Software zum Installieren eines Smart-Mirror Frameworks , zum Nutzen von hochschulrelevanten Informationen, auf einem Raspberry-Pi.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

constants.d.ts 2.4KB

  1. import type { DefaultPropertyType } from '@wdio/utils';
  2. export declare const ELEMENT_KEY = "element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf";
  3. export declare const WDIO_DEFAULTS: Record<string, DefaultPropertyType>;
  4. export declare const UNICODE_CHARACTERS: {
  5. NULL: string;
  6. Unidentified: string;
  7. Cancel: string;
  8. Help: string;
  9. 'Back space': string;
  10. Backspace: string;
  11. Tab: string;
  12. Clear: string;
  13. Return: string;
  14. Enter: string;
  15. Shift: string;
  16. Control: string;
  17. 'Control Left': string;
  18. 'Control Right': string;
  19. Alt: string;
  20. Pause: string;
  21. Escape: string;
  22. Space: string;
  23. ' ': string;
  24. Pageup: string;
  25. PageUp: string;
  26. Page_Up: string;
  27. Pagedown: string;
  28. PageDown: string;
  29. Page_Down: string;
  30. End: string;
  31. Home: string;
  32. 'Left arrow': string;
  33. Arrow_Left: string;
  34. ArrowLeft: string;
  35. 'Up arrow': string;
  36. Arrow_Up: string;
  37. ArrowUp: string;
  38. 'Right arrow': string;
  39. Arrow_Right: string;
  40. ArrowRight: string;
  41. 'Down arrow': string;
  42. Arrow_Down: string;
  43. ArrowDown: string;
  44. Insert: string;
  45. Delete: string;
  46. Semicolon: string;
  47. Equals: string;
  48. 'Numpad 0': string;
  49. 'Numpad 1': string;
  50. 'Numpad 2': string;
  51. 'Numpad 3': string;
  52. 'Numpad 4': string;
  53. 'Numpad 5': string;
  54. 'Numpad 6': string;
  55. 'Numpad 7': string;
  56. 'Numpad 8': string;
  57. 'Numpad 9': string;
  58. Multiply: string;
  59. Add: string;
  60. Separator: string;
  61. Subtract: string;
  62. Decimal: string;
  63. Divide: string;
  64. F1: string;
  65. F2: string;
  66. F3: string;
  67. F4: string;
  68. F5: string;
  69. F6: string;
  70. F7: string;
  71. F8: string;
  72. F9: string;
  73. F10: string;
  74. F11: string;
  75. F12: string;
  76. Command: string;
  77. Meta: string;
  78. Zenkaku_Hankaku: string;
  79. ZenkakuHankaku: string;
  80. };
  81. export declare const W3C_SELECTOR_STRATEGIES: string[];
  82. export declare const W3C_CAPABILITIES: string[];
  83. export declare const JSONWP_CAPABILITIES: string[];
  84. export declare const APPIUM_ANDROID_CAPABILITIES: string[];
  85. export declare const APPIUM_IOS_CAPABILITIES: string[];
  86. export declare const APPIUM_CAPABILITES: string[];
  87. export declare const DRIVER_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT: {
  88. method: string;
  89. host: string;
  90. port: number;
  91. path: string;
  92. };
  93. export declare const FF_REMOTE_DEBUG_ARG = "-remote-debugging-port";
  94. export declare const ERROR_REASON: string[];
  95. //#