex && !exampleCodeRegex.test(source) || rejectExampleCodeRegex && rejectExampleCodeRegex.test(source)) { return; } const sources = []; let skipInit = false; if (exampleCodeRegex) { let nonJSPrefacingCols = 0; let nonJSPrefacingLines = 0; let startingIndex = 0; let lastStringCount = 0; let exampleCode; exampleCodeRegex.lastIndex = 0; while ((exampleCode = exampleCodeRegex.exec(source)) !== null) { const { index, 0: n0, 1: n1 } = exampleCode; // Count anything preceding user regex match (can affect line numbering) const preMatch = source.slice(startingIndex, index); const [preMatchLines, colDelta] = getLinesCols(preMatch); let nonJSPreface; let nonJSPrefaceLineCount; if (n1) { const idx = n0.indexOf(n1); nonJSPreface = n0.slice(0, idx); nonJSPrefaceLineCount = countChars(nonJSPreface, '\n'); } else { nonJSPreface = ''; nonJSPrefaceLineCount = 0; } nonJSPrefacingLines += lastStringCount + preMatchLines + nonJSPrefaceLineCount; // Ignore `preMatch` delta if newlines here if (nonJSPrefaceLineCount) { const charsInLastLine = nonJSPreface.slice(nonJSPreface.lastIndexOf('\n') + 1).length; nonJSPrefacingCols += charsInLastLine; } else { nonJSPrefacingCols += colDelta + nonJSPreface.length; } const string = n1 || n0; sources.push({ nonJSPrefacingCols, nonJSPrefacingLines, string }); startingIndex = exampleCodeRegex.lastIndex; lastStringCount = countChars(string, '\n'); if (!exampleCodeRegex.global) { break; } } skipInit = true; } checkSource({ cols, lines, rules: mdRules, skipInit, source, sources, tag, targetTagName, ...matchingFilenameInfo }); }); }, { iterateAllJsdocs: true, meta: { docs: { description: 'Ensures that (JavaScript) examples within JSDoc adhere to ESLint rules.', url: 'https://github.com/gajus/eslint-plugin-jsdoc#eslint-plugin-jsdoc-rules-check-examples' }, schema: [{ additionalProperties: false, properties: { allowInlineConfig: { default: true, type: 'boolean' }, baseConfig: { type: 'object' }, captionRequired: { default: false, type: 'boolean' }, checkDefaults: { default: false, type: 'boolean' }, checkEslintrc: { default: true, type: 'boolean' }, checkParams: { default: false, type: 'boolean' }, checkProperties: { default: false, type: 'boolean' }, configFile: { type: 'string' }, exampleCodeRegex: { type: 'string' }, matchingFileName: { type: 'string' }, matchingFileNameDefaults: { type: 'string' }, matchingFileNameParams: { type: 'string' }, matchingFileNameProperties: { type: 'string' }, noDefaultExampleRules: { default: false, type: 'boolean' }, paddedIndent: { default: 0, type: 'integer' }, rejectExampleCodeRegex: { type: 'string' }, reportUnusedDisableDirectives: { default: true, type: 'boolean' } }, type: 'object' }], type: 'suggestion' } }); exports.default = _default; module.exports = exports.default; //# sourceMappingURL=checkExamples.js.map