const expect = require('chai').expect; const loglevel = require('loglevel'); const other = require('loglevel-plugin-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); const prefix = require('../lib/loglevel-plugin-prefix'); const spy = sinon.spy(); loglevel.enableAll(); describe('API', () => { it('Methods', () => { expect(prefix)'apply')'function'); expect(prefix)'reg')'function'); expect(prefix)'noConflict'); }); it('Reg: empty arguments', () => { expect(prefix.reg).to.throw(TypeError, 'Argument is not a root logger'); }); it('Reg: incorrect argument', () => { expect(() => prefix.reg('logger')).to.throw(TypeError, 'Argument is not a root logger'); }); it('Apply: empty arguments', () => { expect(prefix.apply).to.throw(TypeError, 'Argument is not a logger'); }); it('Apply: incorrect argument', () => { expect(() => prefix.apply('logger')).to.throw(TypeError, 'Argument is not a logger'); }); }); describe('Prefix', () => { other.apply(loglevel, { method: spy }); beforeEach(() => { spy.reset(); }); it('Root applying', () => { expect(() => prefix.apply(loglevel)).to.not.throw(); }); it('Root reapplyng', () => { prefix.apply(loglevel, { template: '%l (%n):' });'test'); expect(spy.calledWith('INFO (root): test')); }); it('Format', () => { prefix.apply(loglevel, { format: (level, logger) => `${level} (${logger}):` });'test'); expect(spy.calledWith('INFO (root): test')); }); it('Unformat', () => { prefix.apply(loglevel, { template: '%l:' });'test'); expect(spy.calledWith('INFO: test')); }); it('The prefix must be combined with the first argument, if it is a string', () => { prefix.apply(loglevel, { template: '%l:' });'foo %s', 'bar'); expect(spy.calledWith('INFO: foo %s', 'bar')); }); it('All methods of the previous plugin should be called', () => { prefix.apply(loglevel); // for warn in apply spy.reset(); loglevel.trace(); loglevel.debug();; loglevel.warn(); loglevel.error(); expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(5); }); it('Child applying', () => { const child = loglevel.getLogger('child'); prefix.apply(child, { template: '%l (%n):' });'test'); expect(spy.calledWith('INFO (child): test')); }); it('Child reapplyng', () => { const child = loglevel.getLogger('child'); prefix.apply(child, { levelFormatter(level) { return level; } });'test'); expect(spy.calledWith('info (child): test')); }); });