Software zum Installieren eines Smart-Mirror Frameworks , zum Nutzen von hochschulrelevanten Informationen, auf einem Raspberry-Pi.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

index.json 1.7KB

  1. {
  2. "AElig": "Æ",
  3. "AMP": "&",
  4. "Aacute": "Á",
  5. "Acirc": "Â",
  6. "Agrave": "À",
  7. "Aring": "Å",
  8. "Atilde": "Ã",
  9. "Auml": "Ä",
  10. "COPY": "©",
  11. "Ccedil": "Ç",
  12. "ETH": "Ð",
  13. "Eacute": "É",
  14. "Ecirc": "Ê",
  15. "Egrave": "È",
  16. "Euml": "Ë",
  17. "GT": ">",
  18. "Iacute": "Í",
  19. "Icirc": "Î",
  20. "Igrave": "Ì",
  21. "Iuml": "Ï",
  22. "LT": "<",
  23. "Ntilde": "Ñ",
  24. "Oacute": "Ó",
  25. "Ocirc": "Ô",
  26. "Ograve": "Ò",
  27. "Oslash": "Ø",
  28. "Otilde": "Õ",
  29. "Ouml": "Ö",
  30. "QUOT": "\"",
  31. "REG": "®",
  32. "THORN": "Þ",
  33. "Uacute": "Ú",
  34. "Ucirc": "Û",
  35. "Ugrave": "Ù",
  36. "Uuml": "Ü",
  37. "Yacute": "Ý",
  38. "aacute": "á",
  39. "acirc": "â",
  40. "acute": "´",
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  43. "amp": "&",
  44. "aring": "å",
  45. "atilde": "ã",
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  51. "copy": "©",
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  89. "quot": "\"",
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  100. "uacute": "ú",
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  104. "uuml": "ü",
  105. "yacute": "ý",
  106. "yen": "¥",
  107. "yuml": "ÿ"
  108. }