rgb2hex ![Test Changes](https://github.com/christian-bromann/rgb2hex/workflows/Test%20Changes/badge.svg) [![Known Vulnerabilities](https://snyk.io/test/github/christian-bromann/rgb2hex/badge.svg?targetFile=package.json)](https://snyk.io/test/github/christian-bromann/rgb2hex?targetFile=package.json) ======= Parse any rgb or rgba string into a hex color. Lightweight library, no dependencies! ## Installation via NPM: ``` $ npm install rgb2hex ``` via Bower ``` $ bower install rgb2hex ``` ## Usage Include `rgb2hex.js` in your web app, by loading it as usual: ```html ``` ### Using NodeJS ```js var rgb2hex = require('rgb2hex'); console.log(rgb2hex('rgb(210,43,2525)')); /** * returns: * { * hex: '#d22bff', * alpha: 1 * } */ console.log(rgb2hex('rgba(12,173,22,.67)')); /** * returns: * { * hex: '#d22bff', * alpha: 0.67 * } */ ``` ### Using RequireJS rgb2hex can be also loaded with AMD: ```js require(['rgb2hex'], function (rgb2hex) { // ... }); ``` ## Contributing Please fork, add specs, and send pull requests! In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. ## Release History * 2013-04-22   v0.1.0   first working version * 2018-05-24   v0.1.1   updated dependencies switch test framework to jest * 2018-06-13   v0.1.2   Fixes uncontrolled resource consumption vulnerability referenced in #1. ([ref1](https://nodesecurity.io/advisories/647), [ref2](https://snyk.io/vuln/npm:rgb2hex:20180429)) * 2018-06-13   v0.1.3   allow semicolon at the end of an rgb string * 2018-06-19   v0.1.4   ignore text before or after the color * 2018-07-04   v0.1.5   Fix stripping of color and regexp * 2018-07-05   v0.1.6   Prevent Regular Expression Denial of Service attacks * 2018-07-05   v0.1.7   Minor coverage fix * 2018-07-05   v0.1.8   Better handle alpha values * 2018-07-18   v0.1.9   Support transparent colors * 2019-11-11   v0.1.10  Support multiple decimal places [(#20)](https://github.com/christian-bromann/rgb2hex/pull/20) * 2020-11-24   v0.2.1   TypeScript support * 2020-11-25   v0.2.2   Improved TypeScript support