import numpy as np import cv2 import platform def calculate_pyramid_levels(vidWidth, vidHeight): ''' Calculates the maximal pyramid levels for the Laplacian pyramid :param vidWidth: video frames' width :param vidHeight: video frames' height ''' if vidWidth < vidHeight: levels = int(np.log2(vidWidth)) else: levels = int(np.log2(vidHeight)) return levels def rgb2yiq(video): ''' Converts the video color from RGB to YIQ (NTSC) :param video: RGB video sequence :return: YIQ-color video sequence ''' yiq_from_rgb = np.array([[0.299, 0.587, 0.114], [0.596, -0.274, -0.322], [0.211, -0.523, 0.312]]) t =, yiq_from_rgb.T) return t def yiq2rgb(video): ''' Converts the video color from YIQ (NTSC) to RGB :param video: YIQ-color video sequence :return: RGB video sequence ''' rgb_from_yiq = np.array([[1, 0.956, 0.621], [1, -0.272, -0.647], [1, -1.106, 1.703]]) t =, rgb_from_yiq.T) return t