Software zum Installieren eines Smart-Mirror Frameworks , zum Nutzen von hochschulrelevanten Informationen, auf einem Raspberry-Pi.
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  1. {"version":3,"sources":["../src/types.js"],"names":[],"mappings":";;AAEA;;AAGA;;AAGA;;AAGA","sourcesContent":["// @flow\n\nimport {\n Socket,\n} from 'net';\nimport {\n TLSSocket,\n} from 'tls';\nimport {\n Agent as HttpAgent,\n} from 'http';\nimport {\n Agent as HttpsAgent,\n} from 'https';\n\nexport type ProxyConfigurationType = {|\n +authorization: string,\n +hostname: string,\n +port: number,\n|};\n\nexport type TlsConfigurationType = {|\n +ca?: string,\n +cert?: string,\n +ciphers?: string,\n +clientCertEngine?: string,\n +crl?: string,\n +dhparam?: string,\n +ecdhCurve?: string,\n +honorCipherOrder?: boolean,\n +key?: string,\n +passphrase?: string,\n +pfx?: string,\n +rejectUnauthorized?: boolean,\n +secureOptions?: number,\n +secureProtocol?: string,\n +servername?: string,\n +sessionIdContext?: string,\n|};\n\nexport type ConnectionConfigurationType = {|\n +host: string,\n +port: number,\n +tls?: TlsConfigurationType,\n +proxy: ProxyConfigurationType,\n|};\n\nexport type ConnectionCallbackType = (error: Error | null, socket?: Socket | TLSSocket) => void;\n\nexport type AgentType = HttpAgent | HttpsAgent;\nexport type IsProxyConfiguredMethodType = () => boolean;\nexport type MustUrlUseProxyMethodType = (url: string) => boolean;\nexport type GetUrlProxyMethodType = (url: string) => ProxyConfigurationType;\nexport type ProtocolType = 'http:' | 'https:';\n\nexport type ProxyAgentConfigurationInputType = {|\n +environmentVariableNamespace?: string,\n +forceGlobalAgent?: boolean,\n +socketConnectionTimeout?: number,\n|};\n\nexport type ProxyAgentConfigurationType = {|\n +environmentVariableNamespace: string,\n +forceGlobalAgent: boolean,\n +socketConnectionTimeout: number,\n|};\n"],"file":"types.js"}