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  1. """adodbapi -- a pure Python PEP 249 DB-API package using Microsoft ADO
  2. Adodbapi can be run on CPython 3.5 and later.
  3. or IronPython version 2.6 and later (in theory, possibly no longer in practice!)
  4. """
  5. CLASSIFIERS = """\
  6. Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
  7. Intended Audience :: Developers
  8. License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
  9. Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows
  10. Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux
  11. Programming Language :: Python
  12. Programming Language :: Python :: 3
  13. Programming Language :: SQL
  14. Topic :: Software Development
  15. Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
  16. Topic :: Database
  17. """
  18. NAME = "adodbapi"
  19. MAINTAINER = "Vernon Cole"
  22. """A pure Python package implementing PEP 249 DB-API using Microsoft ADO."""
  23. )
  24. URL = ""
  25. LICENSE = "LGPL"
  26. CLASSIFIERS = filter(None, CLASSIFIERS.split("\n"))
  27. AUTHOR = "Henrik Ekelund, Vernon Cole,"
  28. AUTHOR_EMAIL = ""
  29. PLATFORMS = ["Windows", "Linux"]
  30. VERSION = None # in case searching for version fails
  31. a = open("") # find the version string in the source code
  32. for line in a:
  33. if "__version__" in line:
  34. VERSION = line.split("'")[1]
  35. print('adodbapi version="%s"' % VERSION)
  36. break
  37. a.close()
  38. def setup_package():
  39. from distutils.command.build_py import build_py
  40. from distutils.core import setup
  41. setup(
  42. cmdclass={"build_py": build_py},
  43. name=NAME,
  44. maintainer=MAINTAINER,
  45. maintainer_email=MAINTAINER_EMAIL,
  46. description=DESCRIPTION,
  47. url=URL,
  48. keywords="database ado odbc dbapi db-api Microsoft SQL",
  49. ## download_url=DOWNLOAD_URL,
  50. long_description=open("README.txt").read(),
  51. license=LICENSE,
  52. classifiers=CLASSIFIERS,
  53. author=AUTHOR,
  54. author_email=AUTHOR_EMAIL,
  55. platforms=PLATFORMS,
  56. version=VERSION,
  57. package_dir={"adodbapi": ""},
  58. packages=["adodbapi"],
  59. )
  60. return
  61. if __name__ == "__main__":
  62. setup_package()