Software zum Installieren eines Smart-Mirror Frameworks , zum Nutzen von hochschulrelevanten Informationen, auf einem Raspberry-Pi.
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.travis.yml 894B

  1. language: node_js
  2. node_js:
  3. - node
  4. - lts/*
  5. sudo: false
  6. cache:
  7. directories:
  8. - node_modules
  9. before_install:
  10. # Skip updating shrinkwrap / lock
  11. - "npm config set shrinkwrap false"
  12. # Setup Node.js version-specific dependencies
  13. # - "test $TRAVIS_NODE_VERSION != '0.8' || npm rm --save-dev istanbul"
  14. # - "test $(echo $TRAVIS_NODE_VERSION | cut -d. -f1) -ge 4 || npm rm --save-dev eslint eslint-plugin-markdown"
  15. # Update Node.js modules
  16. - "test ! -d node_modules || npm prune"
  17. - "test ! -d node_modules || npm rebuild"
  18. script:
  19. # Run test script, depending on istanbul install
  20. - "test ! -z $(npm -ps ls istanbul) || npm test"
  21. - "test -z $(npm -ps ls istanbul) || npm run-script test-travis"
  22. # - "test -z $(npm -ps ls eslint) || npm run-script lint"
  23. after_script:
  24. - "test -e ./coverage/ && npm install coveralls@2 && cat ./coverage/ | coveralls"