123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303 |
- """
- PolymorphicQuerySet support functions
- """
- import copy
- from collections import deque
- from django.apps import apps
- from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
- from django.core.exceptions import FieldDoesNotExist, FieldError
- from django.db import models
- from django.db.models import Q
- from django.db.models.fields.related import ForeignObjectRel, RelatedField
- from django.db.utils import DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS
- # These functions implement the additional filter- and Q-object functionality.
- # They form a kind of small framework for easily adding more
- # functionality to filters and Q objects.
- # Probably a more general queryset enhancement class could be made out of them.
- from polymorphic import compat
- ###################################################################################
- # PolymorphicQuerySet support functions
- def translate_polymorphic_filter_definitions_in_kwargs(
- queryset_model, kwargs, using=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS
- ):
- """
- Translate the keyword argument list for PolymorphicQuerySet.filter()
- Any kwargs with special polymorphic functionality are replaced in the kwargs
- dict with their vanilla django equivalents.
- For some kwargs a direct replacement is not possible, as a Q object is needed
- instead to implement the required functionality. In these cases the kwarg is
- deleted from the kwargs dict and a Q object is added to the return list.
- Modifies: kwargs dict
- Returns: a list of non-keyword-arguments (Q objects) to be added to the filter() query.
- """
- additional_args = []
- for field_path, val in kwargs.copy().items(): # Python 3 needs copy
- new_expr = _translate_polymorphic_filter_definition(
- queryset_model, field_path, val, using=using
- )
- if isinstance(new_expr, tuple):
- # replace kwargs element
- del kwargs[field_path]
- kwargs[new_expr[0]] = new_expr[1]
- elif isinstance(new_expr, models.Q):
- del kwargs[field_path]
- additional_args.append(new_expr)
- return additional_args
- def translate_polymorphic_Q_object(queryset_model, potential_q_object, using=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS):
- def tree_node_correct_field_specs(my_model, node):
- "process all children of this Q node"
- for i in range(len(node.children)):
- child = node.children[i]
- if isinstance(child, (tuple, list)):
- # this Q object child is a tuple => a kwarg like Q( instance_of=ModelB )
- key, val = child
- new_expr = _translate_polymorphic_filter_definition(
- my_model, key, val, using=using
- )
- if new_expr:
- node.children[i] = new_expr
- else:
- # this Q object child is another Q object, recursively process this as well
- tree_node_correct_field_specs(my_model, child)
- if isinstance(potential_q_object, models.Q):
- tree_node_correct_field_specs(queryset_model, potential_q_object)
- return potential_q_object
- def translate_polymorphic_filter_definitions_in_args(queryset_model, args, using=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS):
- """
- Translate the non-keyword argument list for PolymorphicQuerySet.filter()
- In the args list, we return all kwargs to Q-objects that contain special
- polymorphic functionality with their vanilla django equivalents.
- We traverse the Q object tree for this (which is simple).
- Returns: modified Q objects
- """
- return [
- translate_polymorphic_Q_object(queryset_model, copy.deepcopy(q), using=using) for q in args
- ]
- def _translate_polymorphic_filter_definition(
- queryset_model, field_path, field_val, using=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS
- ):
- """
- Translate a keyword argument (field_path=field_val), as used for
- PolymorphicQuerySet.filter()-like functions (and Q objects).
- A kwarg with special polymorphic functionality is translated into
- its vanilla django equivalent, which is returned, either as tuple
- (field_path, field_val) or as Q object.
- Returns: kwarg tuple or Q object or None (if no change is required)
- """
- # handle instance_of expressions or alternatively,
- # if this is a normal Django filter expression, return None
- if field_path == "instance_of":
- return create_instanceof_q(field_val, using=using)
- elif field_path == "not_instance_of":
- return create_instanceof_q(field_val, not_instance_of=True, using=using)
- elif "___" not in field_path:
- return None # no change
- # filter expression contains '___' (i.e. filter for polymorphic field)
- # => get the model class specified in the filter expression
- newpath = translate_polymorphic_field_path(queryset_model, field_path)
- return (newpath, field_val)
- def translate_polymorphic_field_path(queryset_model, field_path):
- """
- Translate a field path from a keyword argument, as used for
- PolymorphicQuerySet.filter()-like functions (and Q objects).
- Supports leading '-' (for order_by args).
- E.g.: if queryset_model is ModelA, then "ModelC___field3" is translated
- into modela__modelb__modelc__field3.
- Returns: translated path (unchanged, if no translation needed)
- """
- if not isinstance(field_path, str):
- raise ValueError(f"Expected field name as string: {field_path}")
- classname, sep, pure_field_path = field_path.partition("___")
- if not sep:
- return field_path
- assert classname, "PolymorphicModel: %s: bad field specification" % field_path
- negated = False
- if classname[0] == "-":
- negated = True
- classname = classname.lstrip("-")
- if "__" in classname:
- # the user has app label prepended to class name via __ => use Django's get_model function
- appname, sep, classname = classname.partition("__")
- model = apps.get_model(appname, classname)
- assert model, "PolymorphicModel: model {} (in app {}) not found!".format(
- model.__name__,
- appname,
- )
- if not issubclass(model, queryset_model):
- e = (
- 'PolymorphicModel: queryset filter error: "'
- + model.__name__
- + '" is not derived from "'
- + queryset_model.__name__
- + '"'
- )
- raise AssertionError(e)
- else:
- # the user has only given us the class name via ___
- # => select the model from the sub models of the queryset base model
- # Test whether it's actually a regular relation__ _fieldname (the field starting with an _)
- # so no tripple ClassName___field was intended.
- try:
- # This also retreives M2M relations now (including reverse foreign key relations)
- field = queryset_model._meta.get_field(classname)
- if isinstance(field, (RelatedField, ForeignObjectRel)):
- # Can also test whether the field exists in the related object to avoid ambiguity between
- # class names and field names, but that never happens when your class names are in CamelCase.
- return field_path # No exception raised, field does exist.
- except FieldDoesNotExist:
- pass
- submodels = _get_all_sub_models(queryset_model)
- model = submodels.get(classname, None)
- assert model, "PolymorphicModel: model {} not found (not a subclass of {})!".format(
- classname,
- queryset_model.__name__,
- )
- basepath = _create_base_path(queryset_model, model)
- if negated:
- newpath = "-"
- else:
- newpath = ""
- newpath += basepath
- if basepath:
- newpath += "__"
- newpath += pure_field_path
- return newpath
- def _get_all_sub_models(base_model):
- """#Collect all sub-models, this should be optimized (cached)"""
- result = {}
- queue = deque([base_model])
- while queue:
- model = queue.popleft()
- if issubclass(model, models.Model) and model != models.Model:
- # model name is occurring twice in submodel inheritance tree => Error
- if model.__name__ in result and model != result[model.__name__]:
- raise FieldError(
- "PolymorphicModel: model name alone is ambiguous: %s.%s and %s.%s match!\n"
- "In this case, please use the syntax: applabel__ModelName___field"
- % (
- model._meta.app_label,
- model.__name__,
- result[model.__name__]._meta.app_label,
- result[model.__name__].__name__,
- )
- )
- result[model.__name__] = model
- queue.extend(model.__subclasses__())
- return result
- def _create_base_path(baseclass, myclass):
- # create new field path for expressions, e.g. for baseclass=ModelA, myclass=ModelC
- # 'modelb__modelc" is returned
- for b in myclass.__bases__:
- if b == baseclass:
- return _get_query_related_name(myclass)
- path = _create_base_path(baseclass, b)
- if path:
- if b._meta.abstract or b._meta.proxy:
- return _get_query_related_name(myclass)
- else:
- return path + "__" + _get_query_related_name(myclass)
- return ""
- def _get_query_related_name(myclass):
- for f in myclass._meta.local_fields:
- if isinstance(f, models.OneToOneField) and f.remote_field.parent_link:
- return f.related_query_name()
- # Fallback to undetected name,
- # this happens on proxy models (e.g. SubclassSelectorProxyModel)
- return myclass.__name__.lower()
- def create_instanceof_q(modellist, not_instance_of=False, using=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS):
- """
- Helper function for instance_of / not_instance_of
- Creates and returns a Q object that filters for the models in modellist,
- including all subclasses of these models (as we want to do the same
- as pythons isinstance() ).
- .
- We recursively collect all __subclasses__(), create a Q filter for each,
- and or-combine these Q objects. This could be done much more
- efficiently however (regarding the resulting sql), should an optimization
- be needed.
- """
- if not modellist:
- return None
- if not isinstance(modellist, (list, tuple)):
- from .models import PolymorphicModel
- if issubclass(modellist, PolymorphicModel):
- modellist = [modellist]
- else:
- raise TypeError(
- "PolymorphicModel: instance_of expects a list of (polymorphic) "
- "models or a single (polymorphic) model"
- )
- contenttype_ids = _get_mro_content_type_ids(modellist, using)
- q = Q(polymorphic_ctype__in=sorted(contenttype_ids))
- if not_instance_of:
- q = ~q
- return q
- def _get_mro_content_type_ids(models, using):
- contenttype_ids = set()
- for model in models:
- ct = ContentType.objects.db_manager(using).get_for_model(model, for_concrete_model=False)
- contenttype_ids.add(ct.pk)
- subclasses = model.__subclasses__()
- if subclasses:
- contenttype_ids.update(_get_mro_content_type_ids(subclasses, using))
- return contenttype_ids