Software zum Installieren eines Smart-Mirror Frameworks , zum Nutzen von hochschulrelevanten Informationen, auf einem Raspberry-Pi.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

index.d.ts 4.3KB

  1. // Type definitions for Mdast 3.0
  2. // Project:,
  3. // Definitions by: Jun Lu <>
  4. // Definitions:
  5. // TypeScript Version: 3.0
  6. import { Parent as UnistParent, Literal as UnistLiteral, Node } from 'unist';
  7. export type AlignType = 'left' | 'right' | 'center' | null;
  8. export type ReferenceType = 'shortcut' | 'collapsed' | 'full';
  9. export type Content =
  10. | TopLevelContent
  11. | ListContent
  12. | TableContent
  13. | RowContent
  14. | PhrasingContent;
  15. export type TopLevelContent =
  16. | BlockContent
  17. | FrontmatterContent
  18. | DefinitionContent;
  19. export type BlockContent =
  20. | Paragraph
  21. | Heading
  22. | ThematicBreak
  23. | Blockquote
  24. | List
  25. | Table
  26. | HTML
  27. | Code;
  28. export type FrontmatterContent = YAML;
  29. export type DefinitionContent = Definition | FootnoteDefinition;
  30. export type ListContent = ListItem;
  31. export type TableContent = TableRow;
  32. export type RowContent = TableCell;
  33. export type PhrasingContent = StaticPhrasingContent | Link | LinkReference;
  34. export type StaticPhrasingContent =
  35. | Text
  36. | Emphasis
  37. | Strong
  38. | Delete
  39. | HTML
  40. | InlineCode
  41. | Break
  42. | Image
  43. | ImageReference
  44. | Footnote
  45. | FootnoteReference;
  46. export interface Parent extends UnistParent {
  47. children: Content[];
  48. }
  49. export interface Literal extends UnistLiteral {
  50. value: string;
  51. }
  52. export interface Root extends Parent {
  53. type: 'root';
  54. }
  55. export interface Paragraph extends Parent {
  56. type: 'paragraph';
  57. children: PhrasingContent[];
  58. }
  59. export interface Heading extends Parent {
  60. type: 'heading';
  61. depth: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6;
  62. children: PhrasingContent[];
  63. }
  64. export interface ThematicBreak extends Node {
  65. type: 'thematicBreak';
  66. }
  67. export interface Blockquote extends Parent {
  68. type: 'blockquote';
  69. children: BlockContent[];
  70. }
  71. export interface List extends Parent {
  72. type: 'list';
  73. ordered?: boolean;
  74. start?: number;
  75. spread?: boolean;
  76. children: ListContent[];
  77. }
  78. export interface ListItem extends Parent {
  79. type: 'listItem';
  80. checked?: boolean;
  81. spread?: boolean;
  82. children: BlockContent[];
  83. }
  84. export interface Table extends Parent {
  85. type: 'table';
  86. align?: AlignType[];
  87. children: TableContent[];
  88. }
  89. export interface TableRow extends Parent {
  90. type: 'tableRow';
  91. children: RowContent[];
  92. }
  93. export interface TableCell extends Parent {
  94. type: 'tableCell';
  95. children: PhrasingContent[];
  96. }
  97. export interface HTML extends Literal {
  98. type: 'html';
  99. }
  100. export interface Code extends Literal {
  101. type: 'code';
  102. lang?: string;
  103. meta?: string;
  104. }
  105. export interface YAML extends Literal {
  106. type: 'yaml';
  107. }
  108. export interface Definition extends Node, Association, Resource {
  109. type: 'definition';
  110. }
  111. export interface FootnoteDefinition extends Parent, Association {
  112. type: 'footnoteDefinition';
  113. children: BlockContent[];
  114. }
  115. export interface Text extends Literal {
  116. type: 'text';
  117. }
  118. export interface Emphasis extends Parent {
  119. type: 'emphasis';
  120. children: PhrasingContent[];
  121. }
  122. export interface Strong extends Parent {
  123. type: 'strong';
  124. children: PhrasingContent[];
  125. }
  126. export interface Delete extends Parent {
  127. type: 'delete';
  128. children: PhrasingContent[];
  129. }
  130. export interface InlineCode extends Literal {
  131. type: 'inlineCode';
  132. }
  133. export interface Break extends Node {
  134. type: 'break';
  135. }
  136. export interface Link extends Parent, Resource {
  137. type: 'link';
  138. children: StaticPhrasingContent[];
  139. }
  140. export interface Image extends Node, Resource, Alternative {
  141. type: 'image';
  142. }
  143. export interface LinkReference extends Parent, Reference {
  144. type: 'linkReference';
  145. children: StaticPhrasingContent[];
  146. }
  147. export interface ImageReference extends Node, Reference, Alternative {
  148. type: 'imageReference';
  149. }
  150. export interface Footnote extends Parent {
  151. type: 'footnote';
  152. children: PhrasingContent[];
  153. }
  154. export interface FootnoteReference extends Node, Association {
  155. type: 'footnoteReference';
  156. }
  157. // Mixin
  158. export interface Resource {
  159. url: string;
  160. title?: string;
  161. }
  162. export interface Association {
  163. identifier: string;
  164. label?: string;
  165. }
  166. export interface Reference extends Association {
  167. referenceType: ReferenceType;
  168. }
  169. export interface Alternative {
  170. alt?: string;
  171. }