Software zum Installieren eines Smart-Mirror Frameworks , zum Nutzen von hochschulrelevanten Informationen, auf einem Raspberry-Pi.
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Philipp Partosch 46a936d7de added all files to project 2 years ago
.. added all files to project 2 years ago
index.js added all files to project 2 years ago


Deprecated: Instead use the selector-combinator-allowed-list rule.

Specify a list of allowed combinators.

  a + b {}
/** ↑
 * This combinator */

This rule normalizes the whitespace descendant combinator to be a single space.

This rule ignores reference combinators e.g. /for/.


array|string: ["array", "of", "combinators"]|"combinator"


[">", " "]

The following patterns are considered violations:

a + b {}
a ~ b {}

The following patterns are not considered violations:

a > b {}
a b {}
b {}