Software zum Installieren eines Smart-Mirror Frameworks , zum Nutzen von hochschulrelevanten Informationen, auf einem Raspberry-Pi.
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index.d.ts 2.1KB

  1. // Type definitions for stack-utils 2.0
  2. // Project:
  3. // Definitions by: BendingBender <>
  4. // Definitions:
  5. // TypeScript Version: 2.2
  6. export = StackUtils;
  7. declare class StackUtils {
  8. static nodeInternals(): RegExp[];
  9. constructor(options?: StackUtils.Options);
  10. clean(stack: string | string[]): string;
  11. capture(limit?: number, startStackFunction?: Function): StackUtils.CallSite[];
  12. capture(startStackFunction: Function): StackUtils.CallSite[];
  13. captureString(limit?: number, startStackFunction?: Function): string;
  14. captureString(startStackFunction: Function): string;
  15. at(startStackFunction?: Function): StackUtils.CallSiteLike;
  16. parseLine(line: string): StackUtils.StackLineData | null;
  17. }
  18. declare namespace StackUtils {
  19. interface Options {
  20. internals?: RegExp[] | undefined;
  21. ignoredPackages?: string[] | undefined;
  22. cwd?: string | undefined;
  23. wrapCallSite?(callSite: CallSite): CallSite;
  24. }
  25. interface CallSite {
  26. getThis(): object | undefined;
  27. getTypeName(): string;
  28. getFunction(): Function | undefined;
  29. getFunctionName(): string;
  30. getMethodName(): string | null;
  31. getFileName(): string | undefined;
  32. getLineNumber(): number;
  33. getColumnNumber(): number;
  34. getEvalOrigin(): CallSite | string;
  35. isToplevel(): boolean;
  36. isEval(): boolean;
  37. isNative(): boolean;
  38. isConstructor(): boolean;
  39. }
  40. interface CallSiteLike extends StackData {
  41. type?: string | undefined;
  42. }
  43. interface StackLineData extends StackData {
  44. evalLine?: number | undefined;
  45. evalColumn?: number | undefined;
  46. evalFile?: string | undefined;
  47. }
  48. interface StackData {
  49. line?: number | undefined;
  50. column?: number | undefined;
  51. file?: string | undefined;
  52. constructor?: boolean | undefined;
  53. evalOrigin?: string | undefined;
  54. native?: boolean | undefined;
  55. function?: string | undefined;
  56. method?: string | undefined;
  57. }
  58. }