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Module: MMM-DynamicWeather

A heavily configurable MagicMirror Module to display different animations based on current weather and show customized event effects.

Inspired by MichMich's Snow Plugin




In your terminal, go to your MagicMirror's Module folder:

cd ~/MagicMirror/modules

Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/scottcl88/MMM-DynamicWeather.git

Configure the module in your config.js file.

Note: After starting the Mirror, it may take a few seconds to startup.


Go to the DynamicWeather module

cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-DynamicWeather

Pull latest

git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories

You can also use the NPM package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/mmm-dynamicweather

Using the module

To use this module, add it to the modules array in the config/config.js file:

 module: 'MMM-DynamicWeather',
 position: 'fullscreen_above',
 config: { // See https://github.com/scottcl88/MMM-DynamicWeather for more information.
  api_key: "your_key",
  locationID: "4140963",
  effects: [
    month: "2",
    day: "14",
    year: "2021",
    images: ["heart1.png", "heart2.png"],
    direction: "up"

Configuration options

The following properties can be configured:

Option Description
alwaysDisplay Set this to always display the specified default effect, regardless of weather. Does not work for custom effects; to always display custom effects leave out weatherCode, month, day and year.

Options: cloudy, fog, lightning, rain-lightning, rain, sun, snow
Type: string
Default value: null
api_key Required This is the API key you need to use to request weather data from the OpenWeatherMap site. Details on how to request an API key can be found here

Type: string
Default value: null
effectDuration The length, in milliseconds, to display the effect.

Type: number
Default value: 120000
effectDelay The length, in milliseconds, to wait to restart the effect.

Type: number
Default value: 60000
fadeDuration The length, in milliseconds, to fade out all effects.

Type: number
Default value: 3000
hideSnow If true, will never display the "snow" effect.

Type: boolean
Default value: false
hideSnowman If false, will display an animation at the bottom of a snowman being built if the current weather is snow and hideSnow is false. The animation lasts for the effectDuration with a 10 second delay.

Type: boolean
Default value: true
hideRain If true, will never display the "rain" effect.

Type: boolean
Default value: false
hideFlower If false, will display an animation at the bottom of a flower growing if the current weather is rain and hideRain is false. The animation lasts for the effectDuration with a 10 second delay.

Type: boolean
Default value: true
hideClouds If true, will never display the "cloudy" effect.

Type: boolean
Default value: false
hideFog If true, will never display the "fog" effect.

Type: boolean
Default value: false
hideLightning If true, will never display the "lightning" effect.

Type: boolean
Default value: false
hideSun If true, will never display the "sun" effect.

Type: boolean
Default value: false
lightning1Count Sets how many times the lightning1.png image will be displayed during the effect duration if current weather is thunderstorm.

Type: number
Default value: 2
lightning2Count Sets how many times the lightning2.png image will be displayed during the effect duration if current weather is thunderstorm.

Type: number
Default value: 3
locationID Required (or use lat/lon) The locationID from OpenWeatherMap for your city to get current weather. Follow steps here to find city ID

Type: integer
Default value: 0
lat Required with lon (or use locationID) This is the latitude of the location you want to get the weather for.

Type: number
Default value: 0.0
lon Required with lat (or use locationID) This is the longitude of the location you want to get the weather for.

Type: number
Default value: 0.0
particleCount The number of particles to show for each effect. Higher counts may cause performance issues. This can be overriden in each effect.

Type: integer
Default value: 100
realisticClouds If true, shows more realistic cloud effect. Uses the cloud pictures with varying size and amount based on current weather cloud density.

Type: boolean
Default value: false
sequential If set, will not display weather and a custom effect at the same time. It will run for effectDuration, wait for effectDelay, and then show the next. Repeats until either the weather changes and/or the effect date/holiday is no longer today. If not set, both weather and effect can be seen together.

weather to see weather first
effect to see effect first
effect-one to see effect first but only 1 effect at a time, going in order of the array.

Type: string
Default value: null
sunImage Determines which image to display when sunny.

Type: string
Default value: sun_right
weatherInterval How often the weather is updated.

Type: integer
Default value: 600000 // 10 minutes
opacity Sets the opacity of the module's wrapper. Use a value between 0.1 and 1.

Type: number
Default value: 1

Effect options

Option Description
direction How the effect moves across the screen.

Options: up, down, right-left, left-right
Type: string
Default value: up
month The month (1-12) of the date to display this effect on. Must not set weatherCode or holiday.

Type: number
Default value: 0
day The day of the month (1-31) of the date to display this effect on. Must not set weatherCode or holiday.

Type: number
Default value: 0
year The year (4 digits) of the date to display this effect on. You can leave it out or set to zero to ignore the year and it will just check month and date. If you want to use dates, then you must not set weatherCode or holiday.

Type: number
Default value: 0
holiday Will display the effect on the holiday found at https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/us/?hol=43122559. Simply copy the "Name" value from that table.

Type: string
Default value: null
images An array of image files to display at random for this effect. All files need to be in the "images" folder of the MMM-DynamicWeather module folder.

Type: string[]
Default value: null
particleCount The number of particles to show for the effect. Higher counts may cause performance issues. If this is not set, it will use the particleCount from the general configuration.

Type: integer
Default value: null
maxSpeed The maximum speed, in seconds, for the effect's image to cross the screen. Closer to zero is faster. Each effect particle is randomized between maxSpeed and minSpeed.

Type: number
Default value: 100
minSpeed The minimum speed, in seconds, for the effect's image to cross the screen. Closer to zero is faster. Each effect particle is randomized between maxSpeed and minSpeed.

Type: number
Default value: 50
recurrence Display the effect repeatedly.
Yearly - Not a recurrence option, just leave year unset or zero.

Type: string
Default value: null
size The size factor to display the image; larger the number the larger the picture.

Type: number
Default value: 1
weatherCode The effect will be displayed whenever the current weather matches this code. You can find all valid codes here
This does not change the default weather effects, those will still be shown unless the specific weather condition is turned off.

Type: number
Default value: 0
weatherCodeMin Similar to weatherCode but will show the effect if the current weather code is greater or equal to this value.

Type: number
Default value: 0
weatherCodeMax Similar to weatherCode but will show the effect if the current weather code is less than or equal to this value.

Type: number
Default value: 0