const auth = require('basic-auth') const assert = require('assert') const timingSafeEqual = require('crypto').timingSafeEqual // Credits for the actual algorithm go to github/@Bruce17 // Thanks to github/@hraban for making me implement this function safeCompare(userInput, secret) { const userInputLength = Buffer.byteLength(userInput) const secretLength = Buffer.byteLength(secret) const userInputBuffer = Buffer.alloc(userInputLength, 0, 'utf8') userInputBuffer.write(userInput) const secretBuffer = Buffer.alloc(userInputLength, 0, 'utf8') secretBuffer.write(secret) return !!(timingSafeEqual(userInputBuffer, secretBuffer) & userInputLength === secretLength) } function ensureFunction(option, defaultValue) { if(option == undefined) return function() { return defaultValue } if(typeof option != 'function') return function() { return option } return option } function buildMiddleware(options) { var challenge = options.challenge != undefined ? !!options.challenge : false var users = options.users || {} var authorizer = options.authorizer || staticUsersAuthorizer var isAsync = options.authorizeAsync != undefined ? !!options.authorizeAsync : false var getResponseBody = ensureFunction(options.unauthorizedResponse, '') var realm = ensureFunction(options.realm) assert(typeof users == 'object', 'Expected an object for the basic auth users, found ' + typeof users + ' instead') assert(typeof authorizer == 'function', 'Expected a function for the basic auth authorizer, found ' + typeof authorizer + ' instead') function staticUsersAuthorizer(username, password) { for(var i in users) if(safeCompare(username, i) & safeCompare(password, users[i])) return true return false } return function authMiddleware(req, res, next) { var authentication = auth(req) if(!authentication) return unauthorized() req.auth = { user:, password: authentication.pass } if(isAsync) return authorizer(, authentication.pass, authorizerCallback) else if(!authorizer(, authentication.pass)) return unauthorized() return next() function unauthorized() { if(challenge) { var challengeString = 'Basic' var realmName = realm(req) if(realmName) challengeString += ' realm="' + realmName + '"' res.set('WWW-Authenticate', challengeString) } //TODO: Allow response body to be JSON (maybe autodetect?) const response = getResponseBody(req) if(typeof response == 'string') return res.status(401).send(response) return res.status(401).json(response) } function authorizerCallback(err, approved) { assert.ifError(err) if(approved) return next() return unauthorized() } } } buildMiddleware.safeCompare = safeCompare module.exports = buildMiddleware